/* PSEUDO-CODE!!! */ import { el, on, scope } from "deka-dom-el"; function component(){ const ul= el("ul"); const ac= new AbortController(); fetchAPI({ signal: ac.signal }).then(data=> { data.forEach(d=> ul.append(el("li", d))); }); scope.host( /* element was remove before data fetched */ on.disconnected(()=> ac.abort()) ); return ul; /** * NEVER EVER!! * let data; * fetchAPI().then(d=> data= O(d)); * * OR NEVER EVER!! * const ul= el("ul"); * fetchAPI().then(d=> { * const data= O("data"); * ul.append(el("li", data)); * }); * * // THE HOST IS PROBABLY DIFFERENT THAN * // YOU EXPECT AND OBSERVABLES MAY BE * // UNEXPECTEDLY REMOVED!!! * */ }