import { simplePage } from "./layout/simplePage.html.js"; import { el } from "deka-dom-el"; import { example } from "./components/example.html.js"; import { h3 } from "./components/pageUtils.html.js"; import { mnemonicUl } from "./components/mnemonicUl.html.js"; import { code } from "./components/code.html.js"; /** @param {string} url */ const fileURL= url=> new URL(url, import.meta.url); /** @param {import("./types.d.ts").PageAttrs} attrs */ export function page({ pkg, info }){ const page_id=; return el(simplePage, { info, pkg }).append( el("h2", "Listenning to the native DOM events and other Addons"), el("p").append( "We quickly introduce helper to listening to the native DOM events.", " ", "And library syntax/pattern so-called ", el("em", "Addon"), " to", " incorporate not only this in UI templates declaratively." ), el(code, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/events/intro.js"), page_id }), el(h3, "Events and listenners"), el("p").append( "In JavaScript you can listen to the native DOM events of the given element by using ", el("a", { href: "", title: "addEventListener on MDN" }).append( el("code", "element.addEventListener(type, listener, options)") ), ".", " ", "The library provides an alternative (", el("code", "on"), ") accepting the differen order", " of the arguments:" ), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/events/compare.js"), page_id }), el("p").append( "…this is actually one of the two differences. The another one is that ", el("code", "on"), " accepts only object as the ", el("code", "options"), " (but it is still optional)." ), el("p", { className: "notice" }).append( "The other difference is that there is ", el("strong", "no"), " ", el("code", "off"), " function.", " ", "You can remove listener declaratively using ", el("a", { textContent: "AbortSignal", href: "", title: "part of addEventListener on MDN" }), ":" ), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/events/abortSignal.js"), page_id }), el("div", { className: "notice" }).append( el("p", "So, there are (typically) three ways to handle events. You can use:"), el("ul").append( el("li").append( el("code", `el("button", { textContent: "click me", "=onclick": "console.log(event)" })`)), el("li").append( el("code", `el("button", { textContent: "click me", onclick: console.log })`)), el("li").append( el("code", `el("button", { textContent: "click me" }, on("click", console.log))`)) ), el("p").append( "In the first example we force to use HTML attribute (it corresponds to ", el("code", ``), ").", " ", el("em", "Side note: this can be useful in case of SSR."), " ", "To study difference, you can read a nice summary here: ", el("a", { href: "", textContent: "GIST @WebReflection/" }), "." ) ), el(h3, "Addons"), el("p").append( "From practical point of view, ", el("em", "Addons"), " are just functions that accept any html element", " as their first parameter. You can see that the ", el("code", "on(…)"), " fullfills this requirement." ), el("p").append( "You can use Addons as ≥3rd argument of ", el("code", "el"), " function. This way is possible to extends", " you templates by additional (3rd party) functionalities. But for now mainly, you can add events listeners:" ), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/events/templateWithListeners.js"), page_id }), el("p").append( "As the example shows, you can also provide types in JSDoc+TypeScript by using global type ", el("code", "ddeElementAddon"), ".", " ", "Also notice, you can use Addons to get element reference.", ), el(h3, "Life-cycle events"), el("p").append( "Addons are called immediately when the element is created, even it is not connected to live DOM yet.", " ", "Therefore, you can understand the Addon to be “oncreate” event." ), el("p").append( "The library provide three additional live-cycle events corresponding to how they are named in", " a case of custom elements: ", el("code", "on.connected"), ", ", el("code", "on.disconnected"), " and ", el("code", "on.attributeChanged"), "." ), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/events/live-cycle.js"), page_id }), el("p").append( "For Custom elements, we will later introduce a way to replace ", el("code", "*Callback"), " syntax with ", el("code", "dde:*"), " events. The ", el("code", "on.*"), " functions then", " listen to the appropriate Custom Elements events (see ", el("a", { textContent: "Custom element lifecycle callbacks | MDN", href: "" }), ")." ), el("p").append( "But, in case of regular elemnets the ", el("a", { href: "" }).append(el("code", "MutationObserver"), " | MDN"), " is internaly used to track these events. Therefore, there are some drawbacks:", ), el("ul").append( el("li").append( "To proper listener registration, you need to use ", el("code", "on.*"), " not `on(\"dde:*\", …)`!" ), el("li").append( "Use sparingly! Internally, library must loop of all registered events and fires event properly.", " ", el("strong", "It is good practice to use the fact that if an element is removed, its children are also removed!"), " ", "In this spirit, we will introduce later the ", el("strong", "host"), " syntax to register", " clean up procedures when the component is removed from the app." ), ), el(h3, "Final notes"), el("p", "The library also provides a method to dispatch the events."), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/events/compareDispatch.js"), page_id }), el(mnemonicUl).append( el("li").append( el("code", "on(, [, ])()"), " — just ", el("code", ".addEventListener(, [, ])") ), el("li").append( el("code", "on.(, [, ])()"), " — corresponds to custom elemnets callbacks ", el("code", "Callback(...){...}"), ". To connect to custom element see following page, else it is simulated by MutationObserver." ), el("li").append( el("code", "dispatchEvent([, ])(element)"), " — just ", el("code", ".dispatchEvent(new Event([, ]))") ), el("li").append( el("code", "dispatchEvent([, ])(element, detail)"), " — just ", el("code", ".dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(, { detail, ... }))") ), ), ); }