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@ -11,13 +11,7 @@ customElementWithDDE(HTMLCustomElement);
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
const instance= el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName);
on.connected( // preffered
e=> console.log("Element connected to the DOM (v1):", e)
e=> console.log("Element connected to the DOM (v2):", e)
on.connected(e=> console.log("Element connected to the DOM:", e))(instance);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function ddeComponent({ attr }){
return el().append(
el("p", `Hello from Custom Element with attribute '${attr}'`)
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { mnemonicUl } from "../mnemonicUl.html.js";
export function mnemonic(){
return mnemonicUl().append(
el("code", "customElementRender(<custom-element>, <connect-target>, <render-function>[, <properties>])"), " — use function to render DOM structure for given <custom-element>",
el("code", "customElementRender(<custom-element>, <render-function>[, <properties>])"), " — use function to render DOM structure for given <custom-element>",
el("code", "customElementWithDDE(<custom-element>)"), " — register <custom-element> to DDE library, see also `lifecyclesToEvents`, can be also used as decorator",
@ -68,19 +68,7 @@ export function page({ pkg, info }){
el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/customElement/customElementWithDDE.js"), page_id }),
el("h3", t`Custom Elements with DDE`),
The ${el("code", "customElementWithDDE")} function is only (small) part of the inregration of the library.
More important for coexistence is render component function as a body of the Custom Element. For that, you
can use ${el("code", "customElementRender")} with arguments instance reference, target for connection,
render function and optional properties (will be passed to the render function) see later…
el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/customElement/dde.js"), page_id }),
…as you can see, you can use components created based on the documentation previously introduced. To unlock
full potential, use with combination ${el("code", "customElementWithDDE")} (allows to use livecycle events)
and ${el("code", "observedAttributes")} (converts attributes to render function arguments —
${el("em", "default")}) or ${el("code", "S.observedAttributes")} (converts attributes to signals).
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
declare global{ /* ddeSignal */ }
import { Signal } from "./signals";
type CustomElementTagNameMap= { '#text': Text, '#comment': Comment }
type SupportedElement=
@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ type AttrsModified= {
* Use string like in HTML (internally uses `*.setAttribute("style", *)`), or object representation (like DOM API).
style: string | Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | ddeSignal<string> | Partial<{ [K in keyof CSSStyleDeclaration]: ddeSignal<CSSStyleDeclaration[K]> }>
style: string | Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | Signal<string, any> | Partial<{ [K in keyof CSSStyleDeclaration]: Signal<CSSStyleDeclaration[K], any> }>
* Provide option to add/remove/toggle CSS clasess (index of object) using 1/0/-1. In fact `el.classList.toggle(class_name)` for `-1` and `el.classList.toggle(class_name, Boolean(...))` for others.
classList: Record<string,-1|0|1|boolean|ddeSignal<-1|0|1|boolean>>,
classList: Record<string,-1|0|1|boolean|Signal<-1|0|1|boolean, any>>,
* By default simiral to `className`, but also supports `string[]`
* */
className: string | (string|boolean|undefined|ddeSignal<string|boolean|undefined>)[];
className: string | (string|boolean|undefined|Signal<string|boolean|undefined, any>)[];
* Sets `aria-*` simiraly to `dataset`
* */
ariaset: Record<string,string|ddeSignal<string>>,
} & Record<`=${string}` | `data${PascalCase}` | `aria${PascalCase}`, string|ddeSignal<string>> & Record<`.${string}`, any>
ariaset: Record<string,string|Signal<string, any>>,
} & Record<`=${string}` | `data${PascalCase}` | `aria${PascalCase}`, string|Signal<string, any>> & Record<`.${string}`, any>
type _fromElsInterfaces<EL extends SupportedElement>= Omit<EL, keyof AttrsModified>;
* Just element attributtes
@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ type _fromElsInterfaces<EL extends SupportedElement>= Omit<EL, keyof AttrsModifi
* There is added support for `data[A-Z].*`/`aria[A-Z].*` to be converted to the kebab-case alternatives.
* @private
type ElementAttributes<T extends SupportedElement>= Partial<{ [K in keyof _fromElsInterfaces<T>]: _fromElsInterfaces<T>[K] | ddeSignal<_fromElsInterfaces<T>[K]> } & AttrsModified> & Record<string, any>;
type ElementAttributes<T extends SupportedElement>= Partial<_fromElsInterfaces<T> & { [K in keyof _fromElsInterfaces<T>]: Signal<_fromElsInterfaces<T>[K], any> } & AttrsModified> & Record<string, any>;
export function classListDeclarative<El extends SupportedElement>(element: El, classList: AttrsModified["classList"]): El
export function assign<El extends SupportedElement>(element: El, ...attrs_array: ElementAttributes<El>[]): El
export function assignAttribute<El extends SupportedElement, ATT extends keyof ElementAttributes<El>>(element: El, attr: ATT, value: ElementAttributes<El>[ATT]): ElementAttributes<El>[ATT]
type ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap= HTMLElementTagNameMap & CustomElementTagNameMap;
type textContent= string | ddeSignal<string>;
type textContent= string | ( (set?: string)=> string ); // TODO: for some reason `Signal<string, any>` leads to `attrs?: any`
export function el<
TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap,
TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap & string,
EL extends (TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap ? ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] : HTMLElement)
tag_name: TAG,
@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ export function el<
export function el(
tag_name?: "<>",
): ddeDocumentFragment
export function el(
tag_name: string,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<HTMLElement>,
...addons: ddeElementAddon<HTMLElement>[]
): ddeHTMLElement
export function el<
C extends (attr: ddeComponentAttributes)=> SupportedElement | ddeDocumentFragment
@ -88,7 +83,7 @@ export function elNS(
EL extends ( TAG extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap ? MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] : MathMLElement ),
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | textContent | Partial<{ [key in keyof EL]: EL[key] | ddeSignal<EL[key]> | string | number | boolean }>,
attrs?: string | textContent | Partial<{ [key in keyof EL]: EL[key] | Signal<EL[key], any> | string | number | boolean }>,
...addons: ddeElementAddon<EL>[]
)=> ddeMathMLElement
export function elNS(
@ -129,7 +124,7 @@ interface On{
EE extends ddeElementAddon<SupportedElement>,
El extends ( EE extends ddeElementAddon<infer El> ? El : never )
listener: (this: El, event: CustomEvent<El>) => any,
listener: (this: El, event: CustomEvent<void>) => any,
options?: AddEventListenerOptions
) : EE;
/** Listens to the element is disconnected from the live DOM. In case of custom elements uses [`disconnectedCallback`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_custom_elements#custom_element_lifecycle_callbacks), or {@link MutationObserver} else where */
@ -164,7 +159,7 @@ export const scope: {
* It can be also used to register Addon(s) (functions to be called when component is initized)
* — `scope.host(on.connected(console.log))`.
* */
host: (...addons: ddeElementAddon<SupportedElement>[])=> HTMLElement,
host: (...addons: ddeElementAddon<any>[])=> HTMLElement,
state: Scope[],
/** Adds new child scope. All attributes are inherited by default. */
@ -181,11 +176,11 @@ export function customElementRender<
custom_element: EL,
target: ShadowRoot | EL,
render: (props: P)=> SupportedElement | DocumentFragment,
render: (props: P)=> SupportedElement,
props?: P | ((...args: any[])=> P)
): EL
export function customElementWithDDE<EL extends (new ()=> HTMLElement)>(custom_element: EL): EL
export function lifecyclesToEvents<EL extends (new ()=> HTMLElement)>(custom_element: EL): EL
export function customElementWithDDE<EL extends HTMLElement>(custom_element: EL): EL
export function lifecyclesToEvents<EL extends HTMLElement>(custom_element: EL): EL
export function observedAttributes(custom_element: HTMLElement): Record<string, string>
/* TypeScript MEH */
@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ type Actions<V>= Record<string | SymbolOnclear, Action<V>>;
type OnListenerOptions= Pick<AddEventListenerOptions, "signal"> & { first_time?: boolean };
interface signal{
_: Symbol
* Computations signal. This creates a signal which is computed from other signals.
* */
<V extends ()=> any>(computation: V): Signal<ReturnType<V>, {}>
* Simple example:
* ```js
@ -35,6 +31,10 @@ interface signal{
* by `S.clear`.
* */
<V, A extends Actions<V>>(value: V, actions?: A): Signal<V, A>;
* Computations signal. This creates a signal which is computed from other signals.
* */
<V>(computation: ()=> V): Signal<V, {}>
action<S extends Signal<any, Actions<any>>, A extends (S extends Signal<any, infer A> ? A : never), N extends keyof A>(
signal: S,
name: N,
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