#!/usr/bin/env nodejsscript /* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */ $.api("") .version("2024-09-05") .command("silicon ", [ "Generovat obrázek s kódem pro sdílení na sociálních sítích. (alternativa k Carbon)", "Toto je jen drobný wrapper s mými defaultními parametry.", "Další nápověda viz `silicon --help`.", ]) .option("--title", "Set window title (default: file name).") .option("--range", "Select lines from file in the form `start:end`") .option("--font-size, --fs", "Font size", 25) .action(function silicon(file, { title= file, range, fs, ["font-size"]: _fs, _, ...args }){ args= Object.assign({ theme: "OneHalfDark", font: `Ubuntu Mono =${fs}`, background: "#f06d78", ["shadow-blur-radius"]: 30, ["tab-width"]: 2 }, args); args= Object.keys(args).flatMap(key=> [ "--"+key, args[key] ]); let from= file; const index_ext= file.lastIndexOf("."); const output= !file ? "silicon.png" : file.slice(0, index_ext+1)+"png"; if(range && typeof range=== "string" && range.includes(":")){ from= $.xdg.temp`silicon-range${file.slice(index_ext)}`; const content= s.$().cat(file).toString().split(/\r?\n/).slice(...range.split(":").map(n=> parseInt(n)+1)); s.echo(content.join("\n")).to(from); } s.run`silicon ${from} --output ${output} --window-title ${title} ${args}`; echo(`Generated ${output}`); if(from!== file) s.rm(from); $.exit(0); }) .command("textInImage [file]", "Generovat obrázek s textem pro sdílení na sociálních sítích.") .alias("tii") .option("--pointsize", "Text size", "62") .option("--gravity", "`convert -list gravity`", "Center") .option("--text", "Text") .action(textInImage) .command("textSplit ", "Rozdělit text dle zadaného limitu.") .alias("ts") .option("--limit", "Počet znaků kde text rozdělovat.", 500) .option("--counter", "Prepend counter, set no. of chars of counter.", 5) .option("--text", "Text") .action(textSplit) .parse(); function textSplit(file, { limit, counter, text }){ limit= parseInt(limit) - parseInt(counter); const words= getText(file, text).split(" "); let buffer= [], i= -1, chars= limit; for(const word of words){ const { length }= word; if((chars+length) < limit){ chars+= ( is_empty ? 0 : 1 ) + length; buffer[i].end= i; continue; } chars= 0; i+= 1; buffer[i]= { start: i }; } const { length }= buffer; echo(buffer.map(function({ start, end }, i){ return (i+1)+"/"+length+" "+words.slice(start, end).join(" "); }).join("\n============\n")); $.exit(0); } function textInImage(file, { text, gravity, pointsize }){ text= getText(file, text); const output= !file ? "textInImage.png" : (({ pathname: p })=> p.slice(1, p.lastIndexOf(".")+1)+"png")(new URL(file, "file://")); if(s.test("-f", output)) s.rm(output); const round_corners= [ //https://9to5answer.com/rounding-corners-of-pictures-with-imagemagick "\\(", "+clone -alpha extract", "-draw 'fill black polygon 0,0 0,15 15,0 fill white circle 15,15 15,0'", "\\( +clone -flip \\) -compose Multiply -composite", "\\( +clone -flop \\) -compose Multiply -composite", "\\) -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite", ].join(" "); s.run([ "convert", "\\(", "-size ::size::", "-pointsize ::pointsize::", "-fill ::fill:: -background ::background::", "-gravity ::gravity::", "-family ::family:: -weight Bold", "-bordercolor ::background:: -border 5%", "caption:::text::", "\\)", round_corners, "::output::" ].join(" "), { fill: "whitesmoke", background: "#2b2b2b", size: "1024x512", family: "Ubuntu Mono", output, text, gravity, pointsize }); $.exit(0); } function getText(file, text){ if(file && s.test("-f", file)) return s.cat(file).toString(); if(!text) return $.stdin.text().trim(); return text; }