import { T, t } from "./utils/index.js"; export const info= { title: t`Elements`, description: t`Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations.`, }; import { el } from "deka-dom-el"; import { simplePage } from "./layout/simplePage.html.js"; import { example } from "./components/example.html.js"; import { h3 } from "./components/pageUtils.html.js"; import { mnemonic } from "./components/mnemonic/elements-init.js"; import { code } from "./components/code.html.js"; /** @param {string} url */ const fileURL= url=> new URL(url, import.meta.url); const references= { /** document.createElement() */ mdn_create: { title: t`MDN documentation page for document.createElement()`, href: "", }, /** Interface Description Language (`el.textContent`) */ mdn_idl: { title: t`MDN page about Interface Description Language`, href: "", }, /** HTMLElement */ mdn_el: { title: t`MDN documentation page for HTMLElement`, href: "" }, /** HTMLParagraphElement */ mdn_p: { title: t`MDN documentation page for HTMLParagraphElement (\`p\` tag)`, href: "" }, /** `[a, b] = [1, 2]` */ mdn_destruct: { title: t`MDN page about destructuring assignment syntax (e.g. \`[a, b] = [1, 2]\`)`, href: "", }, /** document.createElementNS() */ mdn_ns: { title: t`MDN documentation page for document.createElementNS() (e.g. for SVG elements)`, href: "", } }; /** @param {import("./types.d.ts").PageAttrs} attrs */ export function page({ pkg, info }){ const page_id=; return el(simplePage, { info, pkg }).append( el("h2", t`Native JavaScript DOM elements creations`), el("p", t` Let’s go through all patterns we would like to use and what needs to be improved for better experience. `), el(code, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/intro.js"), page_id }), el(h3, t`Creating element(s) (with custom attributes)`), el("p").append(...T` You can create a native DOM element by using the ${el("a", references.mdn_create).append( el("code", "document.createElement()") )}. It is also possible to provide a some attribute(s) declaratively using ${el("code", "Object.assign()")}. More precisely, this way you can sets some ${el("a", references.mdn_idl).append( el("abbr", { textContent: "IDL", title: "Interface Description Language" }))} also known as a JavaScript property. `), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/nativeCreateElement.js"), page_id }), el("p").append(...T` To make this easier, you can use the ${el("code", "el")} function. Internally in basic examples, it is wrapper around ${el("code", "assign(document.createElement(…), { … })")}. `), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/dekaCreateElement.js"), page_id }), el("p").append(...T` The ${el("code", "assign")} function provides improved behaviour of ${el("code", "Object.assign()")}. You can declaratively sets any IDL and attribute of the given element. Function prefers IDL and fallback to the ${el("code", "element.setAttribute")} if there is no writable property in the element prototype. `), el("p").append(...T` You can study all JavaScript elements interfaces to the corresponding HTML elements. All HTML elements inherits from ${el("a", { textContent: "HTMLElement", ...references.mdn_el })}. To see all available IDLs for example for paragraphs, see ${el("a", { textContent: "HTMLParagraphElement", ...references.mdn_p })}. Moreover, the ${el("code", "assign")} provides a way to sets declaratively some convenient properties: `), el("ul").append( el("li").append(...T` It is possible to sets ${el("code", "data-*")}/${el("code", "aria-*")} attributes using object notation. `), el("li").append(...T` In opposite, it is also possible to sets ${el("code", "data-*")}/${el("code", "aria-*")} attribute using camelCase notation. `), el("li").append(...T`You can use string or object as a value for ${el("code", "style")} property.`), el("li").append(...T` ${el("code", "className")} (IDL – preffered)/${el("code", "class")} are ways to add CSS classes to the element. You can use string (similarly to ${el("code", "class=\"…\"")} syntax in HTML). `), el("li").append(...T` Use ${el("code", "classList")} to toggle specific classes. This will be handy later when the reactivity via signals is beeing introduced. `), el("li").append(...T` The ${el("code", "assign")} also accepts the ${el("code", "undefined")} as a value for any property to remove it from the element declaratively. Also for some IDL the corresponding attribute is removed as it can be confusing. ${el("em").append(...T`For example, natievly the element’s ${el("code", "id")} is removed by setting the IDL to an empty string.`)} `), el("li").append(...T` You can use ${el("code", "=")} or ${el("code", ".")} to force processing given key as attribute/property of the element. `) ), el("p").append(...T` For processing, the ${el("code", "assign")} internally uses ${el("code", "assignAttribute")} and ${el("code", "classListDeclarative")}. `), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/dekaAssign.js"), page_id }), el(h3, t`Native JavaScript templating`), el("p", t`By default, the native JS has no good way to define HTML template using DOM API:`), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/nativeAppend.js"), page_id }), el("p").append(...T` This library therefore overwrites the ${el("code", "append")} method of created elements to always return parent element. `), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/dekaAppend.js"), page_id }), el(h3, t`Basic (state-less) components`), el("p").append(...T` You can use functions for encapsulation (repeating) logic. The ${el("code", "el")} accepts function as first argument. In that case, the function should return dom elements and the second argument for ${el("code", "el")} is argument for given element. `), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/dekaBasicComponent.js"), page_id }), el("p").append(...T` As you can see, in case of state-less/basic components there is no difference between calling component function directly or using ${el("code", "el")} function. `), el("p", { className: "notice" }).append(...T` It is nice to use similar naming convention as native DOM API. This allows us to use ${el("a", { textContent: t`the destructuring assignment syntax`, ...references.mdn_destruct })} and keep track of the native API (things are best remembered through regular use). `), el(h3, t`Creating non-HTML elements`), el("p").append(...T` Similarly to the native DOM API (${el("a", references.mdn_ns).append(el("code", "document.createElementNS"))}) for non-HTML elements we need to tell JavaScript which kind of the element to create. We can use the ${el("code", "elNS")} function: `), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/elements/dekaElNS.js"), page_id }), el(mnemonic) ); }