**WIP** (the experimentation phase) | [source code on Gitea](https://gitea.jaandrle.cz/jaandrle/deka-dom-el) | [*mirrored* on GitHub](https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el) # Deka DOM Elements This is reimplementation of [jaandrle/dollar_dom_component: Functional DOM components without JSX and virtual DOM.](https://github.com/jaandrle/dollar_dom_component). The goal is to be even more close to the native JavaScript. # Native JavaScript DOM elements creations Let’s go through all patterns we would like to use and what needs to be improved for better experience. ## Creating element and DOM templates natively ```js document.body.append( document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("span"), document.createElement("main") ); //=> HTML output:
const template= document.createElement("main").append( document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("span"), ); //=> ★:: typeof template==="undefined" ``` **Pitfalls**: - there is lots of text - `.append` methdo returns `void`⇒ it cannot be chained (see ★) ## Set properties of created element ```js const element= Object.assign(document.createElement("p"), { className: "red", textContent: "paragraph" }); document.body.append(element); //=> HTML output:


``` **Pitfalls**: - there is lots of text - `Object.assign` isn’t ideal as it can set only (some) [IDL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/IDL) # Events and dynamic parts ```js const input= document.createElement("input"); const output= document.createElement("output"); input.addEventListener("change", function(event){ output.value= event.target.value; }); document.body.append( output, input ); //=> HTML output: ``` **Pitfalls**: - there is lots of text - very hard to organize code # Helpers and modifications Now, let's introduce library helpers and modifications. ## `.append` The `.append` is owerwrote to always returns element. This seem to be the best way to do it as it is very hard to create Proxy around `HTMLElement`, …. ```js document.body.append( document.createElement("main").append( document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("span"), ) ); //=> HTML output:
``` ## `el` and `assign` functions ```js const element= assign(document.createElement("a"), { className: "red", dataTest: "test", href: "www.seznam.cz", textContent: "Link", style: { color: "blue" } }); document.body.append(element); assign(element, { style: undefined }); //=> HTML output: Link ``` …but for elements/template creations `el` is even better: ```js document.body.append( el("div").append( el("p").append( el("#text", { textContent: "Link: " }), el("a", { href: "www.seznam.cz", textContent: "example", }) ) ) ); ``` ## Events and signals for reactivity *investigation*: ```js const value= S(""); document.body.append( el("span", { style: { fontWeight: "bold" }, textContent: value }), el("input", { type: "text" }, listen("change", event=> value(event.target.value))) ); ```