#!/usr/bin/env -S npx nodejsscript import { bundle as bundleDTS } from "dts-bundler"; const files= [ "index", "index-with-signals" ]; const filesOut= (file, mark= "esm")=> "dist/"+file.replace("index", mark); $.api("", true) .option("--minify", "Level of minification [ full (default), partial ]") .action(function main({ minify= "full" }){ for(const file_root of files){ const file= file_root+".js"; const out= filesOut(file); s.run([ "npx esbuild '::file::'", "--platform=neutral", "--bundle", minify==="full" ? "--minify" : "--minify-syntax --minify-identifiers", "--legal-comments=inline", "--packages=external", "--outfile='::out::'" ].join(" "), { file, out }); pipe( f=> f.replace(/^ +/gm, m=> "\t".repeat(m.length/2)), f=> s.echo(f).to(out) )(s.cat(out)); const file_dts= file_root+".d.ts"; const file_dts_out= filesOut(file_dts); echo(` ${file_dts_out}`) s.echo(bundleDTS(file_dts)).to(file_dts_out); echo("⚡ Done"); toDDE(out, filesOut(file, "dde")); } $.exit(0); function toDDE(file, out){ const name= "dde"; echo(` ${out} (${file} → globalThis.${name})`); let content= s.cat(file).toString().split(/export ?{/); content.splice(1, 0, `\nglobalThis.${name}= {`); content[2]= content[2].replace(/,(?!\n)/g, ",\n").replace(/(? {", content.join(""), "})();" ].join("\n")).to(out); echo("⚡ Done"); } }) .parse();