import { simplePage } from "./layout/simplePage.html.js"; import { el } from "deka-dom-el"; import { example } from "./components/example.html.js"; import { h3 } from "./components/pageUtils.html.js"; import { mnemonic } from "./components/mnemonic/scopes-init.js"; import { code } from "./components/code.html.js"; /** @param {string} url */ const fileURL= url=> new URL(url, import.meta.url); /** @param {import("./types.d.ts").PageAttrs} attrs */ export function page({ pkg, info }){ const page_id=; return el(simplePage, { info, pkg }).append( el("h2", "Using functions as UI components"), el("p").append( "For state-less components we can use functions as UI components (see “Elements” page).", " But in real life, we may need to handle the component live-cycle and provide", " JavaScript the way to properly use the ", el("a", { textContent: "Garbage collection", href: "", title: "Garbage collection | MDN" }), "." ), el(code, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/scopes/intro.js"), page_id }), el("p").append( "The library therefore use ", el("em", "scopes"), " to provide these functionalities.", ), el(h3, "Scopes and hosts"), el("p").append( "The ", el("strong", "host"), " is the name for the element representing the component.", " This is typically element returned by function. To get reference, you can use ", el("code", ""), " to applly addons just use ", el("code", ""), "." ), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/scopes/scopes-and-hosts.js"), page_id }), el("p").append( "To better understanding we implement function ", el("code", "elClass"), " helping to create", " component as class instances." ), el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/scopes/class-component.js"), page_id }), el(mnemonic) ); }