""" VIM config file | Jan Andrle | 2025-01-08 (VIM >=9.1 AppImage) "" #region B – Base scriptencoding utf-8 | set encoding=utf-8 set pythonthreedll=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.12.so.1.0 let $BASH_ENV = "~/.bashrc" set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/* packadd! matchit packadd! cfilter let g:ft_man_folding_enable = 1 runtime! ftplugin/man.vim " set hidden set title colorscheme codedark set updatetime=300 lazyredraw ttyfast " Having longer updatetime (default is 4s) leads to noticeable delays and poor user experience. Also reduce redraw frequency and fast terminal typing set noerrorbells novisualbell set belloff=esc set confirm set guioptions-=T set shortmess-=i cabbrev %PWD% execute('pwd') cabbrev %CD% fnameescape(expand('%:p:h')) cabbrev %CS% mini_enhancement#selectedText() cabbrev %CW% expand('') let mapleader = "\\" " better for my keyboard, but maybe use `:help keymap`? nnoremap § @ nnoremap §§ @@ nnoremap ů ; nnoremap ; : nnoremap u U nnoremap U nnoremap ž nnoremap nnoremap " imap  cmap  if has("patch-8.1.0360") set diffopt+=algorithm:patience,indent-heuristic | endif set diffopt+=iwhite augroup vimrc_help autocmd! autocmd BufEnter *.txt if &buftype == 'help' | wincmd L | vertical resize 90 | endif augroup END """ #region BB – Build-in plugins " https://github.com/rbtnn/vim-gloaded/blob/master/plugin/gloaded.vim let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = 1 " :h pi_vimball … for plugin creators let g:vifm_replace_netrw= 1 | let g:loaded_netrw= 1 | let g:loaded_netrwPlugin= 1 " this line needs to be commented to let vim dowmload spelllangs!!! … see http://jdem.cz/fgyw25 """ #endregion BB "" #endregion B "" #region H – Helpers " TODO DEL command! -nargs=? CLscratch 10split | enew | setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe noswapfile nobuflisted | if !='' | execute 'normal "'..'p' | endif | nnoremap ;q :q cabbrev ALTR ALTredrawSyntax command! -nargs=0 \ ALTredrawSyntax edit | exec 'normal `"' | exec 'set ft='.&ft let g:quickfix_len= 0 function! QuickFixStatus() abort hi! link User1 StatusLine if !g:quickfix_len | return 'Ø' | endif if g:quickfix_len>0 | return g:quickfix_len | endif let type= &termguicolors ? 'gui' : 'cterm' execute 'hi! User1 '.type.'bg='.synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('StatusLine')), 'bg'). \' '.type.'fg='.synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('WarningMsg')), 'fg') return -g:quickfix_len endfunction function! s:QuickFixCmdPost() abort let q_len= len(getqflist()) let g:quickfix_len= q_len ? -q_len : len(getloclist(0)) endfunction augroup quickfix autocmd! autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * call QuickFixCmdPost() augroup END "" #endregion H "" #region SLH – Status Line + Command Line + History (general) + Sessions + File Update, … set showcmd cmdheight=2 showmode set wildmenu wildoptions=pum,fuzzy "" wildmode=list:longest,list:full " Tab autocomplete in command mode cabbrev wbw wbw set sessionoptions-=options " TODO DEL command! -nargs=1 \ CLSESSIONcreate :call mini_sessions#create() command! -nargs=0 \ CLSESSIONconfig :call mini_sessions#sessionConfig() command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,mini_sessions#complete \ CLSESSIONload :call mini_sessions#load() command! -nargs=0 \ Scd :call mini_sessions#recoverPwd() if !has("gui_running") execute 'hi! User2 ctermbg='.synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('StatusLine')), 'bg').' ctermfg=grey' | endif set laststatus=2 " Show status line on startup set statusline+=··%1*≡·%{QuickFixStatus()}%*··%2*»·%{user_tips#current()}%*··%= set statusline+=%<%f%R\%M··▶·%{&fileformat}·%{&fileencoding?&fileencoding:&encoding}·%{&filetype}··∷·%{mini_sessions#name('–')}··  set history=500 " How many lines of (cmd) history has to remember set nobackup nowritebackup noswapfile " …there is issue #649 (for servers) and I’m using git/system backups try set undodir=~/.vim/undodir undofile | catch | endtry command! CLundotree UndotreeToggle | echo 'Use also :undolist :earlier :later' | UndotreeFocus command! SETundoClear let old_undolevels=&undolevels | set undolevels=-1 | exe "normal a \\" | let &undolevels=old_undolevels | unlet old_undolevels | write "" #endregion SLH "" #region LLW – Left Column + Line + Wrap + Scrolling if has("nvim-0.5.0") || has("patch-8.1.1564") " Recently vim can merge signcolumn and number column into one set signcolumn=number | else | set signcolumn=yes | endif " show always to prevent shifting when diagnosticappears set cursorline cursorcolumn " Always show current position set number foldcolumn=2 " enable line numbers and add a bit extra margin to the left set colorcolumn=+1 " …marker visual " TODO DEL command -nargs=? SETtextwidth if | let &textwidth= | let &colorcolumn=',120,240' | else | let &textwidth=250 | let &colorcolumn='120,240' | endif SETtextwidth " wraping lines and show two lines set nowrap " Don't wrap long lines by default set breakindent breakindentopt=shift:2 showbreak=↳ set scrolloff=5 sidescrolloff=10 " offset for lines/columns when scrolling "" #endregion LLW "" #region CN – Clipboard + Navigation throught Buffers + Windows + … (CtrlP) set pastetoggle= | nnoremap :set invpaste paste? function! JaaCopyRegister() echo "Copy content of the register: " let sourceReg = nr2char(getchar()) if sourceReg !~# '\v^[a-z0-9"*+]' echon sourceReg." – invalid register" return endif echon sourceReg."\ninto the register: " let destinationReg = nr2char(getchar()) if destinationReg !~# '\v^[a-z0-9"*+]' echon destinationReg." – invalid register" return endif call setreg(destinationReg, getreg(sourceReg, 1)) echon destinationReg endfunction nnoremap " :call JaaCopyRegister() nmap š buffer_number("#")==-1 ? "\š" : "\" nmap 3 :buffers:b nmap š :CtrlPBuffer nmap č š let g:ctrlp_map = 'ě' command! -nargs=? SETctrlp execute 'nnoremap '.g:ctrlp_map.' :CtrlP ' let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 0 let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings= { \ 'ToggleType(1)': [''], \ 'ToggleType(-1)': [''], \ 'PrtCurStart()': [''], \} "" #endregion CN "" #region FOS – File(s) + Openning + Saving set autowrite autoread | autocmd FocusGained,BufEnter *.* checktime set modeline function! JaaAppendModeline(additional= 0) let l:modeline= printf(" vim: set tabstop=%d shiftwidth=%d textwidth=%d %sexpandtab :", \ &tabstop, &shiftwidth, &textwidth, &expandtab ? '' : 'no') let l:modeline= substitute(&commentstring, "%s", l:modeline, "") call append(line("$"), l:modeline) if !a:additional | return 0 | endif if &foldmethod=="marker" let l:modeline= printf(" vim>60: set foldmethod=marker foldmarker=%s :", \ &foldmarker) elseif &foldmethod=="indent" let l:modeline= printf(" vim>60: set foldmethod=indent foldlevel=%d foldnestmax=%d:", \ &foldlevel, &foldnestmax) else return 0 endif let l:modeline= substitute(&commentstring, "%s", l:modeline, "") call append(line("$"), l:modeline) endfunction set path+=src/**,app/**,build/** " File matching for `:find` for ignore in [ '.git', '.npm', 'node_modules' ] exec ':set wildignore+=**'.ignore.'**' exec ':set wildignore+=**/'.ignore.'/**' endfor set wildignore+=*.bmp,*.gif,*.ico,*.jpg,*.png,*.ico set wildignore+=*.pdf,*.psd nmap e :Vifm nnoremap gx :silent exec "!xdg-open '".shellescape(substitute(expand(''), '?', '\\?', ''), 1)."'" \| redraw! vnoremap gx :silent exec "!xdg-open '".shellescape(substitute(mini_enhancement#selectedText(), '?', '\\?', ''), 1)."'" \| redraw! "" #endregion FOS "" #region EN – Editor navigation + search set grepprg=LC_ALL=C\ grep\ -HRIns set hlsearch incsearch " highlight search, start when typing if maparg('', 'n') ==# '' nnoremap :nohlsearch=has('diff')?'diffupdate':'' | endif let g:markbar_persist_mark_names = v:false let g:markbar_cache_with_hidden_buffers = v:false " last buffers are reopened as hidden https://github.com/Yilin-Yang/vim-markbar/blob/9f5a948d44652074bf2b90d3da6a400d8a369ba5/doc/vim-markbar.txt#L136 nmap m ToggleMarkbar "" #endregion EN "" #region EA – Editing adjustment + Syntax + White chars + Folds " use § for § inoremap § set nrformats-=octal let g:htl_css_templates=1 let g:markdown_fenced_languages= [ 'javascript', 'js=javascript', 'json', 'html', 'php', 'bash', 'vim', 'vimscript=javascript', 'sass' ] augroup conceal autocmd! au FileType markdown \ syn region markdownLink matchgroup=markdownLinkDelimiter start="(" end=")" contains=markdownUrl keepend contained conceal \| syn region markdownLinkText matchgroup=markdownLinkTextDelimiter start="!\=\[\%(\%(\_[^][]\|\[\_[^][]*\]\)*]\%( \=[[(]\)\)\@=" end="\]\%( \=[[(]\)\@=" nextgroup=markdownLink,markdownId skipwhite contains=@markdownInline,markdownLineStart concealends au FileType markdown,json \ setlocal conceallevel=2 augroup END augroup convenient autocmd FileType markdown,text setlocal keywordprg=dict autocmd FileType git,gitcommit setlocal foldmethod=syntax foldlevel=1 augroup END " PARENTHESES plugin junegunn/rainbow_parentheses.vim let g:rainbow#pairs= [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], [ '{', '}' ]] let g:rainbow#blacklist = [203,9] autocmd VimEnter * try \| call rainbow_parentheses#toggle() | catch | endtry " HIGHLIGHT&YANK plugins machakann/vim-highlightedyank & cwordhi.vim let g:highlightedyank_highlight_duration= 250 let g:cwordhi#autoload= 1 set showmatch " Quick highlight oppening bracket/… for currently writted set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0 " Remove timeout when hitting escape TAB if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has("patch541") set formatoptions+=j | endif " Delete comment character when joining commented lines set smarttab " TODO DEL command! -nargs=1 SETtab let &shiftwidth= | let &tabstop= | let &softtabstop= SETtab 4 set backspace=indent,eol,start " Allow cursor keys in insert mode: http://vi.stackexchange.com/a/2163 set shiftround autoindent " round diff shifts to the base of n*shiftwidth, https://stackoverflow.com/a/18415867 filetype plugin indent on " SYNTAX&COLORS if ($TERM =~ '256' && has("termguicolors")) set termguicolors | endif if (&t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")) && !exists("syntax_on") syntax on | endif set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,extends:#,nbsp:~,space:· " Highlight spec. chars / Display extra whitespace augroup syntax_sync_min_lines autocmd! autocmd Syntax * syn sync minlines=2000 augroup END let g:vim_vue_plugin_config = { 'foldexpr': 1, 'attribute': 1, 'keyword': 1 } " SPELL if !has("gui_running") hi clear SpellBad | hi SpellBad cterm=underline,italic | endif command! -nargs=? SETspell if ==&spelllang || =='' | set spell! | else | set spell | set spelllang= | endif | if &spell | set spelllang | endif " EDIT HEPERS nnoremap o o nnoremap O O nnoremap a for l in [ 'y', 'p', 'P', 'd' ] | for m in [ 'n', 'v' ] execute m.'noremap '.l.' "+'.l | endfor | endfor " TODO DEL: FOLDS " TODO DEL: command! -nargs=0 SETFOLDregions set foldmethod=marker " TODO DEL: command! -nargs=1 SETFOLDindent set foldmethod=indent | let &foldlevel= | let &foldnestmax=+1 " TODO DEL: command! -nargs=* SETFOLDindents set foldmethod=indent | let &foldlevel=split(, ' ')[0] | let &foldnestmax=split(, ' ')[1] set foldmarker=#region,#endregion " SAVE VIEW set viewoptions=cursor,folds augroup remember__view autocmd! autocmd BufWinLeave *.* if &buflisted | mkview | endif autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent! loadview augroup END "" #endregion EA "" #region GIT function s:gitCompletion(_, CmdLine, __) let l:cmd= a:CmdLine->split() let l:cmd_start= l:cmd[0] \ ->substitute('GIThub', 'gh', '') \ ->substitute('GIT', 'git ', '')->trim()->split(' ') return bash#complete((l:cmd_start+l:cmd[1:])->join()) endfunction function s:gitCmd(candidate) execute '!clear && echo ":: git '.a:candidate->escape('"').' ::" && git '.a:candidate endfunction command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,gitCompletion \ GIT call gitCmd() command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,gitCompletion \ GITstatus !git status-- command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,gitCompletion \ GITcommit !git commit--interactive-v command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,gitCompletion \ GITpush !git push command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,gitCompletion \ GITdiff if =='' | execute '!clear && git diff %:p' | else | silent! execute '!git diff ' | endif command! -nargs=* \ GITrestore execute '!clear && git status '.(=='.' ? '%:p':'').' -bs & git restore '.(=='' ? '%:p':'').' --patch' command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,gitCompletion \ GIThub execute '!clear && echo ":: gh '.->escape('"').' ::" && gh '. command! -nargs=? \ GIThubIssue execute '!clear && gh issue view '.expand('').' '. let g:git_messenger_no_default_mappings= v:true let g:git_messenger_date_format= '%Y-%m-%d (%c)' let g:git_messenger_always_into_popup= v:true augroup git_messenger_help autocmd! autocmd FileType gitmessengerpopup setlocal keywordprg=git\ show augroup END "" #endregion GIT "" #region AI let g:codeium_disable_bindings = 1 imap