import { el } from "deka-dom-el"; import { styles, common } from "./index.css.js"; import { example, css as example_css } from "./components/example.html.js"; export const css= styles() .include(common) .css` .note{ font-size: .9rem; font-style: italic; } ` .include(example_css); import { header } from "./layout/head.html.js"; /** @param {import("./types.d.ts").PageAttrs} attrs */ export function page({ pkg, info, path_target, pages, registerClientFile }){ const page_id=; return el().append( el(header, { info, pkg, path_target, pages }), el("main").append( el("p", "The library tries to provide pure JavaScript tool(s) to create reactive interfaces. "), el("p", "The main goals are:"), el("ul").append( el("li", "provide a small wrappers/utilities around the native JavaScript DOM"), el("li", "keep library size around 10kB at maximum (if possible)"), el("li", "zero dependencies (if possible)"), el("li", "prefer a declarative/functional approach"), el("li", "unopinionated (allow alternative methods)"), ), el("p", { className: "note" }).append( "It is, in fact, an reimplementation of ", el("a", { href: "", title: "GitHub repository of library. Motto: Functional DOM components without JSX and virtual DOM.", textContent: "jaandrle/dollar_dom_component" }), ".", ), el(example, { src: new URL("./components/examples/helloWorld.js", import.meta.url), page_id, registerClientFile }), ) ); }