import { t, T } from "./utils/index.js"; export const info= { href: "./", title: t`Introduction`, description: t`Introducing a library.`, }; import { el } from "deka-dom-el"; import { simplePage } from "./layout/simplePage.html.js"; import { h3 } from "./components/pageUtils.html.js"; import { example } from "./components/example.html.js"; import { code } from "./components/code.html.js"; /** @param {string} url */ const fileURL= url=> new URL(url, import.meta.url); const references= { w_mvv:{ title: t`Wikipedia: Model–view–viewmodel`, href: "", }, w_mvc: { title: t`Wikipedia: Model–view–controller`, href: "", }, }; /** @param {import("./types.d.ts").PageAttrs} attrs */ export function page({ pkg, info }){ const page_id=; return el(simplePage, { info, pkg }).append( el("p", t`The library tries to provide pure JavaScript tool(s) to create reactive interfaces using …`), el(h3, t`Event-driven programming (3 parts separation ≡ 3PS)`), el("p").append(t` Let's introduce the basic principle on which the library is built. We'll use the JavaScript listener as a starting point. `), el(code, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/introducing/3ps.js"), page_id }), el("p").append(...T` As we can see, in the code at location “A” we define ${el("em", t`how to react`)} when the function is called with any event as an argument. At that moment, we ${el("em", t`don’t care who/why/how`)} the function was called. Similarly, at point “B”, we reference to a function to be called on the event ${el("em", t`without caring`)} what the function will do at that time. Finally, at point “C”, we tell the application that a change has occurred, in the input, and we ${el("em", t`don't care if/how someone`)} is listening for the event. `), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/introducing/helloWorld.js"), page_id }), el("p").append(...T` The library introduces a new “type” of variable/constant called ${el("em", t`signal`)} allowing us to to use introduced 3PS pattern in our applications. As you can see it in the example above. `), el("p").append(...T` Also please notice that there is very similar 3PS pattern used for separate creation of UI and business logic. `), el("p").append(...T` The 3PS is very simplified definition of the pattern. There are more deep/academic definitions more precisely describe usage in specific situations, see for example ${el("a", { textContent: t`MVVM`, ...references.w_mvv })} or ${el("a", { textContent: t`MVC`, ...references.w_mvc })}. `), el(h3, t`Organization of the documentation`), ); }