#!/usr/bin/env nodejsscript /* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */ //TODO: save options!? $.is_fatal= true; const dirs= { vim_root: $.xdg.home`.vim` }; Object.assign(dirs, { pack: dirs.vim_root+"/pack/", bundle: dirs.vim_root+"/bundle/", one_files: dirs.vim_root+"/bundle/__one_files/plugin/" }); const file_one_file= dirs.bundle+"one_file.json"; const runResToArr= pipe( s.$().run, ({ stderr, stdout })=> stdout+stderr, o=> o.split("\n")); const css= echo.css` .code{ color: yellow; } .code::before, .code::after{ content: "\`"; } .url{ color: lightblue; } .bold{ color: magenta; } `; $.api() .version("2023-04-18") .describe([ "Utility for managing vim plugins “native” way. It uses two types:", `- “old” way (${f("bundle", css.code)}): inspiration from ${f("https://shapeshed.com/vim-packages/", css.url)}`, `- vim8 native package managing (${f("pack", css.code)}): see for example ${f("https://shapeshed.com/vim-packages/", css.url)}` ]) .command("path ", [ "Prints paths for given package type", "Use (‘S’ is alias for this script name):", "- "+f("cd `S path bundle`", css.code), "- "+f("cd `S path one_files`", css.code), "- "+f("cd `S path pack`", css.code) ]) .action(function(type){ echo(dirs[type]); $.exit(0); }) .command("clone ", [ "Add/install new package.", `Use ${f("bundle", css.code )}/${f("pack", css.code)} to specify the package ${f("type", css.code)}.`, `The ${f("url", css.url)} should be a URL to the script itself or url of the git repository or github repository in the form of ${f("username/reponame", css.url)}.` ]) .alias("C") .option("--target, -t [target]", `In case of ${f("pack", css.code)} type, specify the target sub-directory (typically/defaults ${f("start", css.code)}).`) .option("--branch, -b [branch]", `In case of ${f("git", css.bold)} repository, specify the branch if it is different from default one.`) .action(function(type, url, options){ switch(type){ case "bundle": return addBundle(url); case "pack": return addPack(url, options); } echo("Nothing todo, check given arguments (compare to `--help`):", { type, url, options }); $.exit(1); }) .command("remove ", [ "Remove/uninstall package.", `As ${f("type", css.bold)}/${f("path", css.bold)} use output printed by ${f("list", css.code)} command.` ]) .alias("R").alias("rm") .action(function(type, path){ switch(type){ case "bundle": return removeBundle(path); case "pack": return removePack(path); } echo("Nothing todo, check given arguments (compare to `--help`):", { type, path }); $.exit(1); }) .command("list", "List all plugins paths/url/… (based on option).") .alias("L").alias("ls") .option("--type, -t [type]", `Defaults to list of paths (${f("paths", css.code)}). Use ${f("repos", css.code)} to show plugins origin.`) .example("list") .example("list --type paths") .example("list --type repos") .action(actionList) .command("export", "List all plugins in the form that can be imported by this Utility.") .action(actionList.bind(null, { type: "json" })) .command("status", "Loops through all installed plugins and shows overall status.") .alias("S") .action(actionStatus) .command("pull", "Loops through all installed plugins and updates them.") .alias("P").alias("update") .action(actionUpdate) .parse(); function removePack(path){ s.cd(dirs.pack); s.$("-V").rm("-rf", path); const root= dirs.pack+path.split("/")[0]; const { code, stdout }= s.$("-Sf").find(root+"/*/*"); if(!code) echo(stdout); else if(s.test("-d", root)) s.$("-V").rm("-rf", root); $.exit(0); } function removeBundle(path){ const is_onefile= dirs.one_files.endsWith(path.split("/").slice(0, 2).join("/")+"/"); const name= path.slice(path.lastIndexOf("/")+1); s.cd(dirs.bundle); if(is_onefile){ s.rm("-f", path); pipe( s.cat, JSON.parse, f=> f.filter(u=> !u.endsWith(name)), JSON.stringify, s.echo ) (file_one_file).to(file_one_file); } else { s.run`git submodule deinit -f ${path}`; s.run`git rm ${path}`; s.rm("-rf", ".git/modules/"+path); } const type= is_onefile ? "file" : "repo"; s.run`git commit --all -m "Remove ${type}: ${name}"`; $.exit(0); } async function addBundle(url){ const is_onefile= url.endsWith(".vim"); if(!is_onefile) url= gitUrl(url); const name= url.split(/[\/\.]/g).at(is_onefile ? -2 : -1); s.cd(dirs.bundle); if(is_onefile){ const file= await fetch(url).then(r=> r.text()); s.echo(file).to(dirs.one_files+name+".vim"); const log= new Set(s.cat(file_one_file).xargs(JSON.parse)); log.add(url); s.echo(JSON.stringify([ ...log ])).to(file_one_file); } else { s.run`git submodule init`; s.run`git submodule add ${url}`; } s.run`git add .`; const type= is_onefile ? "file" : "repo"; s.run`git commit -m "Added ${type}: ${name}"`; $.exit(0); } /** @param {string} url @param {{ target: "start", branch?: string }} options */ function addPack(url, { target= "start", branch }){ url= gitUrl(url); const author= url.split(/[:\/]/).at(-2); const path= dirs.pack+author+"/"+target; s.mkdir("-p", path); s.cd(path); branch= !branch ? "" : `-b ${branch}`; s.run`git clone ${branch} --single-branch ${url} --depth 1`; $.exit(0); } function gitUrl(url_candidate){ if(url_candidate.endsWith(".git")) return url_candidate; return "git@github.com:"+url_candidate; } async function actionUpdate(){ const css= echo.css` .success{ color: lightgreen; } .success::before{ content: "✓ "; } `; updateRepo(dirs.bundle, getBundle()); const todo= getOneFilesUrls(); const progress= echoProgress(todo.length, "Downloaded one-file plugins"); await Promise.all(todo.map(function(url, i){ return fetch(url).then(r=> { progress.update(i, url); return r.text(); }).then(f=> s.echo(f).to(dirs.one_files+fileName(url))); })); echo("One-file plugin(s) updated."); try{ s.cd(dirs.bundle).$().run`git commit -m "Update"`; } catch(e){ echo(e?.message); } updateRepo(dirs.pack, getPack()); $.exit(0); function updateRepo(dir, paths){ echo(dir); const progress= echoProgress(paths.length, "Pulling"); const todo= paths.map(function(p, i){ progress.update(i, p); return pull(p); }).filter(isUpToDate); if(!todo.length) return echo("%cAll up-to-date!", css.success); todo.forEach(([ p, result ])=> echo("%c"+p+"\n", css.success, result.join("\n"))); } function pull(p){ s.cd(p); return [ p, runResToArr("git pull") ]; } function isUpToDate([ _, result ]){ return result[0]===" Already up-to-date."; } } function actionList({ type= "paths" }){ if("paths"===type){ echo("%cbundle", css.bold, dirs.bundle); getOneFiles().forEach(echoPath); getBundle().forEach(echoPath); echo("%cpack", css.bold, dirs.pack); getPack().forEach(echoPath); $.exit(0); } const progress= echoProgress(3, "Collecting plugins urls"); progress.update(0, dirs.bundle); const urls_bundle= getBundle().map(getRepo); progress.update(1, dirs.bundle); const urls_onefiles= getOneFilesUrls(); progress.update(2, dirs.pack); const urls_pack= getPack().map(getRepo); if("repos"===type){ const echoUrl= pipe( u=> u.replace("git@github.com:", "https://github.com/"), u=> f(u, css.url), echo ) echo("%cbundle", css.bold, dirs.bundle); urls_bundle.forEach(echoUrl); echo("%cbundle", css.bold, dirs.one_files); urls_onefiles.forEach(echoUrl); echo("%cpack", css.bold, dirs.pack); urls_pack.forEach(echoUrl); } if("json"===type){ //TODO: save options!? const o= {}; o.bundle= urls_bundle; o.one_files= urls_onefiles; o.pack= urls_pack; echo(JSON.stringify(o)); } $.exit(0); function getRepo(p){ s.cd(p); return runResToArr("git remote -v")[0].split(/\s+/g)[1]; } } function actionStatus(){ const css= echo.css` .success { color: lightgreen; } .success::before { content: "✓ "; } `; check(dirs.bundle, getBundle()); echo("Onefiles plugins are not supported yet"); check(dirs.pack, getPack()); $.exit(0); function check(root, repos){ echo(root); const progress= echoProgress(repos.length); const results= repos.flatMap(function(p, i){ progress.update(i, p); s.cd(p); const result= runResToArr("git fetch --dry-run --verbose") .filter(l=> !l ? false : l.startsWith("From") || (!l.startsWith(" = [up-to-date]") && !l.startsWith("POST") )); if(result.length===1) return []; return [ [ p, result.join("\n") ] ]; }); if(!results.length) return echo("%cup-to-date", css.success); results.forEach(([ p, l ])=> { echoPath(p); echo(l); }); } } import { relative } from 'node:path'; function echoPath(path){ return echo(formatPath(path)); } function formatPath(path){ const type= path.startsWith(dirs.bundle) ? "bundle" : "pack"; return echo.format("%c"+relative(dirs[type], path), "color:lightblue"); } import { stdout } from 'node:process'; function echoProgress(length, message_start= "Working"){ if(typeof stdout.isTTY === "undefined") return { update(){} }; const css= echo.css` .progress { color: lightblue; } `; echo.use("-R", `${message_start} (%c0/${length}%c)`, css.progress); return { update(i, status){ const s= status ? `: ${status}` : ""; return echo.use("-R", `${message_start} (%c${i+1}/${length}%c)${s}`, css.progress); } }; } function getPack(){ return s.ls(dirs.pack).flatMap(f=> s.find(dirs.pack+f+"/start/*/")[0]).filter(Boolean); } function getBundle(){ return s.cd(dirs.bundle).grep("path", ".gitmodules").split("\n").filter(Boolean).map(l=> dirs.bundle+l.split(" = ")[1]); } function getOneFiles(){ return s.find(dirs.one_files+"*"); } function getOneFilesUrls(){ return s.cat(file_one_file).xargs(JSON.parse); } function fileName(url){ return url.split("/").pop(); } /** Quick formating of one piece of text. */ function f(text, css){ return echo.format("%c"+text, css); }