`deka-dom-el` — Web Components

Using custom elements in combinantion with DDE

Using web components in combinantion with DDE

The DDE library allows for use within Web Components for dom-tree generation. However, in order to be able to use signals (possibly mapping to registered observedAttributes) and additional functionality is (unfortunately) required to use helpers provided by the library.

// use NPM or for example https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js import { customElementRender, customElementWithDDE, observedAttributes, } from "deka-dom-el"; /** @type {ddePublicElementTagNameMap} */ import { S } from "deka-dom-el/signals"; S.observedAttributes; // “internal” utils import { lifecyclesToEvents } from "deka-dom-el";

# Custom Elements Introduction

To start with, let’s see how to use native Custom Elements. As starting point please read Using Custom Elements on MDN. To sum up and for mnemonic see following code overview:

export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{ static tagName= "custom-element"; // just suggestion, we can use `el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName)` static observedAttributes= [ "custom-attribute" ]; constructor(){ super(); // nice place to prepare custom element } connectedCallback(){ // nice place to render custom element } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue){ // listen to attribute changes (see `observedAttributes`) } disconnectedCallback(){ // nice place to clean up } // for example, we can mirror get/set prop to attribute get customAttribute(){ return this.getAttribute("custom-attribute"); } set customAttribute(value){ this.setAttribute("custom-attribute", value); } } customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);

For more advanced use of Custom Elements, the summary Handy Custom Elements' Patterns may be useful. Especially pay attention to linking HTML attributes and defining setters/getters, this is very helpful to use in combination with the library (el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { customAttribute: "new-value" });).

Also see the Life Cycle Events sections, very similarly we would like to use DDE events. To do it, the library provides function customElementWithDDE

import { customElementWithDDE, el, on } from "./esm-with-signals.js"; export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{ static tagName= "custom-element"; connectedCallback(){ this.append( el("p", "Hello from custom element!") ); } } customElementWithDDE(HTMLCustomElement); customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement); const instance= el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName); on.connected( // preffered e=> console.log("Element connected to the DOM (v1):", e) )(instance); instance.addEventListener( "dde:connected", e=> console.log("Element connected to the DOM (v2):", e) ); document.body.append( instance, );

Custom Elements with DDE

The customElementWithDDE function is only (small) part of the inregration of the library. More important for coexistence is render component function as a body of the Custom Element.

import { customElementRender, customElementWithDDE, } from "./esm-with-signals.js"; export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{ static tagName= "custom-element"; static observedAttributes= [ "attr" ]; connectedCallback(){ customElementRender( this, this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }), ddeComponent ); } set attr(value){ this.setAttribute("attr", value); } get attr(){ return this.getAttribute("attr"); } } import { el, on, scope } from "./esm-with-signals.js"; function ddeComponent({ attr }){ scope.host( on.connected(e=> console.log(e.target.outerHTML)), ); return el().append( el("p", `Hello from Custom Element with attribute '${attr}'`) ) } customElementWithDDE(HTMLCustomElement); customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement); document.body.append( el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { attr: "Attribute" }) );

# Mnemonic