import { el } from "deka-dom-el"; import { mnemonicUl } from "../mnemonicUl.html.js"; export function mnemonic(){ return mnemonicUl().append( el("li").append( el("code", "assign(, ...): "), " — assign properties (prefered, or attributes) to the element", ), el("li").append( el("code", "el(, )[.append(...)]: "), " — simple element containing only text", ), el("li").append( el("code", "el(, )[.append(...)]: "), " — element with more properties (prefered, or attributes)", ), el("li").append( el("code", "el(, )[.append(...)]: "), " — using component represented by function (must accept object like for )", ), el("li").append( el("code", "el(<...>, <...>, ...)"), " — see following section of documentation", ), el("li").append( el("code", "elNS()()[.append(...)]: "), " — typically SVG elements", ) ); }