# Make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1) [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)" alias gitdotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir="$HOME/.dotfiles/" --work-tree="$HOME"' # enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases alias ls='ls -pQFh --group-directories-first' if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)" alias ls='ls --color=auto -pQFh --group-directories-first' alias dir='dir --color=auto' alias vdir='vdir --color=auto' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' alias diff='diff --color=auto' fi alias §rm='rm -vi' alias §cp='cp -vi' alias §mv='mv -vi' alias §df='df -Th' §du(){ [[ "$1" == '--help' ]] && echo "§du; §du '../*'" && return 0 du -h -x -s -- ${1:-*} | sort -r -h; } alias §xclip-copy='xclip -selection clipboard' alias §xclip-paste='xclip -o -selection clipboard' CROSS_SESSION="$BASH_DOTFILES/.bash_cross_session" [ -f "$CROSS_SESSION" ] && . "$CROSS_SESSION" crossSession() { if [[ '--help' == "${1:---help}" ]]; then echo 'crossSession [--help]' echo ' Print this help.' echo 'crossSession [--list]' echo ' Lists all cross session variables or print this help.' echo 'crossSession []' echo ' Sets cross session variable to (or empty for unset).' return 0 fi if [[ '--list' == "$1" ]]; then cat "$CROSS_SESSION" return 0 fi local name="$1" local value="$2" # Check if the variable already exists in the file if grep -q "^export $name=" "$CROSS_SESSION"; then if [ -z "$value" ]; then # If new value is empty, remove the variable from the file sed -i "/^export $name=/d" "$CROSS_SESSION" else # If it exists, replace the old value with the new value sed -i "s|^export $name=.*|export $name=\"$value\"|" "$CROSS_SESSION" fi else if [ -n "$value" ]; then # If it doesn't exist and new value is not empty, append the new variable to the file echo "export $name=\"$value\"" >> "$CROSS_SESSION" fi fi } cd(){ builtin cd "$@" && crossSession 'OLDPWD' "$(pwd)"; } history_clean(){ awk '!seen[$0]++ {print $0}' $HOME/.bash_history; } history_edit(){ vim $HOME/.bash_history; } history_cat(){ LC_ALL=C cat ~/.bash_history; } history_most_used(){ LC_ALL=C cat ~/.bash_history | cut -d ';' -f 2- | §awk 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -n | head -n ${1-10}; } §(){ [[ -z "$1" ]] && clear && return 0 echo "$ [--help]= clear or [print this text]" alias | grep "alias §" --color=never declare -F | grep 'declare -f §' --color=never ls ~/bin | grep -P "^§" | sed 's/^§/~\/bin\/ §/' } alias §less='less -R -S' m(){ if [[ '-d' == "$1" ]]; then unset "m$2" crossSession "m$2" return 0 fi if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then printenv | grep -e '^m' return 0 fi if [[ "--help" == "$1" ]]; then echo 'm [--help]' echo ' Lists all marks or print this help.' echo 'm -d ' echo ' Deletes mark . Unsets variable and cross session variable.' echo 'm [path]' echo ' Sets mark to current directory or [path].' echo ' The mark is just a bash variable, use `$m`.' return 0 fi local n="m$1" [[ -z "${!n}" ]] || return 1 [[ -z "$2" ]] && local p="$(pwd)" || local p="$(readlink -f $2)" crossSession "$n" "$p" export $n="$p" } alias cd-vifm='cd `vifm --choose-dir -`' mkcd(){ mkdir -p -- "$1" && cd -P -- "$1"; } alias gcalendar-dovolené='gcalendar --account "práce" --calendar "Dovolené"' alias gcalendar-události='gcalendar --account "default" --calendar "Události"' alias §find.='find . -maxdepth 1' alias pdftk='java -jar $HOME/bin/pdftk-all.jar' bw-session(){ bw logout # login=`kwallet-query kdewallet -f accounts -r Bitwarden 2> /dev/null` login=$(§kwallet.mjs --wallet kdewallet readPassword accounts bw-json) export BW_CLIENTSECRET=`echo "$login" | jq -r .secret` export BW_CLIENTID=`echo "$login" | jq -r .id` bw login --apikey --raw export BW_SESSION=`bw unlock --raw $(echo "$login" | jq -r .pass)` && echo "Bitwarden session ON" || echo "Bitwarden session FAILED" unset BW_CLIENTSECRET unset BW_CLIENTID } alias §psmem_all='ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem' alias §psmem='§psmem_all | head -n 10' alias §pscpu_all='ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu' alias §pscpu='§pscpu_all | head -n 10' alias §psnet_all='lsof -P -i -n' alias §ck-grep='cat /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose ~/.XCompose | grep -i' §ping-test(){ # Pings ip address of noip.com and www.google.com. ping -c 1 -q | grep --color=never -A 1 -i '\---' ping -c 1 -q www.google.com | grep --color=never -A 1 -i '\---' } §whoami(){ [[ "$1" == '--help' ]] && echo '§whoami; §whoami --ip' && return 0 local ip=$(curl -s ifconfig.me) [[ "$1" == '--ip' ]] && echo "$ip" && return 0 local L=" %s\n" printf "\n" printf "$L" "USER: $(echo $USER)" printf "$L" "IP ADDR: $ip" printf "$L" "HOSTNAME: $(hostname -f)" printf "$L" "KERNEL: $(uname -rms)" printf "\n" } §cmdfu(){ curl "https://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/matching/$@/$(echo -n $@ | openssl base64)/plaintext"; } aai(){ [[ "$1" == '--help' ]] && ai ask --help && return 0; echo "ai ask \"$*, thanks for your help\""; ai ask "\"$*, thanks for your help\""; } alias npx-wca='npx -y web-component-analyzer' alias npx-qnm='npx -y qnm' alias npx-hint='npx -y hint' alias npx-markdown='nohup npx markserv' alias fzf=fzf-carroarmato0.fzf alias smerge='/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=sublime_merge --file-forwarding com.sublimemerge.App @@u %u @@' kommit(){ command kommit $* > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown; } §url-curl(){ curl --silent -I "$1" | grep -i location; } alias bathelp='batcat --plain --language=help' rpg(){ rpg-cli "$@" if ( [[ "$1" == "cd" ]] || [[ "$1" == "ls" ]] ); then [[ "$2" == "" ]] && $1 . && return 0 [[ "$2" == ".." ]] && $1 .. && return 0 [[ "-1" != "$(nodejsscript --print "s.ls().findIndex(e=> e==='$2'.replace(/\/$/, ''))")" ]] && $1 "$2" && return 0 fi return 0 # [[ "$(rpg-cli pwd)" == "$(pwd)" ]] && return 0 # cd "$(rpg-cli pwd)" } rpg-dungeon(){ current=$(basename $PWD) number_re='^[0-9]+$' if [[ $current =~ $number_re ]]; then next=$(($current + 1)) command mkdir -p $next && cd $next && rpg ls elif [[ -d 1 ]] ; then cd 1 && rpg ls else command mkdir -p dungeon/1 && cd dungeon/1 && rpg ls fi } # alias adb-device='adb devices | tail -n +2 | head -n 1 | §awk 1' # make-completion-wrapper, see https://gdhnotes.blogspot.com/2014/02/alias-bash-completion.html