import { el } from "deka-dom-el"; import { mnemonicUl } from "../mnemonicUl.html.js"; export function mnemonic(){ return mnemonicUl().append( el("li").append( el("code", "customElementRender(, [, ])"), " — use function to render DOM structure for given custom element (or its Shadow DOM)", ), el("li").append( el("code", "customElementWithDDE()"), " — register to DDE library, see also `lifecyclesToEvents`, can be also used as decorator", ), el("li").append( el("code", "observedAttributes()"), " — returns record of observed attributes (keys uses camelCase)", ), el("li").append( el("code", "S.observedAttributes()"), " — returns record of observed attributes (keys uses camelCase and values are signals)", ), el("li").append( el("code", "lifecyclesToEvents()"), " — convert lifecycle methods to events, can be also used as decorator", ), el("li").append( el("code", "simulateSlots(, )"), " — simulate slots for Custom Elements without shadow DOM", ), el("li").append( el("code", "simulateSlots([, ])"), " — simulate slots for “dde”/functional components", ), ); }