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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><meta name="description" content="Using custom elements in combinantion with DDE"><title>`deka-dom-el` — Web Components</title><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaAuthor" host="this" ssr/>--><meta name="author" content="Jan Andrle"><link type="text/plain" rel="author" href="https://jaandrle.github.io/humans.txt"><meta name="generator" content="deka-dom-el"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaTwitter" host="this" ssr/>--><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta name="twitter:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="twitter:creator" content="@jaandrle"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaFacebook" host="this" ssr/>--><meta name="og:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="og:creator" content="@jaandrle"><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/shiki@0.9" defer=""></script><script type="module" src="code.js.js"></script><script src="https://flems.io/flems.html" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="global.css"></head><body><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="page" host="this" ssr/>--><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="simplePage" host="this" ssr/>--><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="header" host="this" ssr/>--><header><h1>`deka-dom-el` — Web Components</h1><p>Using custom elements in combinantion with DDE</p></header><nav><a href="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="iconGitHub" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><path d="M 16,0.395c -8.836,0 -16,7.163 -16,16c 0,7.069 4.585,13.067 10.942,15.182c 0.8,0.148 1.094,-0.347 1.094,-0.77c 0,-0.381 -0.015,-1.642 -0.022,-2.979c -4.452,0.968 -5.391,-1.888 -5.391,-1.888c -0.728,-1.849 -1.776,-2.341 -1.776,-2.341c -1.452,-0.993 0.11,-0.973 0.11,-0.973c 1.606,0.113 2.452,1.649 2.452,1.649c 1.427,2.446 3.743,1.739 4.656,1.33c 0.143,-1.034 0.558,-1.74 1.016,-2.14c -3.554,-0.404 -7.29,-1.777 -7.29,-7.907c 0,-1.747 0.625,-3.174 1.649,-4.295c -0.166,-0.403 -0.714,-2.03 0.155,-4.234c 0,0 1.344,-0.43 4.401,1.64c 1.276,-0.355 2.645,-0.532 4.005,-0.539c 1.359,0.006 2.729,0.184 4.008,0.539c 3.054,-2.07 4.395,-1.64 4.395,-1.64c 0.871,2.204 0.323,3.831 0.157,4.234c 1.026,1.12 1.647,2.548 1.647,4.295c 0,6.145 -3.743,7.498 -7.306,7.895c 0.574,0.497 1.085,1.47 1.085,2.963c 0,2.141 -0.019,3.864 -0.019,4.391c 0,0.426 0.288,0.925 1.099,0.768c 6.354,-2.118 10.933,-8.113 10.933,-15.18c 0,-8.837 -7.164,-16 -16,-16Z"></path></svg>GitHub</a><a href="./" title="Introducing a&nbsp;library.">1. Introduction</a><a href="p02-elements" title="Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations.">2. Elements</a><a href="p03-events" title="Using not only events in UI declaratively.">3. Events and Addons</a><a href="p04-signals" title="Handling reactivity in UI via signals.">4. Signals and reactivity</a><a href="p05-scopes" title="Organizing UI into components">5. Scopes and components</a><a href="p06-customElement" title="Using custom elements in combinantion with DDE" class="current">6. Web Components</a></nav><main><h2>Using web components in combinantion with DDE</h2><p>The DDE library allows for use within <a title="MDN documentation page for Web Components" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components"><strong>Web Components</strong></a> for dom-tree generation. However, in order to be able to use signals (possibly mapping to registered <a title="MDN documentation page for observedAttributes" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_custom_elements#responding_to_attribute_changes"><code>observedAttributes</code></a>) and additional functionality is (unfortunately) required to use helpers provided by the library.</p><div class="code" data-js="todo"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="code" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><code class="language-js">// use NPM or for example https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js
import {
} from "deka-dom-el";
/** @type {ddePublicElementTagNameMap} */
import { S } from "deka-dom-el/signals";
// “internal” utils
import { lifecyclesToEvents } from "deka-dom-el";
</code></div><h3 id="h-custom-elements-introduction"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="h3" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><a href="#h-custom-elements-introduction" tabindex="-1">#</a> Custom Elements Introduction</h3><p>Web Components, specifically Custom Elements, are a&nbsp;set of web platform APIs that allow you to create new&nbsp;HTML tags with custom functionality encapsulated within them. This allows for the&nbsp;creation of reusable components that can be used across web applications. </p><p>To start with, lets see how to use native Custom Elements. As starting point please read <a title="MDN documentation page for Custom Elements" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_custom_elements"><strong>Using Custom Elements</strong>on MDN</a>. To sum up and for mnemonic see following code overview:</p><div class="code" data-js="todo"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="code" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><code class="language-js">export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-element"; // just suggestion, we can use `el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName)`
static observedAttributes= [ "custom-attribute" ];
// nice place to prepare custom element
// nice place to render custom element
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue){
// listen to attribute changes (see `observedAttributes`)
// nice place to clean up
// for example, we can mirror get/set prop to attribute
get customAttribute(){ return this.getAttribute("custom-attribute"); }
set customAttribute(value){ this.setAttribute("custom-attribute", value); }
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
</code></div><p>For more advanced use of Custom Elements, the summary <a title="Ideas and tips from WebReflection" href="https://gist.github.com/WebReflection/ec9f6687842aa385477c4afca625bbf4"><strong>Handy Custom Elements Patterns</strong></a> may be useful. Especially pay attention to linking HTML attributes and defining setters/getters, this is very helpful to use in combination with the library (<code>el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { customAttribute: "new-value" });</code>).</p><p>Also see the Life Cycle Events sections, very similarly we would like to use <a href="./p03-events.html" title="See events part of the library documentation">DDE events</a>. To do it, the library provides function <code>customElementWithDDE</code></p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this" ssr/>--><div id="code-example-1-n7xtdicpa" class="example"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="code" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><code class="language-js">import { customElementWithDDE, el, on } from "./esm-with-signals.js";
export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-element";
el("p", "Hello from custom element!")
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
const instance= el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName);
on.connected( // preffered
e=&gt; console.log("Element connected to the DOM (v1):", e)
e=&gt; console.log("Element connected to the DOM (v2):", e)
</code></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-example-1-n7xtdicpa"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { customElementWithDDE, el, on } from \\\"./esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nexport class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{\\n\\tstatic tagName= \\\"custom-element\\\";\\n\\tconnectedCallback(){\\n\\t\\tthis.append(\\n\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", \\\"Hello from custom element!\\\")\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}\\n}\\ncustomElementWithDDE(HTMLCustomElement);\\ncustomElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);\\n\\nconst instance= el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName);\\non.connected( // preffered\\n\\te=> console.log(\\\"Element connected to the DOM (v1):\\\", e)\\n)(instance);\\ninstance.addEventListener(\\n\\t\\\"dde:connected\\\",\\n\\te=> console.log(\\\"Element connected to the DOM (v2):\\\", e)\\n);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tinstance,\\n);\\n\"},{\"name\":\"esm-with-signals.js\",\"content\":\"// src/signals-common.js\\nvar k = {\\n\\tisSignal(t) {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t},\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\treturn n;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction B(t, e = !0) {\\n\\treturn e ? Object.assign(k, t) : (Object.setPrototypeOf(t, k), t);\\n}\\nfunction W(t) {\\n\\treturn k.isPrototypeOf(t) && t !== k ? t : k;\\n}\\n\\n// src/helpers.js\\nvar T = (...t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...t);\\nfunction S(t) {\\n\\treturn typeof t > \\\"u\\\";\\n}\\nfunction X(t) {\\n\\tlet e = typeof t;\\n\\treturn e !== \\\"object\\\" ? e : t === null ? \\\"null\\\" : Object.prototype.toString.call(t);\\n}\\nfunction q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!t || !(t instanceof AbortSignal))\\n\\t\\treturn !0;\\n\\tif (!t.aborted)\\n\\t\\treturn t.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e), function() {\\n\\t\\t\\tt.removeEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e);\\n\\t\\t};\\n}\\nfunction F(t, e) {\\n\\tlet { observedAttributes: n = [] } = t.constructor;\\n\\treturn n.reduce(function(r, o) {\\n\\t\\treturn r[pt(o)] = e(t, o), r;\\n\\t}, {});\\n}\\nfunction pt(t) {\\n\\treturn t.replace(/-./g, (e) => e[1].toUpperCase());\\n}\\n\\n// src/dom-common.js\\nvar d = {\\n\\tsetDeleteAttr: lt,\\n\\tssr: \\\"\\\",\\n\\tD: globalThis.document,\\n\\tF: globalThis.DocumentFragment,\\n\\tH: globalThis.HTMLElement,\\n\\tS: globalThis.SVGElement,\\n\\tM: globalThis.MutationObserver\\n};\\nfunction lt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e), t instanceof d.H && t.getAttribute(e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn t.removeAttribute(e);\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.get(t, e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn Reflect.set(t, e, \\\"\\\");\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar O = \\\"__dde_lifecyclesToEvents\\\", _ = \\\"dde:connected\\\", C = \\\"dde:disconnected\\\", M = \\\"dde:attributeChanged\\\";\\n\\n// src/dom.js\\nvar A = [{\\n\\tget scope() {\\n\\t\\treturn d.D.body;\\n\\t},\\n\\thost: (t) => t ? t(d.D.body) : d.D.body,\\n\\tprevent: !0\\n}], m = {\\n\\tget current() {\\n\\t\\treturn A[A.length - 1];\\n\\t},\\n\\tget host() {\\n\\t\\treturn this.current.host;\\n\\t},\\n\\tpreventDefault() {\\n\\t\\tlet { current: t } = this;\\n\\t\\treturn t.prevent = !0, t;\\n\\t},\\n\\tget state() {\\n\\t\\treturn [...A];\\n\\t},\\n\\tpush(t = {}) {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: !1 }, t));\\n\\t},\\n\\tpushRoot() {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(A[0]);\\n\\t},\\n\\tpop() {\\n\\t\\tif (A.length !== 1)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn A.pop();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Y(...t) {\\n\\treturn this.appendOriginal(...t), this;\\n}\\nfunction ht(t) {\\n\\treturn t.append === Y || (t.appendOriginal = t.append, t.append = Y), t;\\n}\\nvar $;\\nfunction P(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = W(this), o = 0, c, i;\\n\\tswitch ((Object(e) !== e || r.isSignal(e)) && (e = { textContent: e }), !0) {\\n\\t\\tcase typeof t == \\\"function\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\to = 1, m.push({ scope: t, host: (...v) => v.length ? (o === 1 ? n.unshift(...v) : v.forEach((h) => h(i)), void 0) : i }), c = t(e || void 0);\\n\\t\\t\\tlet a = c instanceof d.F;\\n\\t\\t\\tif (c.nodeName === \\\"#comment\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet l = P.mark({\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ttype: \\\"component\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tname: t.name,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\thost: a ? \\\"this\\\" : \\\"parentElement\\\"\\n\\t\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\t\\tc.prepend(l), a && (i = l);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\tcase t === \\\"#text\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createTextNode(\\\"\\\"), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase (t === \\\"<>\\\" || !t):\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createDocumentFragment(), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !!$:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElementNS($, t), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !c:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElement(t), e);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn ht(c), i || (i = c), n.forEach((a) => a(i)), o && m.pop(), o = 2, c;\\n}\\nfunction Wt(t, e, n) {\\n\\ttypeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (n = e, e = t);\\n\\tlet r = Symbol.for(\\\"default\\\"), o = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(\\\"slot\\\")).reduce((i, a) => Reflect.set(i, a.name || r, a) && i, {}), c = T(o, r);\\n\\tif (t.append = new Proxy(t.append, {\\n\\t\\tapply(i, a, l) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (l[0] === e) return i.apply(t, l);\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!l.length) return t;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet v = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let h of l) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (!h || !h.slot) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tc && v.append(h);\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tlet x = h.slot, w = o[x];\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tvt(h, \\\"remove\\\", \\\"slot\\\"), w && (bt(w, h, n), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, x));\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\treturn c && (o[r].replaceWith(v), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, r)), t.append = i, t;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}), t !== e) {\\n\\t\\tlet i = Array.from(t.childNodes);\\n\\t\\ti.forEach((a) => a.remove()), t.append(...i);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn e;\\n}\\nfunction bt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tn && n(t, e);\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(j(e, { className: [e.className, t.className], dataset: { ...t.dataset } }));\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(e);\\n\\t}\\n}\\nP.mark = function(t, e = !1) {\\n\\tt = Object.entries(t).map(([o, c]) => o + `=\\\"${c}\\\"`).join(\\\" \\\");\\n\\tlet n = e ? \\\"\\\" : \\\"/\\\", r = d.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${t}${d.ssr}${n}>`);\\n\\treturn e && (r.end = d.D.createComment(\\\"</dde:mark>\\\")), r;\\n};\\nfunction qt(t) {\\n\\tlet e = this;\\n\\treturn function(...r) {\\n\\t\\t$ = t;\\n\\t\\tlet o = P.call(e, ...r);\\n\\t\\treturn $ = void 0, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar U = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), { setDeleteAttr: tt } = d;\\nfunction j(t, ...e) {\\n\\tif (!e.length) return t;\\n\\tU.set(t, rt(t, this));\\n\\tfor (let [n, r] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...e)))\\n\\t\\tnt.call(this, t, n, r);\\n\\treturn U.delete(t), t;\\n}\\nfunction nt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o } = rt(t, this), c = this;\\n\\tn = o.processReactiveAttribute(\\n\\t\\tt,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\t(a, l) => nt.call(c, t, a, l)\\n\\t);\\n\\tlet [i] = e;\\n\\tif (i === \\\"=\\\") return r(e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (i === \\\".\\\") return et(t, e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(e))\\n\\t\\treturn e = e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \\\"$1-$2\\\").toLowerCase(), r(e, n);\\n\\tswitch (e === \\\"className\\\" && (e = \\\"class\\\"), e) {\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"xlink:href\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn r(e, n, \\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\\\");\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"textContent\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn tt(t, e, n);\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"style\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tif (typeof n != \\\"object\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t/* falls through */\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"dataset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, et.bind(null, t[e]));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"ariaset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, (a, l) => r(\\\"aria-\\\" + a, l));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"classList\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn gt.call(c, t, n);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn Et(t, e) ? tt(t, e, n) : r(e, n);\\n}\\nfunction rt(t, e) {\\n\\tif (U.has(t)) return U.get(t);\\n\\tlet r = (t instanceof d.S ? xt : mt).bind(null, t, \\\"Attribute\\\"), o = W(e);\\n\\treturn { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o };\\n}\\nfunction gt(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = W(this);\\n\\treturn I(\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\t(r, o) => t.classList.toggle(r, o === -1 ? void 0 : !!o)\\n\\t), t;\\n}\\nfunction Ft(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.from(t.children).forEach((e) => e.remove()), t;\\n}\\nfunction vt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t instanceof d.H ? t[e + \\\"Attribute\\\"](n, r) : t[e + \\\"AttributeNS\\\"](null, n, r);\\n}\\nfunction Et(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!(e in t)) return !1;\\n\\tlet n = ot(t, e);\\n\\treturn !S(n.set);\\n}\\nfunction ot(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t), !t) return {};\\n\\tlet n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);\\n\\treturn n || ot(t, e);\\n}\\nfunction I(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!(typeof e != \\\"object\\\" || e === null))\\n\\t\\treturn Object.entries(e).forEach(function([o, c]) {\\n\\t\\t\\to && (c = t.processReactiveAttribute(e, o, c, n), n(o, c));\\n\\t\\t});\\n}\\nfunction ct(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.isArray(t) ? t.filter(Boolean).join(\\\" \\\") : t;\\n}\\nfunction mt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e](n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction xt(t, e, n, r, o = null) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e + \\\"NS\\\"](o, n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction et(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n))\\n\\t\\treturn Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e);\\n}\\n\\n// src/events-observer.js\\nvar D = d.M ? yt() : new Proxy({}, {\\n\\tget() {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n});\\nfunction yt() {\\n\\tlet t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = !1, n = (s) => function(u) {\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of u)\\n\\t\\t\\tif (f.type === \\\"childList\\\") {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (h(f.addedNodes, !0)) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ts();\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tx(f.removedNodes, !0) && s();\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t}, r = new d.M(n(a));\\n\\treturn {\\n\\t\\tobserve(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet u = new d.M(n(() => {\\n\\t\\t\\t}));\\n\\t\\t\\treturn u.observe(s, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), () => u.disconnect();\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) || (f.connected.add(u), f.length_c += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) && (f.connected.delete(u), f.length_c -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) || (f.disconnected.add(u), f.length_d += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) && (f.disconnected.delete(u), f.length_d -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t};\\n\\tfunction o(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tu.length_c || u.length_d || (t.delete(s), a());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction c(s) {\\n\\t\\tif (t.has(s)) return t.get(s);\\n\\t\\tlet u = {\\n\\t\\t\\tconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_c: 0,\\n\\t\\t\\tdisconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_d: 0\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn t.set(s, u), u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction i() {\\n\\t\\te || (e = !0, r.observe(d.D.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }));\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction a() {\\n\\t\\t!e || t.size || (e = !1, r.disconnect());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction l() {\\n\\t\\treturn new Promise(function(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\t(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(s);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n\\tasync function v(s) {\\n\\t\\tt.size > 30 && await l();\\n\\t\\tlet u = [];\\n\\t\\tif (!(s instanceof Node)) return u;\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of t.keys())\\n\\t\\t\\tf === s || !(f instanceof Node) || s.contains(f) && u.push(f);\\n\\t\\treturn u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction h(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (u && v(b).then(h), !t.has(b)) continue;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet N = t.get(b);\\n\\t\\t\\tN.length_c && (b.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), N.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), N.length_c = 0, N.length_d || t.delete(b), f = !0);\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction x(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s)\\n\\t\\t\\tu && v(b).then(x), !(!t.has(b) || !t.get(b).length_d) && ((globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(w(b)), f = !0);\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction w(s) {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t\\ts.isConnected || (s.dispatchEvent(new Event(C)), t.delete(s));\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n}\\n\\n// src/customElement.js\\nfunction Zt(t, e, n, r = _t) {\\n\\tm.push({\\n\\t\\tscope: t,\\n\\t\\thost: (...i) => i.length ? i.forEach((a) => a(t)) : t\\n\\t}), typeof r == \\\"function\\\" && (r = r.call(t, t));\\n\\tlet o = t[O];\\n\\to || wt(t);\\n\\tlet c = n.call(t, r);\\n\\treturn o || t.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), e.nodeType === 11 && typeof e.mode == \\\"string\\\" && t.addEventListener(C, D.observe(e), { once: !0 }), m.pop(), e.append(c);\\n}\\nfunction wt(t) {\\n\\treturn J(t.prototype, \\\"connectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), n.dispatchEvent(new Event(_));\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"disconnectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), (globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => !n.isConnected && n.dispatchEvent(new Event(C))\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"attributeChangedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, , c] = r;\\n\\t\\tn.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(M, {\\n\\t\\t\\tdetail: [o, c]\\n\\t\\t})), e.apply(n, r);\\n\\t}), t.prototype[O] = !0, t;\\n}\\nfunction J(t, e, n) {\\n\\tt[e] = new Proxy(t[e] || (() => {\\n\\t}), { apply: n });\\n}\\nfunction _t(t) {\\n\\treturn F(t, (e, n) => e.getAttribute(n));\\n}\\n\\n// src/events.js\\nfunction Qt(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn e || (e = {}), function(o, ...c) {\\n\\t\\tn && (c.unshift(o), o = typeof n == \\\"function\\\" ? n() : n);\\n\\t\\tlet i = c.length ? new CustomEvent(t, Object.assign({ detail: c[0] }, e)) : new Event(t, e);\\n\\t\\treturn o.dispatchEvent(i);\\n\\t};\\n}\\nfunction y(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn function(o) {\\n\\t\\treturn o.addEventListener(t, e, n), o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar it = (t) => Object.assign({}, typeof t == \\\"object\\\" ? t : null, { once: !0 });\\ny.connected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(_, t, e), r[O] ? r : r.isConnected ? (r.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), r) : (q(e.signal, () => D.offConnected(r, t)) && D.onConnected(r, t), r);\\n\\t};\\n};\\ny.disconnected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(C, t, e), r[O] || q(e.signal, () => D.offDisconnected(r, t)) && D.onDisconnected(r, t), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\nvar Z = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\ny.disconnectedAsAbort = function(t) {\\n\\tif (Z.has(t)) return Z.get(t);\\n\\tlet e = new AbortController();\\n\\treturn Z.set(t, e), t(y.disconnected(() => e.abort())), e;\\n};\\nvar At = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();\\ny.attributeChanged = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn typeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (e = {}), function(r) {\\n\\t\\tif (r.addEventListener(M, t, e), r[O] || At.has(r) || !d.M) return r;\\n\\t\\tlet o = new d.M(function(i) {\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let { attributeName: a, target: l } of i)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tl.dispatchEvent(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tnew CustomEvent(M, { detail: [a, l.getAttribute(a)] })\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\treturn q(e.signal, () => o.disconnect()) && o.observe(r, { attributes: !0 }), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\n\\n// src/signals-lib.js\\nvar p = \\\"__dde_signal\\\";\\nfunction z(t) {\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\treturn T(t, p);\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar H = [], g = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\nfunction E(t, e) {\\n\\tif (typeof t != \\\"function\\\")\\n\\t\\treturn st(!1, t, e);\\n\\tif (z(t)) return t;\\n\\tlet n = st(!0), r = function() {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, ...c] = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([o])), H.push(r), dt(n, t()), H.pop(), !c.length) return;\\n\\t\\tlet i = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tfor (let a of c)\\n\\t\\t\\ti.has(a) || L(a, r);\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn g.set(n[p], r), g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([n])), r(), n;\\n}\\nE.action = function(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p], { actions: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!o || !(e in o))\\n\\t\\tthrow new Error(`'${t}' has no action with name '${e}'!`);\\n\\tif (o[e].apply(r, n), r.skip) return delete r.skip;\\n\\tr.listeners.forEach((c) => c(r.value));\\n};\\nE.on = function t(e, n, r = {}) {\\n\\tlet { signal: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!(o && o.aborted)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Array.isArray(e)) return e.forEach((c) => t(c, n, r));\\n\\t\\tQ(e, n), o && o.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", () => L(e, n));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nE.symbols = {\\n\\t//signal: mark,\\n\\tonclear: Symbol.for(\\\"Signal.onclear\\\")\\n};\\nE.clear = function(...t) {\\n\\tfor (let n of t) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = n[p];\\n\\t\\tr && (delete n.toJSON, r.onclear.forEach((o) => o.call(r)), e(n, r), delete n[p]);\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction e(n, r) {\\n\\t\\tr.listeners.forEach((o) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (r.listeners.delete(o), !g.has(o)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet c = g.get(o);\\n\\t\\t\\tc.delete(n), !(c.size > 1) && (n.clear(...c), g.delete(o));\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n};\\nvar R = \\\"__dde_reactive\\\";\\nE.el = function(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = P.mark({ type: \\\"reactive\\\" }, !0), r = n.end, o = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\to.append(n, r);\\n\\tlet { current: c } = m, i = {}, a = (l) => {\\n\\t\\tif (!n.parentNode || !r.parentNode)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn L(t, a);\\n\\t\\tlet v = i;\\n\\t\\ti = {}, m.push(c);\\n\\t\\tlet h = e(l, function(u, f) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet b;\\n\\t\\t\\treturn T(v, u) ? (b = v[u], delete v[u]) : b = f(), i[u] = b, b;\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\tm.pop(), Array.isArray(h) || (h = [h]);\\n\\t\\tlet x = document.createComment(\\\"\\\");\\n\\t\\th.push(x), n.after(...h);\\n\\t\\tlet w;\\n\\t\\tfor (; (w = x.nextSibling) && w !== r; )\\n\\t\\t\\tw.remove();\\n\\t\\tx.remove(), n.isConnected && St(c.host());\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn Q(t, a), ft(t, a, n, e), a(t()), o;\\n};\\nfunction St(t) {\\n\\t!t || !t[R] || (requestIdleCallback || setTimeout)(function() {\\n\\t\\tt[R] = t[R].filter(([e, n]) => n.isConnected ? !0 : (L(...e), !1));\\n\\t});\\n}\\nvar Ot = {\\n\\t_set(t) {\\n\\t\\tthis.value = t;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Ct(t) {\\n\\treturn function(e, n) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = (...c) => c.length ? e.setAttribute(n, ...c) : K(r), o = at(r, e.getAttribute(n), Ot);\\n\\t\\treturn t[n] = o, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar G = \\\"__dde_attributes\\\";\\nE.observedAttributes = function(t) {\\n\\tlet e = t[G] = {}, n = F(t, Ct(e));\\n\\treturn y.attributeChanged(function({ detail: o }) {\\n\\t\\t/*! This maps attributes to signals (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tlet [c, i] = o, a = this[G][c];\\n\\t\\tif (a) return E.action(a, \\\"_set\\\", i);\\n\\t})(t), y.disconnected(function() {\\n\\t\\t/*! This removes all signals mapped to attributes (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tE.clear(...Object.values(this[G]));\\n\\t})(t), n;\\n};\\nvar ut = {\\n\\tisSignal: z,\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tif (!z(n)) return n;\\n\\t\\tlet o = (c) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.isConnected)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\treturn L(n, o);\\n\\t\\t\\tr(e, c);\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn Q(n, o), ft(n, o, t, e), n();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction ft(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet { current: r } = m;\\n\\tr.prevent || r.host(function(o) {\\n\\t\\to[R] || (o[R] = [], y.disconnected(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t/*!\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* Clears all Signals listeners added in the current scope/host (`S.el`, `assign`, …?).\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* You can investigate the `__dde_reactive` key of the element.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* */\\n\\t\\t\\t\\to[R].forEach(([[c, i]]) => L(c, i, c[p] && c[p].host && c[p].host() === o))\\n\\t\\t\\t)\\n\\t\\t)(o)), o[R].push([[t, e], ...n]);\\n\\t});\\n}\\nfunction st(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t ? () => K(r) : (...o) => o.length ? dt(r, ...o) : K(r);\\n\\treturn at(r, e, n, t);\\n}\\nvar Dt = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), {\\n\\tstopPropagation() {\\n\\t\\tthis.skip = !0;\\n\\t}\\n}), V = class extends Error {\\n\\tconstructor() {\\n\\t\\tsuper();\\n\\t\\tlet [e, ...n] = this.stack.split(`\\n`), r = e.slice(e.indexOf(\\\"@\\\"), e.indexOf(\\\".js:\\\") + 4);\\n\\t\\tthis.stack = n.find((o) => !o.includes(r));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction at(t, e, n, r = !1) {\\n\\tlet o = [];\\n\\tX(n) !== \\\"[object Object]\\\" && (n = {});\\n\\tlet { onclear: c } = E.symbols;\\n\\tn[c] && (o.push(n[c]), delete n[c]);\\n\\tlet { host: i } = m;\\n\\treturn Reflect.defineProperty(t, p, {\\n\\t\\tvalue: {\\n\\t\\t\\tvalue: e,\\n\\t\\t\\tactions: n,\\n\\t\\t\\tonclear: o,\\n\\t\\t\\thost: i,\\n\\t\\t\\tlisteners: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),\\n\\t\\t\\tdefined: new V().stack,\\n\\t\\t\\treadonly: r\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tenumerable: !1,\\n\\t\\twritable: !1,\\n\\t\\tconfigurable: !0\\n\\t}), t.toJSON = () => t(), t.valueOf = () => t[p] && t[p].value, Object.setPrototypeOf(t[p], Dt), t;\\n}\\nfunction Rt() {\\n\\treturn H[H.length - 1];\\n}\\nfunction K(t) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet { value: e, listeners: n } = t[p], r = Rt();\\n\\treturn r && n.add(r), g.has(r) && g.get(r).add(t), e;\\n}\\nfunction dt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!(!n && r.value === e))\\n\\t\\treturn r.value = e, r.listeners.forEach((o) => o(e)), e;\\n}\\nfunction Q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t[p])\\n\\t\\treturn t[p].listeners.add(e);\\n}\\nfunction L(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!r) return;\\n\\tlet o = r.listeners.delete(e);\\n\\tif (n && !r.listeners.size) {\\n\\t\\tif (E.clear(t), !g.has(r)) return o;\\n\\t\\tlet c = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (!g.has(c)) return o;\\n\\t\\tg.get(c).forEach((i) => L(i, c, !0));\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn o;\\n}\\n\\n// signals.js\\nB(ut);\\nexport {\\n\\tE as S,\\n\\tj as assign,\\n\\tnt as assignAttribute,\\n\\tht as chainableAppend,\\n\\tgt as classListDeclarative,\\n\\tP as createElement,\\n\\tqt as createElementNS,\\n\\tZt as customElementRender,\\n\\twt as customElementWithDDE,\\n\\tQt as dispatchEvent,\\n\\tP as el,\\n\\tqt as elNS,\\n\\tvt as elementAttribute,\\n\\tFt as empty,\\n\\tz as isSignal,\\n\\twt as lifecyclesToEvents,\\n\\t_t as observedAttributes,\\n\\ty as on,\\n\\tB as registerReactivity,\\n\\tm as scope,\\n\\tE as signal,\\n\\tWt as simulateSlots\\n};\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><h3>Custom Elements with DDE</h3><p>The <code>customElementWithDDE</code> function is only (small) part of the inregration of the library. More important for coexistence is render component function as a&nbsp;body of the Custom Element. For that, you can use <code>customElementRender</code> with arguments instance reference, target for connection, render function and optional properties (will be passed to the render function) see later…</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this" ssr/>--><div id="code-example-1-vivfgyxx9kw" class="example"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="code" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><code class="language-js">import {
} from "./esm-with-signals.js";
export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-element";
static observedAttributes= [ "attr" ];
this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }),
set attr(value){ this.setAttribute("attr", value); }
get attr(){ return this.getAttribute("attr"); }
import { el, on, scope } from "./esm-with-signals.js";
function ddeComponent({ attr }){
on.connected(e=&gt; console.log(e.target.outerHTML)),
return el().append(
el("p", `Hello from Custom Element with attribute '${attr}'`)
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { attr: "Attribute" })
</code></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-example-1-vivfgyxx9kw"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import {\\n\\tcustomElementRender,\\n\\tcustomElementWithDDE,\\n} from \\\"./esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nexport class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{\\n\\tstatic tagName= \\\"custom-element\\\";\\n\\tstatic observedAttributes= [ \\\"attr\\\" ];\\n\\tconnectedCallback(){\\n\\t\\tcustomElementRender(\\n\\t\\t\\tthis,\\n\\t\\t\\tthis.attachShadow({ mode: \\\"open\\\" }),\\n\\t\\t\\tddeComponent\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}\\n\\tset attr(value){ this.setAttribute(\\\"attr\\\", value); }\\n\\tget attr(){ return this.getAttribute(\\\"attr\\\"); }\\n}\\n\\nimport { el, on, scope } from \\\"./esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nfunction ddeComponent({ attr }){\\n\\tscope.host(\\n\\t\\ton.connected(e=> console.log(e.target.outerHTML)),\\n\\t);\\n\\treturn el().append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", `Hello from Custom Element with attribute '${attr}'`)\\n\\t);\\n}\\ncustomElementWithDDE(HTMLCustomElement);\\ncustomElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);\\n\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { attr: \\\"Attribute\\\" })\\n);\\n\"},{\"name\":\"esm-with-signals.js\",\"content\":\"// src/signals-common.js\\nvar k = {\\n\\tisSignal(t) {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t},\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\treturn n;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction B(t, e = !0) {\\n\\treturn e ? Object.assign(k, t) : (Object.setPrototypeOf(t, k), t);\\n}\\nfunction W(t) {\\n\\treturn k.isPrototypeOf(t) && t !== k ? t : k;\\n}\\n\\n// src/helpers.js\\nvar T = (...t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...t);\\nfunction S(t) {\\n\\treturn typeof t > \\\"u\\\";\\n}\\nfunction X(t) {\\n\\tlet e = typeof t;\\n\\treturn e !== \\\"object\\\" ? e : t === null ? \\\"null\\\" : Object.prototype.toString.call(t);\\n}\\nfunction q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!t || !(t instanceof AbortSignal))\\n\\t\\treturn !0;\\n\\tif (!t.aborted)\\n\\t\\treturn t.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e), function() {\\n\\t\\t\\tt.removeEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e);\\n\\t\\t};\\n}\\nfunction F(t, e) {\\n\\tlet { observedAttributes: n = [] } = t.constructor;\\n\\treturn n.reduce(function(r, o) {\\n\\t\\treturn r[pt(o)] = e(t, o), r;\\n\\t}, {});\\n}\\nfunction pt(t) {\\n\\treturn t.replace(/-./g, (e) => e[1].toUpperCase());\\n}\\n\\n// src/dom-common.js\\nvar d = {\\n\\tsetDeleteAttr: lt,\\n\\tssr: \\\"\\\",\\n\\tD: globalThis.document,\\n\\tF: globalThis.DocumentFragment,\\n\\tH: globalThis.HTMLElement,\\n\\tS: globalThis.SVGElement,\\n\\tM: globalThis.MutationObserver\\n};\\nfunction lt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e), t instanceof d.H && t.getAttribute(e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn t.removeAttribute(e);\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.get(t, e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn Reflect.set(t, e, \\\"\\\");\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar O = \\\"__dde_lifecyclesToEvents\\\", _ = \\\"dde:connected\\\", C = \\\"dde:disconnected\\\", M = \\\"dde:attributeChanged\\\";\\n\\n// src/dom.js\\nvar A = [{\\n\\tget scope() {\\n\\t\\treturn d.D.body;\\n\\t},\\n\\thost: (t) => t ? t(d.D.body) : d.D.body,\\n\\tprevent: !0\\n}], m = {\\n\\tget current() {\\n\\t\\treturn A[A.length - 1];\\n\\t},\\n\\tget host() {\\n\\t\\treturn this.current.host;\\n\\t},\\n\\tpreventDefault() {\\n\\t\\tlet { current: t } = this;\\n\\t\\treturn t.prevent = !0, t;\\n\\t},\\n\\tget state() {\\n\\t\\treturn [...A];\\n\\t},\\n\\tpush(t = {}) {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: !1 }, t));\\n\\t},\\n\\tpushRoot() {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(A[0]);\\n\\t},\\n\\tpop() {\\n\\t\\tif (A.length !== 1)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn A.pop();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Y(...t) {\\n\\treturn this.appendOriginal(...t), this;\\n}\\nfunction ht(t) {\\n\\treturn t.append === Y || (t.appendOriginal = t.append, t.append = Y), t;\\n}\\nvar $;\\nfunction P(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = W(this), o = 0, c, i;\\n\\tswitch ((Object(e) !== e || r.isSignal(e)) && (e = { textContent: e }), !0) {\\n\\t\\tcase typeof t == \\\"function\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\to = 1, m.push({ scope: t, host: (...v) => v.length ? (o === 1 ? n.unshift(...v) : v.forEach((h) => h(i)), void 0) : i }), c = t(e || void 0);\\n\\t\\t\\tlet a = c instanceof d.F;\\n\\t\\t\\tif (c.nodeName === \\\"#comment\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet l = P.mark({\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ttype: \\\"component\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tname: t.name,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\thost: a ? \\\"this\\\" : \\\"parentElement\\\"\\n\\t\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\t\\tc.prepend(l), a && (i = l);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\tcase t === \\\"#text\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createTextNode(\\\"\\\"), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase (t === \\\"<>\\\" || !t):\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createDocumentFragment(), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !!$:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElementNS($, t), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !c:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElement(t), e);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn ht(c), i || (i = c), n.forEach((a) => a(i)), o && m.pop(), o = 2, c;\\n}\\nfunction Wt(t, e, n) {\\n\\ttypeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (n = e, e = t);\\n\\tlet r = Symbol.for(\\\"default\\\"), o = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(\\\"slot\\\")).reduce((i, a) => Reflect.set(i, a.name || r, a) && i, {}), c = T(o, r);\\n\\tif (t.append = new Proxy(t.append, {\\n\\t\\tapply(i, a, l) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (l[0] === e) return i.apply(t, l);\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!l.length) return t;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet v = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let h of l) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (!h || !h.slot) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tc && v.append(h);\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tlet x = h.slot, w = o[x];\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tvt(h, \\\"remove\\\", \\\"slot\\\"), w && (bt(w, h, n), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, x));\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\treturn c && (o[r].replaceWith(v), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, r)), t.append = i, t;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}), t !== e) {\\n\\t\\tlet i = Array.from(t.childNodes);\\n\\t\\ti.forEach((a) => a.remove()), t.append(...i);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn e;\\n}\\nfunction bt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tn && n(t, e);\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(j(e, { className: [e.className, t.className], dataset: { ...t.dataset } }));\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(e);\\n\\t}\\n}\\nP.mark = function(t, e = !1) {\\n\\tt = Object.entries(t).map(([o, c]) => o + `=\\\"${c}\\\"`).join(\\\" \\\");\\n\\tlet n = e ? \\\"\\\" : \\\"/\\\", r = d.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${t}${d.ssr}${n}>`);\\n\\treturn e && (r.end = d.D.createComment(\\\"</dde:mark>\\\")), r;\\n};\\nfunction qt(t) {\\n\\tlet e = this;\\n\\treturn function(...r) {\\n\\t\\t$ = t;\\n\\t\\tlet o = P.call(e, ...r);\\n\\t\\treturn $ = void 0, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar U = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), { setDeleteAttr: tt } = d;\\nfunction j(t, ...e) {\\n\\tif (!e.length) return t;\\n\\tU.set(t, rt(t, this));\\n\\tfor (let [n, r] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...e)))\\n\\t\\tnt.call(this, t, n, r);\\n\\treturn U.delete(t), t;\\n}\\nfunction nt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o } = rt(t, this), c = this;\\n\\tn = o.processReactiveAttribute(\\n\\t\\tt,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\t(a, l) => nt.call(c, t, a, l)\\n\\t);\\n\\tlet [i] = e;\\n\\tif (i === \\\"=\\\") return r(e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (i === \\\".\\\") return et(t, e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(e))\\n\\t\\treturn e = e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \\\"$1-$2\\\").toLowerCase(), r(e, n);\\n\\tswitch (e === \\\"className\\\" && (e = \\\"class\\\"), e) {\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"xlink:href\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn r(e, n, \\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\\\");\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"textContent\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn tt(t, e, n);\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"style\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tif (typeof n != \\\"object\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t/* falls through */\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"dataset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, et.bind(null, t[e]));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"ariaset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, (a, l) => r(\\\"aria-\\\" + a, l));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"classList\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn gt.call(c, t, n);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn Et(t, e) ? tt(t, e, n) : r(e, n);\\n}\\nfunction rt(t, e) {\\n\\tif (U.has(t)) return U.get(t);\\n\\tlet r = (t instanceof d.S ? xt : mt).bind(null, t, \\\"Attribute\\\"), o = W(e);\\n\\treturn { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o };\\n}\\nfunction gt(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = W(this);\\n\\treturn I(\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\t(r, o) => t.classList.toggle(r, o === -1 ? void 0 : !!o)\\n\\t), t;\\n}\\nfunction Ft(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.from(t.children).forEach((e) => e.remove()), t;\\n}\\nfunction vt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t instanceof d.H ? t[e + \\\"Attribute\\\"](n, r) : t[e + \\\"AttributeNS\\\"](null, n, r);\\n}\\nfunction Et(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!(e in t)) return !1;\\n\\tlet n = ot(t, e);\\n\\treturn !S(n.set);\\n}\\nfunction ot(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t), !t) return {};\\n\\tlet n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);\\n\\treturn n || ot(t, e);\\n}\\nfunction I(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!(typeof e != \\\"object\\\" || e === null))\\n\\t\\treturn Object.entries(e).forEach(function([o, c]) {\\n\\t\\t\\to && (c = t.processReactiveAttribute(e, o, c, n), n(o, c));\\n\\t\\t});\\n}\\nfunction ct(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.isArray(t) ? t.filter(Boolean).join(\\\" \\\") : t;\\n}\\nfunction mt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e](n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction xt(t, e, n, r, o = null) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e + \\\"NS\\\"](o, n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction et(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n))\\n\\t\\treturn Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e);\\n}\\n\\n// src/events-observer.js\\nvar D = d.M ? yt() : new Proxy({}, {\\n\\tget() {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n});\\nfunction yt() {\\n\\tlet t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = !1, n = (s) => function(u) {\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of u)\\n\\t\\t\\tif (f.type === \\\"childList\\\") {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (h(f.addedNodes, !0)) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ts();\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tx(f.removedNodes, !0) && s();\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t}, r = new d.M(n(a));\\n\\treturn {\\n\\t\\tobserve(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet u = new d.M(n(() => {\\n\\t\\t\\t}));\\n\\t\\t\\treturn u.observe(s, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), () => u.disconnect();\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) || (f.connected.add(u), f.length_c += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) && (f.connected.delete(u), f.length_c -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) || (f.disconnected.add(u), f.length_d += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) && (f.disconnected.delete(u), f.length_d -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t};\\n\\tfunction o(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tu.length_c || u.length_d || (t.delete(s), a());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction c(s) {\\n\\t\\tif (t.has(s)) return t.get(s);\\n\\t\\tlet u = {\\n\\t\\t\\tconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_c: 0,\\n\\t\\t\\tdisconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_d: 0\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn t.set(s, u), u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction i() {\\n\\t\\te || (e = !0, r.observe(d.D.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }));\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction a() {\\n\\t\\t!e || t.size || (e = !1, r.disconnect());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction l() {\\n\\t\\treturn new Promise(function(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\t(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(s);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n\\tasync function v(s) {\\n\\t\\tt.size > 30 && await l();\\n\\t\\tlet u = [];\\n\\t\\tif (!(s instanceof Node)) return u;\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of t.keys())\\n\\t\\t\\tf === s || !(f instanceof Node) || s.contains(f) && u.push(f);\\n\\t\\treturn u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction h(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (u && v(b).then(h), !t.has(b)) continue;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet N = t.get(b);\\n\\t\\t\\tN.length_c && (b.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), N.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), N.length_c = 0, N.length_d || t.delete(b), f = !0);\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction x(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s)\\n\\t\\t\\tu && v(b).then(x), !(!t.has(b) || !t.get(b).length_d) && ((globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(w(b)), f = !0);\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction w(s) {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t\\ts.isConnected || (s.dispatchEvent(new Event(C)), t.delete(s));\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n}\\n\\n// src/customElement.js\\nfunction Zt(t, e, n, r = _t) {\\n\\tm.push({\\n\\t\\tscope: t,\\n\\t\\thost: (...i) => i.length ? i.forEach((a) => a(t)) : t\\n\\t}), typeof r == \\\"function\\\" && (r = r.call(t, t));\\n\\tlet o = t[O];\\n\\to || wt(t);\\n\\tlet c = n.call(t, r);\\n\\treturn o || t.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), e.nodeType === 11 && typeof e.mode == \\\"string\\\" && t.addEventListener(C, D.observe(e), { once: !0 }), m.pop(), e.append(c);\\n}\\nfunction wt(t) {\\n\\treturn J(t.prototype, \\\"connectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), n.dispatchEvent(new Event(_));\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"disconnectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), (globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => !n.isConnected && n.dispatchEvent(new Event(C))\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"attributeChangedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, , c] = r;\\n\\t\\tn.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(M, {\\n\\t\\t\\tdetail: [o, c]\\n\\t\\t})), e.apply(n, r);\\n\\t}), t.prototype[O] = !0, t;\\n}\\nfunction J(t, e, n) {\\n\\tt[e] = new Proxy(t[e] || (() => {\\n\\t}), { apply: n });\\n}\\nfunction _t(t) {\\n\\treturn F(t, (e, n) => e.getAttribute(n));\\n}\\n\\n// src/events.js\\nfunction Qt(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn e || (e = {}), function(o, ...c) {\\n\\t\\tn && (c.unshift(o), o = typeof n == \\\"function\\\" ? n() : n);\\n\\t\\tlet i = c.length ? new CustomEvent(t, Object.assign({ detail: c[0] }, e)) : new Event(t, e);\\n\\t\\treturn o.dispatchEvent(i);\\n\\t};\\n}\\nfunction y(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn function(o) {\\n\\t\\treturn o.addEventListener(t, e, n), o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar it = (t) => Object.assign({}, typeof t == \\\"object\\\" ? t : null, { once: !0 });\\ny.connected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(_, t, e), r[O] ? r : r.isConnected ? (r.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), r) : (q(e.signal, () => D.offConnected(r, t)) && D.onConnected(r, t), r);\\n\\t};\\n};\\ny.disconnected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(C, t, e), r[O] || q(e.signal, () => D.offDisconnected(r, t)) && D.onDisconnected(r, t), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\nvar Z = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\ny.disconnectedAsAbort = function(t) {\\n\\tif (Z.has(t)) return Z.get(t);\\n\\tlet e = new AbortController();\\n\\treturn Z.set(t, e), t(y.disconnected(() => e.abort())), e;\\n};\\nvar At = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();\\ny.attributeChanged = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn typeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (e = {}), function(r) {\\n\\t\\tif (r.addEventListener(M, t, e), r[O] || At.has(r) || !d.M) return r;\\n\\t\\tlet o = new d.M(function(i) {\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let { attributeName: a, target: l } of i)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tl.dispatchEvent(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tnew CustomEvent(M, { detail: [a, l.getAttribute(a)] })\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\treturn q(e.signal, () => o.disconnect()) && o.observe(r, { attributes: !0 }), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\n\\n// src/signals-lib.js\\nvar p = \\\"__dde_signal\\\";\\nfunction z(t) {\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\treturn T(t, p);\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar H = [], g = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\nfunction E(t, e) {\\n\\tif (typeof t != \\\"function\\\")\\n\\t\\treturn st(!1, t, e);\\n\\tif (z(t)) return t;\\n\\tlet n = st(!0), r = function() {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, ...c] = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([o])), H.push(r), dt(n, t()), H.pop(), !c.length) return;\\n\\t\\tlet i = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tfor (let a of c)\\n\\t\\t\\ti.has(a) || L(a, r);\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn g.set(n[p], r), g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([n])), r(), n;\\n}\\nE.action = function(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p], { actions: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!o || !(e in o))\\n\\t\\tthrow new Error(`'${t}' has no action with name '${e}'!`);\\n\\tif (o[e].apply(r, n), r.skip) return delete r.skip;\\n\\tr.listeners.forEach((c) => c(r.value));\\n};\\nE.on = function t(e, n, r = {}) {\\n\\tlet { signal: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!(o && o.aborted)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Array.isArray(e)) return e.forEach((c) => t(c, n, r));\\n\\t\\tQ(e, n), o && o.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", () => L(e, n));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nE.symbols = {\\n\\t//signal: mark,\\n\\tonclear: Symbol.for(\\\"Signal.onclear\\\")\\n};\\nE.clear = function(...t) {\\n\\tfor (let n of t) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = n[p];\\n\\t\\tr && (delete n.toJSON, r.onclear.forEach((o) => o.call(r)), e(n, r), delete n[p]);\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction e(n, r) {\\n\\t\\tr.listeners.forEach((o) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (r.listeners.delete(o), !g.has(o)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet c = g.get(o);\\n\\t\\t\\tc.delete(n), !(c.size > 1) && (n.clear(...c), g.delete(o));\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n};\\nvar R = \\\"__dde_reactive\\\";\\nE.el = function(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = P.mark({ type: \\\"reactive\\\" }, !0), r = n.end, o = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\to.append(n, r);\\n\\tlet { current: c } = m, i = {}, a = (l) => {\\n\\t\\tif (!n.parentNode || !r.parentNode)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn L(t, a);\\n\\t\\tlet v = i;\\n\\t\\ti = {}, m.push(c);\\n\\t\\tlet h = e(l, function(u, f) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet b;\\n\\t\\t\\treturn T(v, u) ? (b = v[u], delete v[u]) : b = f(), i[u] = b, b;\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\tm.pop(), Array.isArray(h) || (h = [h]);\\n\\t\\tlet x = document.createComment(\\\"\\\");\\n\\t\\th.push(x), n.after(...h);\\n\\t\\tlet w;\\n\\t\\tfor (; (w = x.nextSibling) && w !== r; )\\n\\t\\t\\tw.remove();\\n\\t\\tx.remove(), n.isConnected && St(c.host());\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn Q(t, a), ft(t, a, n, e), a(t()), o;\\n};\\nfunction St(t) {\\n\\t!t || !t[R] || (requestIdleCallback || setTimeout)(function() {\\n\\t\\tt[R] = t[R].filter(([e, n]) => n.isConnected ? !0 : (L(...e), !1));\\n\\t});\\n}\\nvar Ot = {\\n\\t_set(t) {\\n\\t\\tthis.value = t;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Ct(t) {\\n\\treturn function(e, n) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = (...c) => c.length ? e.setAttribute(n, ...c) : K(r), o = at(r, e.getAttribute(n), Ot);\\n\\t\\treturn t[n] = o, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar G = \\\"__dde_attributes\\\";\\nE.observedAttributes = function(t) {\\n\\tlet e = t[G] = {}, n = F(t, Ct(e));\\n\\treturn y.attributeChanged(function({ detail: o }) {\\n\\t\\t/*! This maps attributes to signals (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tlet [c, i] = o, a = this[G][c];\\n\\t\\tif (a) return E.action(a, \\\"_set\\\", i);\\n\\t})(t), y.disconnected(function() {\\n\\t\\t/*! This removes all signals mapped to attributes (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tE.clear(...Object.values(this[G]));\\n\\t})(t), n;\\n};\\nvar ut = {\\n\\tisSignal: z,\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tif (!z(n)) return n;\\n\\t\\tlet o = (c) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.isConnected)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\treturn L(n, o);\\n\\t\\t\\tr(e, c);\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn Q(n, o), ft(n, o, t, e), n();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction ft(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet { current: r } = m;\\n\\tr.prevent || r.host(function(o) {\\n\\t\\to[R] || (o[R] = [], y.disconnected(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t/*!\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* Clears all Signals listeners added in the current scope/host (`S.el`, `assign`, …?).\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* You can investigate the `__dde_reactive` key of the element.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* */\\n\\t\\t\\t\\to[R].forEach(([[c, i]]) => L(c, i, c[p] && c[p].host && c[p].host() === o))\\n\\t\\t\\t)\\n\\t\\t)(o)), o[R].push([[t, e], ...n]);\\n\\t});\\n}\\nfunction st(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t ? () => K(r) : (...o) => o.length ? dt(r, ...o) : K(r);\\n\\treturn at(r, e, n, t);\\n}\\nvar Dt = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), {\\n\\tstopPropagation() {\\n\\t\\tthis.skip = !0;\\n\\t}\\n}), V = class extends Error {\\n\\tconstructor() {\\n\\t\\tsuper();\\n\\t\\tlet [e, ...n] = this.stack.split(`\\n`), r = e.slice(e.indexOf(\\\"@\\\"), e.indexOf(\\\".js:\\\") + 4);\\n\\t\\tthis.stack = n.find((o) => !o.includes(r));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction at(t, e, n, r = !1) {\\n\\tlet o = [];\\n\\tX(n) !== \\\"[object Object]\\\" && (n = {});\\n\\tlet { onclear: c } = E.symbols;\\n\\tn[c] && (o.push(n[c]), delete n[c]);\\n\\tlet { host: i } = m;\\n\\treturn Reflect.defineProperty(t, p, {\\n\\t\\tvalue: {\\n\\t\\t\\tvalue: e,\\n\\t\\t\\tactions: n,\\n\\t\\t\\tonclear: o,\\n\\t\\t\\thost: i,\\n\\t\\t\\tlisteners: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),\\n\\t\\t\\tdefined: new V().stack,\\n\\t\\t\\treadonly: r\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tenumerable: !1,\\n\\t\\twritable: !1,\\n\\t\\tconfigurable: !0\\n\\t}), t.toJSON = () => t(), t.valueOf = () => t[p] && t[p].value, Object.setPrototypeOf(t[p], Dt), t;\\n}\\nfunction Rt() {\\n\\treturn H[H.length - 1];\\n}\\nfunction K(t) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet { value: e, listeners: n } = t[p], r = Rt();\\n\\treturn r && n.add(r), g.has(r) && g.get(r).add(t), e;\\n}\\nfunction dt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!(!n && r.value === e))\\n\\t\\treturn r.value = e, r.listeners.forEach((o) => o(e)), e;\\n}\\nfunction Q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t[p])\\n\\t\\treturn t[p].listeners.add(e);\\n}\\nfunction L(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!r) return;\\n\\tlet o = r.listeners.delete(e);\\n\\tif (n && !r.listeners.size) {\\n\\t\\tif (E.clear(t), !g.has(r)) return o;\\n\\t\\tlet c = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (!g.has(c)) return o;\\n\\t\\tg.get(c).forEach((i) => L(i, c, !0));\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn o;\\n}\\n\\n// signals.js\\nB(ut);\\nexport {\\n\\tE as S,\\n\\tj as assign,\\n\\tnt as assignAttribute,\\n\\tht as chainableAppend,\\n\\tgt as classListDeclarative,\\n\\tP as createElement,\\n\\tqt as createElementNS,\\n\\tZt as customElementRender,\\n\\twt as customElementWithDDE,\\n\\tQt as dispatchEvent,\\n\\tP as el,\\n\\tqt as elNS,\\n\\tvt as elementAttribute,\\n\\tFt as empty,\\n\\tz as isSignal,\\n\\twt as lifecyclesToEvents,\\n\\t_t as observedAttributes,\\n\\ty as on,\\n\\tB as registerReactivity,\\n\\tm as scope,\\n\\tE as signal,\\n\\tWt as simulateSlots\\n};\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>…as you can see, you can use components created based on the documentation previously introduced. To unlock full potential, use with combination <code>customElementWithDDE</code> (allows to use livecycle events) and <code>observedAttributes</code> (converts attributes to render function arguments — <em>default</em>) or <code>S.observedAttributes</code> (converts attributes to signals).</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this" ssr/>--><div id="code-example-1-u3dl2tjmoj4" class="example"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="code" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><code class="language-js">import {
el, on, scope
} from "./esm-with-signals.js";
import { S } from "./esm-with-signals.js";
export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-element";
static observedAttributes= [ "attr" ];
this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }),
set attr(value){ this.setAttribute("attr", value); }
get attr(){ return this.getAttribute("attr"); }
/** @param {{ attr: ddeSignal&lt;string, {}&gt; }} props */
function ddeComponent({ attr }){
on.connected(e=&gt; console.log(e.target.outerHTML)),
return el().append(
el("p", S(()=&gt; `Hello from Custom Element with attribute '${attr()}'`))
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { attr: "Attribute" })
()=&gt; document.querySelector(HTMLCustomElement.tagName).setAttribute("attr", "New Value"),
</code></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-example-1-u3dl2tjmoj4"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import {\\n\\tcustomElementRender,\\n\\tcustomElementWithDDE,\\n\\tobservedAttributes,\\n\\tel, on, scope \\n} from \\\"./esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nimport { S } from \\\"./esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nexport class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{\\n\\tstatic tagName= \\\"custom-element\\\";\\n\\tstatic observedAttributes= [ \\\"attr\\\" ];\\n\\tconnectedCallback(){\\n\\t\\tconsole.log(observedAttributes(this));\\n\\t\\tcustomElementRender(\\n\\t\\t\\tthis,\\n\\t\\t\\tthis.attachShadow({ mode: \\\"open\\\" }),\\n\\t\\t\\tddeComponent,\\n\\t\\t\\tS.observedAttributes\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}\\n\\tset attr(value){ this.setAttribute(\\\"attr\\\", value); }\\n\\tget attr(){ return this.getAttribute(\\\"attr\\\"); }\\n}\\n\\n/** @param {{ attr: ddeSignal<string, {}> }} props */\\nfunction ddeComponent({ attr }){\\n\\tscope.host(\\n\\t\\ton.connected(e=> console.log(e.target.outerHTML)),\\n\\t);\\n\\treturn el().append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", S(()=> `Hello from Custom Element with attribute '${attr()}'`))\\n\\t);\\n}\\ncustomElementWithDDE(HTMLCustomElement);\\ncustomElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);\\n\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { attr: \\\"Attribute\\\" })\\n);\\nsetTimeout(\\n\\t()=> document.querySelector(HTMLCustomElement.tagName).setAttribute(\\\"attr\\\", \\\"New Value\\\"),\\n\\t3*750\\n);\\n\"},{\"name\":\"esm-with-signals.js\",\"content\":\"// src/signals-common.js\\nvar k = {\\n\\tisSignal(t) {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t},\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\treturn n;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction B(t, e = !0) {\\n\\treturn e ? Object.assign(k, t) : (Object.setPrototypeOf(t, k), t);\\n}\\nfunction W(t) {\\n\\treturn k.isPrototypeOf(t) && t !== k ? t : k;\\n}\\n\\n// src/helpers.js\\nvar T = (...t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...t);\\nfunction S(t) {\\n\\treturn typeof t > \\\"u\\\";\\n}\\nfunction X(t) {\\n\\tlet e = typeof t;\\n\\treturn e !== \\\"object\\\" ? e : t === null ? \\\"null\\\" : Object.prototype.toString.call(t);\\n}\\nfunction q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!t || !(t instanceof AbortSignal))\\n\\t\\treturn !0;\\n\\tif (!t.aborted)\\n\\t\\treturn t.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e), function() {\\n\\t\\t\\tt.removeEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e);\\n\\t\\t};\\n}\\nfunction F(t, e) {\\n\\tlet { observedAttributes: n = [] } = t.constructor;\\n\\treturn n.reduce(function(r, o) {\\n\\t\\treturn r[pt(o)] = e(t, o), r;\\n\\t}, {});\\n}\\nfunction pt(t) {\\n\\treturn t.replace(/-./g, (e) => e[1].toUpperCase());\\n}\\n\\n// src/dom-common.js\\nvar d = {\\n\\tsetDeleteAttr: lt,\\n\\tssr: \\\"\\\",\\n\\tD: globalThis.document,\\n\\tF: globalThis.DocumentFragment,\\n\\tH: globalThis.HTMLElement,\\n\\tS: globalThis.SVGElement,\\n\\tM: globalThis.MutationObserver\\n};\\nfunction lt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e), t instanceof d.H && t.getAttribute(e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn t.removeAttribute(e);\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.get(t, e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn Reflect.set(t, e, \\\"\\\");\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar O = \\\"__dde_lifecyclesToEvents\\\", _ = \\\"dde:connected\\\", C = \\\"dde:disconnected\\\", M = \\\"dde:attributeChanged\\\";\\n\\n// src/dom.js\\nvar A = [{\\n\\tget scope() {\\n\\t\\treturn d.D.body;\\n\\t},\\n\\thost: (t) => t ? t(d.D.body) : d.D.body,\\n\\tprevent: !0\\n}], m = {\\n\\tget current() {\\n\\t\\treturn A[A.length - 1];\\n\\t},\\n\\tget host() {\\n\\t\\treturn this.current.host;\\n\\t},\\n\\tpreventDefault() {\\n\\t\\tlet { current: t } = this;\\n\\t\\treturn t.prevent = !0, t;\\n\\t},\\n\\tget state() {\\n\\t\\treturn [...A];\\n\\t},\\n\\tpush(t = {}) {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: !1 }, t));\\n\\t},\\n\\tpushRoot() {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(A[0]);\\n\\t},\\n\\tpop() {\\n\\t\\tif (A.length !== 1)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn A.pop();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Y(...t) {\\n\\treturn this.appendOriginal(...t), this;\\n}\\nfunction ht(t) {\\n\\treturn t.append === Y || (t.appendOriginal = t.append, t.append = Y), t;\\n}\\nvar $;\\nfunction P(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = W(this), o = 0, c, i;\\n\\tswitch ((Object(e) !== e || r.isSignal(e)) && (e = { textContent: e }), !0) {\\n\\t\\tcase typeof t == \\\"function\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\to = 1, m.push({ scope: t, host: (...v) => v.length ? (o === 1 ? n.unshift(...v) : v.forEach((h) => h(i)), void 0) : i }), c = t(e || void 0);\\n\\t\\t\\tlet a = c instanceof d.F;\\n\\t\\t\\tif (c.nodeName === \\\"#comment\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet l = P.mark({\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ttype: \\\"component\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tname: t.name,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\thost: a ? \\\"this\\\" : \\\"parentElement\\\"\\n\\t\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\t\\tc.prepend(l), a && (i = l);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\tcase t === \\\"#text\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createTextNode(\\\"\\\"), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase (t === \\\"<>\\\" || !t):\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createDocumentFragment(), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !!$:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElementNS($, t), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !c:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElement(t), e);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn ht(c), i || (i = c), n.forEach((a) => a(i)), o && m.pop(), o = 2, c;\\n}\\nfunction Wt(t, e, n) {\\n\\ttypeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (n = e, e = t);\\n\\tlet r = Symbol.for(\\\"default\\\"), o = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(\\\"slot\\\")).reduce((i, a) => Reflect.set(i, a.name || r, a) && i, {}), c = T(o, r);\\n\\tif (t.append = new Proxy(t.append, {\\n\\t\\tapply(i, a, l) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (l[0] === e) return i.apply(t, l);\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!l.length) return t;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet v = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let h of l) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (!h || !h.slot) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tc && v.append(h);\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tlet x = h.slot, w = o[x];\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tvt(h, \\\"remove\\\", \\\"slot\\\"), w && (bt(w, h, n), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, x));\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\treturn c && (o[r].replaceWith(v), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, r)), t.append = i, t;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}), t !== e) {\\n\\t\\tlet i = Array.from(t.childNodes);\\n\\t\\ti.forEach((a) => a.remove()), t.append(...i);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn e;\\n}\\nfunction bt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tn && n(t, e);\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(j(e, { className: [e.className, t.className], dataset: { ...t.dataset } }));\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(e);\\n\\t}\\n}\\nP.mark = function(t, e = !1) {\\n\\tt = Object.entries(t).map(([o, c]) => o + `=\\\"${c}\\\"`).join(\\\" \\\");\\n\\tlet n = e ? \\\"\\\" : \\\"/\\\", r = d.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${t}${d.ssr}${n}>`);\\n\\treturn e && (r.end = d.D.createComment(\\\"</dde:mark>\\\")), r;\\n};\\nfunction qt(t) {\\n\\tlet e = this;\\n\\treturn function(...r) {\\n\\t\\t$ = t;\\n\\t\\tlet o = P.call(e, ...r);\\n\\t\\treturn $ = void 0, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar U = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), { setDeleteAttr: tt } = d;\\nfunction j(t, ...e) {\\n\\tif (!e.length) return t;\\n\\tU.set(t, rt(t, this));\\n\\tfor (let [n, r] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...e)))\\n\\t\\tnt.call(this, t, n, r);\\n\\treturn U.delete(t), t;\\n}\\nfunction nt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o } = rt(t, this), c = this;\\n\\tn = o.processReactiveAttribute(\\n\\t\\tt,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\t(a, l) => nt.call(c, t, a, l)\\n\\t);\\n\\tlet [i] = e;\\n\\tif (i === \\\"=\\\") return r(e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (i === \\\".\\\") return et(t, e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(e))\\n\\t\\treturn e = e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \\\"$1-$2\\\").toLowerCase(), r(e, n);\\n\\tswitch (e === \\\"className\\\" && (e = \\\"class\\\"), e) {\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"xlink:href\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn r(e, n, \\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\\\");\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"textContent\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn tt(t, e, n);\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"style\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tif (typeof n != \\\"object\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t/* falls through */\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"dataset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, et.bind(null, t[e]));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"ariaset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, (a, l) => r(\\\"aria-\\\" + a, l));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"classList\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn gt.call(c, t, n);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn Et(t, e) ? tt(t, e, n) : r(e, n);\\n}\\nfunction rt(t, e) {\\n\\tif (U.has(t)) return U.get(t);\\n\\tlet r = (t instanceof d.S ? xt : mt).bind(null, t, \\\"Attribute\\\"), o = W(e);\\n\\treturn { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o };\\n}\\nfunction gt(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = W(this);\\n\\treturn I(\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\t(r, o) => t.classList.toggle(r, o === -1 ? void 0 : !!o)\\n\\t), t;\\n}\\nfunction Ft(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.from(t.children).forEach((e) => e.remove()), t;\\n}\\nfunction vt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t instanceof d.H ? t[e + \\\"Attribute\\\"](n, r) : t[e + \\\"AttributeNS\\\"](null, n, r);\\n}\\nfunction Et(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!(e in t)) return !1;\\n\\tlet n = ot(t, e);\\n\\treturn !S(n.set);\\n}\\nfunction ot(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t), !t) return {};\\n\\tlet n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);\\n\\treturn n || ot(t, e);\\n}\\nfunction I(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!(typeof e != \\\"object\\\" || e === null))\\n\\t\\treturn Object.entries(e).forEach(function([o, c]) {\\n\\t\\t\\to && (c = t.processReactiveAttribute(e, o, c, n), n(o, c));\\n\\t\\t});\\n}\\nfunction ct(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.isArray(t) ? t.filter(Boolean).join(\\\" \\\") : t;\\n}\\nfunction mt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e](n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction xt(t, e, n, r, o = null) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e + \\\"NS\\\"](o, n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction et(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n))\\n\\t\\treturn Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e);\\n}\\n\\n// src/events-observer.js\\nvar D = d.M ? yt() : new Proxy({}, {\\n\\tget() {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n});\\nfunction yt() {\\n\\tlet t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = !1, n = (s) => function(u) {\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of u)\\n\\t\\t\\tif (f.type === \\\"childList\\\") {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (h(f.addedNodes, !0)) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ts();\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tx(f.removedNodes, !0) && s();\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t}, r = new d.M(n(a));\\n\\treturn {\\n\\t\\tobserve(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet u = new d.M(n(() => {\\n\\t\\t\\t}));\\n\\t\\t\\treturn u.observe(s, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), () => u.disconnect();\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) || (f.connected.add(u), f.length_c += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) && (f.connected.delete(u), f.length_c -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) || (f.disconnected.add(u), f.length_d += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) && (f.disconnected.delete(u), f.length_d -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t};\\n\\tfunction o(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tu.length_c || u.length_d || (t.delete(s), a());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction c(s) {\\n\\t\\tif (t.has(s)) return t.get(s);\\n\\t\\tlet u = {\\n\\t\\t\\tconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_c: 0,\\n\\t\\t\\tdisconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_d: 0\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn t.set(s, u), u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction i() {\\n\\t\\te || (e = !0, r.observe(d.D.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }));\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction a() {\\n\\t\\t!e || t.size || (e = !1, r.disconnect());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction l() {\\n\\t\\treturn new Promise(function(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\t(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(s);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n\\tasync function v(s) {\\n\\t\\tt.size > 30 && await l();\\n\\t\\tlet u = [];\\n\\t\\tif (!(s instanceof Node)) return u;\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of t.keys())\\n\\t\\t\\tf === s || !(f instanceof Node) || s.contains(f) && u.push(f);\\n\\t\\treturn u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction h(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (u && v(b).then(h), !t.has(b)) continue;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet N = t.get(b);\\n\\t\\t\\tN.length_c && (b.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), N.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), N.length_c = 0, N.length_d || t.delete(b), f = !0);\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction x(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s)\\n\\t\\t\\tu && v(b).then(x), !(!t.has(b) || !t.get(b).length_d) && ((globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(w(b)), f = !0);\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction w(s) {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t\\ts.isConnected || (s.dispatchEvent(new Event(C)), t.delete(s));\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n}\\n\\n// src/customElement.js\\nfunction Zt(t, e, n, r = _t) {\\n\\tm.push({\\n\\t\\tscope: t,\\n\\t\\thost: (...i) => i.length ? i.forEach((a) => a(t)) : t\\n\\t}), typeof r == \\\"function\\\" && (r = r.call(t, t));\\n\\tlet o = t[O];\\n\\to || wt(t);\\n\\tlet c = n.call(t, r);\\n\\treturn o || t.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), e.nodeType === 11 && typeof e.mode == \\\"string\\\" && t.addEventListener(C, D.observe(e), { once: !0 }), m.pop(), e.append(c);\\n}\\nfunction wt(t) {\\n\\treturn J(t.prototype, \\\"connectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), n.dispatchEvent(new Event(_));\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"disconnectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), (globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => !n.isConnected && n.dispatchEvent(new Event(C))\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"attributeChangedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, , c] = r;\\n\\t\\tn.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(M, {\\n\\t\\t\\tdetail: [o, c]\\n\\t\\t})), e.apply(n, r);\\n\\t}), t.prototype[O] = !0, t;\\n}\\nfunction J(t, e, n) {\\n\\tt[e] = new Proxy(t[e] || (() => {\\n\\t}), { apply: n });\\n}\\nfunction _t(t) {\\n\\treturn F(t, (e, n) => e.getAttribute(n));\\n}\\n\\n// src/events.js\\nfunction Qt(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn e || (e = {}), function(o, ...c) {\\n\\t\\tn && (c.unshift(o), o = typeof n == \\\"function\\\" ? n() : n);\\n\\t\\tlet i = c.length ? new CustomEvent(t, Object.assign({ detail: c[0] }, e)) : new Event(t, e);\\n\\t\\treturn o.dispatchEvent(i);\\n\\t};\\n}\\nfunction y(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn function(o) {\\n\\t\\treturn o.addEventListener(t, e, n), o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar it = (t) => Object.assign({}, typeof t == \\\"object\\\" ? t : null, { once: !0 });\\ny.connected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(_, t, e), r[O] ? r : r.isConnected ? (r.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), r) : (q(e.signal, () => D.offConnected(r, t)) && D.onConnected(r, t), r);\\n\\t};\\n};\\ny.disconnected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(C, t, e), r[O] || q(e.signal, () => D.offDisconnected(r, t)) && D.onDisconnected(r, t), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\nvar Z = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\ny.disconnectedAsAbort = function(t) {\\n\\tif (Z.has(t)) return Z.get(t);\\n\\tlet e = new AbortController();\\n\\treturn Z.set(t, e), t(y.disconnected(() => e.abort())), e;\\n};\\nvar At = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();\\ny.attributeChanged = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn typeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (e = {}), function(r) {\\n\\t\\tif (r.addEventListener(M, t, e), r[O] || At.has(r) || !d.M) return r;\\n\\t\\tlet o = new d.M(function(i) {\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let { attributeName: a, target: l } of i)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tl.dispatchEvent(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tnew CustomEvent(M, { detail: [a, l.getAttribute(a)] })\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\treturn q(e.signal, () => o.disconnect()) && o.observe(r, { attributes: !0 }), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\n\\n// src/signals-lib.js\\nvar p = \\\"__dde_signal\\\";\\nfunction z(t) {\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\treturn T(t, p);\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar H = [], g = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\nfunction E(t, e) {\\n\\tif (typeof t != \\\"function\\\")\\n\\t\\treturn st(!1, t, e);\\n\\tif (z(t)) return t;\\n\\tlet n = st(!0), r = function() {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, ...c] = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([o])), H.push(r), dt(n, t()), H.pop(), !c.length) return;\\n\\t\\tlet i = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tfor (let a of c)\\n\\t\\t\\ti.has(a) || L(a, r);\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn g.set(n[p], r), g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([n])), r(), n;\\n}\\nE.action = function(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p], { actions: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!o || !(e in o))\\n\\t\\tthrow new Error(`'${t}' has no action with name '${e}'!`);\\n\\tif (o[e].apply(r, n), r.skip) return delete r.skip;\\n\\tr.listeners.forEach((c) => c(r.value));\\n};\\nE.on = function t(e, n, r = {}) {\\n\\tlet { signal: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!(o && o.aborted)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Array.isArray(e)) return e.forEach((c) => t(c, n, r));\\n\\t\\tQ(e, n), o && o.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", () => L(e, n));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nE.symbols = {\\n\\t//signal: mark,\\n\\tonclear: Symbol.for(\\\"Signal.onclear\\\")\\n};\\nE.clear = function(...t) {\\n\\tfor (let n of t) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = n[p];\\n\\t\\tr && (delete n.toJSON, r.onclear.forEach((o) => o.call(r)), e(n, r), delete n[p]);\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction e(n, r) {\\n\\t\\tr.listeners.forEach((o) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (r.listeners.delete(o), !g.has(o)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet c = g.get(o);\\n\\t\\t\\tc.delete(n), !(c.size > 1) && (n.clear(...c), g.delete(o));\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n};\\nvar R = \\\"__dde_reactive\\\";\\nE.el = function(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = P.mark({ type: \\\"reactive\\\" }, !0), r = n.end, o = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\to.append(n, r);\\n\\tlet { current: c } = m, i = {}, a = (l) => {\\n\\t\\tif (!n.parentNode || !r.parentNode)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn L(t, a);\\n\\t\\tlet v = i;\\n\\t\\ti = {}, m.push(c);\\n\\t\\tlet h = e(l, function(u, f) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet b;\\n\\t\\t\\treturn T(v, u) ? (b = v[u], delete v[u]) : b = f(), i[u] = b, b;\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\tm.pop(), Array.isArray(h) || (h = [h]);\\n\\t\\tlet x = document.createComment(\\\"\\\");\\n\\t\\th.push(x), n.after(...h);\\n\\t\\tlet w;\\n\\t\\tfor (; (w = x.nextSibling) && w !== r; )\\n\\t\\t\\tw.remove();\\n\\t\\tx.remove(), n.isConnected && St(c.host());\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn Q(t, a), ft(t, a, n, e), a(t()), o;\\n};\\nfunction St(t) {\\n\\t!t || !t[R] || (requestIdleCallback || setTimeout)(function() {\\n\\t\\tt[R] = t[R].filter(([e, n]) => n.isConnected ? !0 : (L(...e), !1));\\n\\t});\\n}\\nvar Ot = {\\n\\t_set(t) {\\n\\t\\tthis.value = t;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Ct(t) {\\n\\treturn function(e, n) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = (...c) => c.length ? e.setAttribute(n, ...c) : K(r), o = at(r, e.getAttribute(n), Ot);\\n\\t\\treturn t[n] = o, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar G = \\\"__dde_attributes\\\";\\nE.observedAttributes = function(t) {\\n\\tlet e = t[G] = {}, n = F(t, Ct(e));\\n\\treturn y.attributeChanged(function({ detail: o }) {\\n\\t\\t/*! This maps attributes to signals (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tlet [c, i] = o, a = this[G][c];\\n\\t\\tif (a) return E.action(a, \\\"_set\\\", i);\\n\\t})(t), y.disconnected(function() {\\n\\t\\t/*! This removes all signals mapped to attributes (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tE.clear(...Object.values(this[G]));\\n\\t})(t), n;\\n};\\nvar ut = {\\n\\tisSignal: z,\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tif (!z(n)) return n;\\n\\t\\tlet o = (c) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.isConnected)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\treturn L(n, o);\\n\\t\\t\\tr(e, c);\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn Q(n, o), ft(n, o, t, e), n();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction ft(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet { current: r } = m;\\n\\tr.prevent || r.host(function(o) {\\n\\t\\to[R] || (o[R] = [], y.disconnected(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t/*!\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* Clears all Signals listeners added in the current scope/host (`S.el`, `assign`, …?).\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* You can investigate the `__dde_reactive` key of the element.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* */\\n\\t\\t\\t\\to[R].forEach(([[c, i]]) => L(c, i, c[p] && c[p].host && c[p].host() === o))\\n\\t\\t\\t)\\n\\t\\t)(o)), o[R].push([[t, e], ...n]);\\n\\t});\\n}\\nfunction st(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t ? () => K(r) : (...o) => o.length ? dt(r, ...o) : K(r);\\n\\treturn at(r, e, n, t);\\n}\\nvar Dt = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), {\\n\\tstopPropagation() {\\n\\t\\tthis.skip = !0;\\n\\t}\\n}), V = class extends Error {\\n\\tconstructor() {\\n\\t\\tsuper();\\n\\t\\tlet [e, ...n] = this.stack.split(`\\n`), r = e.slice(e.indexOf(\\\"@\\\"), e.indexOf(\\\".js:\\\") + 4);\\n\\t\\tthis.stack = n.find((o) => !o.includes(r));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction at(t, e, n, r = !1) {\\n\\tlet o = [];\\n\\tX(n) !== \\\"[object Object]\\\" && (n = {});\\n\\tlet { onclear: c } = E.symbols;\\n\\tn[c] && (o.push(n[c]), delete n[c]);\\n\\tlet { host: i } = m;\\n\\treturn Reflect.defineProperty(t, p, {\\n\\t\\tvalue: {\\n\\t\\t\\tvalue: e,\\n\\t\\t\\tactions: n,\\n\\t\\t\\tonclear: o,\\n\\t\\t\\thost: i,\\n\\t\\t\\tlisteners: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),\\n\\t\\t\\tdefined: new V().stack,\\n\\t\\t\\treadonly: r\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tenumerable: !1,\\n\\t\\twritable: !1,\\n\\t\\tconfigurable: !0\\n\\t}), t.toJSON = () => t(), t.valueOf = () => t[p] && t[p].value, Object.setPrototypeOf(t[p], Dt), t;\\n}\\nfunction Rt() {\\n\\treturn H[H.length - 1];\\n}\\nfunction K(t) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet { value: e, listeners: n } = t[p], r = Rt();\\n\\treturn r && n.add(r), g.has(r) && g.get(r).add(t), e;\\n}\\nfunction dt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!(!n && r.value === e))\\n\\t\\treturn r.value = e, r.listeners.forEach((o) => o(e)), e;\\n}\\nfunction Q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t[p])\\n\\t\\treturn t[p].listeners.add(e);\\n}\\nfunction L(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!r) return;\\n\\tlet o = r.listeners.delete(e);\\n\\tif (n && !r.listeners.size) {\\n\\t\\tif (E.clear(t), !g.has(r)) return o;\\n\\t\\tlet c = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (!g.has(c)) return o;\\n\\t\\tg.get(c).forEach((i) => L(i, c, !0));\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn o;\\n}\\n\\n// signals.js\\nB(ut);\\nexport {\\n\\tE as S,\\n\\tj as assign,\\n\\tnt as assignAttribute,\\n\\tht as chainableAppend,\\n\\tgt as classListDeclarative,\\n\\tP as createElement,\\n\\tqt as createElementNS,\\n\\tZt as customElementRender,\\n\\twt as customElementWithDDE,\\n\\tQt as dispatchEvent,\\n\\tP as el,\\n\\tqt as elNS,\\n\\tvt as elementAttribute,\\n\\tFt as empty,\\n\\tz as isSignal,\\n\\twt as lifecyclesToEvents,\\n\\t_t as observedAttributes,\\n\\ty as on,\\n\\tB as registerReactivity,\\n\\tm as scope,\\n\\tE as signal,\\n\\tWt as simulateSlots\\n};\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><h3 id="h-shadow-dom"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="h3" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><a href="#h-shadow-dom" tabindex="-1">#</a> Shadow DOM</h3><p>Shadow DOM is a&nbsp;web platform feature that allows for the encapsulation of a&nbsp;components internal DOM tree from the rest of&nbsp;the document. This means that styles and scripts applied to the document will not affect the components internal DOM, and vice versa. </p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this" ssr/>--><div id="code-example-1-1uj2c0nml4gw" class="example"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="code" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><code class="language-js">import {
} from "./esm-with-signals.js";
function ddeComponent(){
return el().append(
el("style", `
.red{ color: firebrick; }
el("p", { className: "red" }).append(
"Hello from ", el("slot", "Custom Element"), "!"
export class A extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-element-without";
customElements.define(A.tagName, A);
export class B extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-element-open";
this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }),
customElements.define(B.tagName, B);
export class C extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-element-closed";
this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" }),
customElements.define(C.tagName, C);
el(A.tagName).append("Without shadowRoot"),
el(B.tagName).append("Open shadowRoot"),
el(C.tagName).append("Closed shadowRoot"),
el("style", `
.red{ color: crimson; }
console.log(A.tagName, "expect modifications");
document.body.querySelector(A.tagName).querySelector("p").textContent+= " (editable with JS)";
console.log(B.tagName, "expect modifications");
document.body.querySelector(B.tagName).shadowRoot.querySelector("p").textContent+= " (editable with JS)";
console.log(C.tagName, "expect error ↓");
document.body.querySelector(C.tagName).querySelector("p").textContent+= " (editable with JS)";
</code></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-example-1-1uj2c0nml4gw"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import {\\n\\tel,\\n\\tcustomElementRender,\\n\\tcustomElementWithDDE,\\n} from \\\"./esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nfunction ddeComponent(){\\n\\treturn el().append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"style\\\", `\\n\\t\\t\\t.red{ color: firebrick; }\\n\\t\\t`),\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", { className: \\\"red\\\" }).append(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"Hello from \\\", el(\\\"slot\\\", \\\"Custom Element\\\"), \\\"!\\\"\\n\\t\\t)\\n\\t);\\n}\\n\\nexport class A extends HTMLElement{\\n\\tstatic tagName= \\\"custom-element-without\\\";\\n\\tconnectedCallback(){\\n\\t\\tcustomElementRender(\\n\\t\\t\\tthis,\\n\\t\\t\\tthis,\\n\\t\\t\\tddeComponent\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}\\n}\\ncustomElementWithDDE(A);\\ncustomElements.define(A.tagName, A);\\nexport class B extends HTMLElement{\\n\\tstatic tagName= \\\"custom-element-open\\\";\\n\\tconnectedCallback(){\\n\\t\\tcustomElementRender(\\n\\t\\t\\tthis,\\n\\t\\t\\tthis.attachShadow({ mode: \\\"open\\\" }),\\n\\t\\t\\tddeComponent\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}\\n}\\ncustomElementWithDDE(B);\\ncustomElements.define(B.tagName, B);\\nexport class C extends HTMLElement{\\n\\tstatic tagName= \\\"custom-element-closed\\\";\\n\\tconnectedCallback(){\\n\\t\\tcustomElementRender(\\n\\t\\t\\tthis,\\n\\t\\t\\tthis.attachShadow({ mode: \\\"closed\\\" }),\\n\\t\\t\\tddeComponent\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}\\n}\\ncustomElementWithDDE(C);\\ncustomElements.define(C.tagName, C);\\n\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(A.tagName).append(\\\"Without shadowRoot\\\"),\\n\\tel(\\\"hr\\\"),\\n\\tel(B.tagName).append(\\\"Open shadowRoot\\\"),\\n\\tel(\\\"hr\\\"),\\n\\tel(C.tagName).append(\\\"Closed shadowRoot\\\"),\\n\\tel(\\\"style\\\", `\\n\\t\\t.red{ color: crimson; }\\n\\t`),\\n);\\nconsole.log(A.tagName, \\\"expect modifications\\\");\\ndocument.body.querySelector(A.tagName).querySelector(\\\"p\\\").textContent+= \\\" (editable with JS)\\\";\\nconsole.log(B.tagName, \\\"expect modifications\\\");\\ndocument.body.querySelector(B.tagName).shadowRoot.querySelector(\\\"p\\\").textContent+= \\\" (editable with JS)\\\";\\nconsole.log(C.tagName, \\\"expect error ↓\\\");\\ndocument.body.querySelector(C.tagName).querySelector(\\\"p\\\").textContent+= \\\" (editable with JS)\\\";\\n\"},{\"name\":\"esm-with-signals.js\",\"content\":\"// src/signals-common.js\\nvar k = {\\n\\tisSignal(t) {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t},\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\treturn n;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction B(t, e = !0) {\\n\\treturn e ? Object.assign(k, t) : (Object.setPrototypeOf(t, k), t);\\n}\\nfunction W(t) {\\n\\treturn k.isPrototypeOf(t) && t !== k ? t : k;\\n}\\n\\n// src/helpers.js\\nvar T = (...t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...t);\\nfunction S(t) {\\n\\treturn typeof t > \\\"u\\\";\\n}\\nfunction X(t) {\\n\\tlet e = typeof t;\\n\\treturn e !== \\\"object\\\" ? e : t === null ? \\\"null\\\" : Object.prototype.toString.call(t);\\n}\\nfunction q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!t || !(t instanceof AbortSignal))\\n\\t\\treturn !0;\\n\\tif (!t.aborted)\\n\\t\\treturn t.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e), function() {\\n\\t\\t\\tt.removeEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e);\\n\\t\\t};\\n}\\nfunction F(t, e) {\\n\\tlet { observedAttributes: n = [] } = t.constructor;\\n\\treturn n.reduce(function(r, o) {\\n\\t\\treturn r[pt(o)] = e(t, o), r;\\n\\t}, {});\\n}\\nfunction pt(t) {\\n\\treturn t.replace(/-./g, (e) => e[1].toUpperCase());\\n}\\n\\n// src/dom-common.js\\nvar d = {\\n\\tsetDeleteAttr: lt,\\n\\tssr: \\\"\\\",\\n\\tD: globalThis.document,\\n\\tF: globalThis.DocumentFragment,\\n\\tH: globalThis.HTMLElement,\\n\\tS: globalThis.SVGElement,\\n\\tM: globalThis.MutationObserver\\n};\\nfunction lt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e), t instanceof d.H && t.getAttribute(e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn t.removeAttribute(e);\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.get(t, e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn Reflect.set(t, e, \\\"\\\");\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar O = \\\"__dde_lifecyclesToEvents\\\", _ = \\\"dde:connected\\\", C = \\\"dde:disconnected\\\", M = \\\"dde:attributeChanged\\\";\\n\\n// src/dom.js\\nvar A = [{\\n\\tget scope() {\\n\\t\\treturn d.D.body;\\n\\t},\\n\\thost: (t) => t ? t(d.D.body) : d.D.body,\\n\\tprevent: !0\\n}], m = {\\n\\tget current() {\\n\\t\\treturn A[A.length - 1];\\n\\t},\\n\\tget host() {\\n\\t\\treturn this.current.host;\\n\\t},\\n\\tpreventDefault() {\\n\\t\\tlet { current: t } = this;\\n\\t\\treturn t.prevent = !0, t;\\n\\t},\\n\\tget state() {\\n\\t\\treturn [...A];\\n\\t},\\n\\tpush(t = {}) {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: !1 }, t));\\n\\t},\\n\\tpushRoot() {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(A[0]);\\n\\t},\\n\\tpop() {\\n\\t\\tif (A.length !== 1)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn A.pop();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Y(...t) {\\n\\treturn this.appendOriginal(...t), this;\\n}\\nfunction ht(t) {\\n\\treturn t.append === Y || (t.appendOriginal = t.append, t.append = Y), t;\\n}\\nvar $;\\nfunction P(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = W(this), o = 0, c, i;\\n\\tswitch ((Object(e) !== e || r.isSignal(e)) && (e = { textContent: e }), !0) {\\n\\t\\tcase typeof t == \\\"function\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\to = 1, m.push({ scope: t, host: (...v) => v.length ? (o === 1 ? n.unshift(...v) : v.forEach((h) => h(i)), void 0) : i }), c = t(e || void 0);\\n\\t\\t\\tlet a = c instanceof d.F;\\n\\t\\t\\tif (c.nodeName === \\\"#comment\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet l = P.mark({\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ttype: \\\"component\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tname: t.name,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\thost: a ? \\\"this\\\" : \\\"parentElement\\\"\\n\\t\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\t\\tc.prepend(l), a && (i = l);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\tcase t === \\\"#text\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createTextNode(\\\"\\\"), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase (t === \\\"<>\\\" || !t):\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createDocumentFragment(), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !!$:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElementNS($, t), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !c:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElement(t), e);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn ht(c), i || (i = c), n.forEach((a) => a(i)), o && m.pop(), o = 2, c;\\n}\\nfunction Wt(t, e, n) {\\n\\ttypeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (n = e, e = t);\\n\\tlet r = Symbol.for(\\\"default\\\"), o = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(\\\"slot\\\")).reduce((i, a) => Reflect.set(i, a.name || r, a) && i, {}), c = T(o, r);\\n\\tif (t.append = new Proxy(t.append, {\\n\\t\\tapply(i, a, l) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (l[0] === e) return i.apply(t, l);\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!l.length) return t;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet v = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let h of l) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (!h || !h.slot) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tc && v.append(h);\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tlet x = h.slot, w = o[x];\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tvt(h, \\\"remove\\\", \\\"slot\\\"), w && (bt(w, h, n), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, x));\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\treturn c && (o[r].replaceWith(v), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, r)), t.append = i, t;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}), t !== e) {\\n\\t\\tlet i = Array.from(t.childNodes);\\n\\t\\ti.forEach((a) => a.remove()), t.append(...i);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn e;\\n}\\nfunction bt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tn && n(t, e);\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(j(e, { className: [e.className, t.className], dataset: { ...t.dataset } }));\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(e);\\n\\t}\\n}\\nP.mark = function(t, e = !1) {\\n\\tt = Object.entries(t).map(([o, c]) => o + `=\\\"${c}\\\"`).join(\\\" \\\");\\n\\tlet n = e ? \\\"\\\" : \\\"/\\\", r = d.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${t}${d.ssr}${n}>`);\\n\\treturn e && (r.end = d.D.createComment(\\\"</dde:mark>\\\")), r;\\n};\\nfunction qt(t) {\\n\\tlet e = this;\\n\\treturn function(...r) {\\n\\t\\t$ = t;\\n\\t\\tlet o = P.call(e, ...r);\\n\\t\\treturn $ = void 0, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar U = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), { setDeleteAttr: tt } = d;\\nfunction j(t, ...e) {\\n\\tif (!e.length) return t;\\n\\tU.set(t, rt(t, this));\\n\\tfor (let [n, r] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...e)))\\n\\t\\tnt.call(this, t, n, r);\\n\\treturn U.delete(t), t;\\n}\\nfunction nt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o } = rt(t, this), c = this;\\n\\tn = o.processReactiveAttribute(\\n\\t\\tt,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\t(a, l) => nt.call(c, t, a, l)\\n\\t);\\n\\tlet [i] = e;\\n\\tif (i === \\\"=\\\") return r(e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (i === \\\".\\\") return et(t, e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(e))\\n\\t\\treturn e = e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \\\"$1-$2\\\").toLowerCase(), r(e, n);\\n\\tswitch (e === \\\"className\\\" && (e = \\\"class\\\"), e) {\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"xlink:href\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn r(e, n, \\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\\\");\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"textContent\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn tt(t, e, n);\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"style\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tif (typeof n != \\\"object\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t/* falls through */\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"dataset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, et.bind(null, t[e]));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"ariaset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, (a, l) => r(\\\"aria-\\\" + a, l));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"classList\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn gt.call(c, t, n);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn Et(t, e) ? tt(t, e, n) : r(e, n);\\n}\\nfunction rt(t, e) {\\n\\tif (U.has(t)) return U.get(t);\\n\\tlet r = (t instanceof d.S ? xt : mt).bind(null, t, \\\"Attribute\\\"), o = W(e);\\n\\treturn { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o };\\n}\\nfunction gt(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = W(this);\\n\\treturn I(\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\t(r, o) => t.classList.toggle(r, o === -1 ? void 0 : !!o)\\n\\t), t;\\n}\\nfunction Ft(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.from(t.children).forEach((e) => e.remove()), t;\\n}\\nfunction vt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t instanceof d.H ? t[e + \\\"Attribute\\\"](n, r) : t[e + \\\"AttributeNS\\\"](null, n, r);\\n}\\nfunction Et(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!(e in t)) return !1;\\n\\tlet n = ot(t, e);\\n\\treturn !S(n.set);\\n}\\nfunction ot(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t), !t) return {};\\n\\tlet n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);\\n\\treturn n || ot(t, e);\\n}\\nfunction I(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!(typeof e != \\\"object\\\" || e === null))\\n\\t\\treturn Object.entries(e).forEach(function([o, c]) {\\n\\t\\t\\to && (c = t.processReactiveAttribute(e, o, c, n), n(o, c));\\n\\t\\t});\\n}\\nfunction ct(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.isArray(t) ? t.filter(Boolean).join(\\\" \\\") : t;\\n}\\nfunction mt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e](n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction xt(t, e, n, r, o = null) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e + \\\"NS\\\"](o, n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction et(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n))\\n\\t\\treturn Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e);\\n}\\n\\n// src/events-observer.js\\nvar D = d.M ? yt() : new Proxy({}, {\\n\\tget() {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n});\\nfunction yt() {\\n\\tlet t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = !1, n = (s) => function(u) {\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of u)\\n\\t\\t\\tif (f.type === \\\"childList\\\") {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (h(f.addedNodes, !0)) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ts();\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tx(f.removedNodes, !0) && s();\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t}, r = new d.M(n(a));\\n\\treturn {\\n\\t\\tobserve(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet u = new d.M(n(() => {\\n\\t\\t\\t}));\\n\\t\\t\\treturn u.observe(s, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), () => u.disconnect();\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) || (f.connected.add(u), f.length_c += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) && (f.connected.delete(u), f.length_c -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) || (f.disconnected.add(u), f.length_d += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) && (f.disconnected.delete(u), f.length_d -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t};\\n\\tfunction o(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tu.length_c || u.length_d || (t.delete(s), a());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction c(s) {\\n\\t\\tif (t.has(s)) return t.get(s);\\n\\t\\tlet u = {\\n\\t\\t\\tconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_c: 0,\\n\\t\\t\\tdisconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_d: 0\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn t.set(s, u), u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction i() {\\n\\t\\te || (e = !0, r.observe(d.D.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }));\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction a() {\\n\\t\\t!e || t.size || (e = !1, r.disconnect());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction l() {\\n\\t\\treturn new Promise(function(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\t(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(s);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n\\tasync function v(s) {\\n\\t\\tt.size > 30 && await l();\\n\\t\\tlet u = [];\\n\\t\\tif (!(s instanceof Node)) return u;\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of t.keys())\\n\\t\\t\\tf === s || !(f instanceof Node) || s.contains(f) && u.push(f);\\n\\t\\treturn u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction h(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (u && v(b).then(h), !t.has(b)) continue;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet N = t.get(b);\\n\\t\\t\\tN.length_c && (b.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), N.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), N.length_c = 0, N.length_d || t.delete(b), f = !0);\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction x(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s)\\n\\t\\t\\tu && v(b).then(x), !(!t.has(b) || !t.get(b).length_d) && ((globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(w(b)), f = !0);\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction w(s) {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t\\ts.isConnected || (s.dispatchEvent(new Event(C)), t.delete(s));\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n}\\n\\n// src/customElement.js\\nfunction Zt(t, e, n, r = _t) {\\n\\tm.push({\\n\\t\\tscope: t,\\n\\t\\thost: (...i) => i.length ? i.forEach((a) => a(t)) : t\\n\\t}), typeof r == \\\"function\\\" && (r = r.call(t, t));\\n\\tlet o = t[O];\\n\\to || wt(t);\\n\\tlet c = n.call(t, r);\\n\\treturn o || t.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), e.nodeType === 11 && typeof e.mode == \\\"string\\\" && t.addEventListener(C, D.observe(e), { once: !0 }), m.pop(), e.append(c);\\n}\\nfunction wt(t) {\\n\\treturn J(t.prototype, \\\"connectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), n.dispatchEvent(new Event(_));\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"disconnectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), (globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => !n.isConnected && n.dispatchEvent(new Event(C))\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"attributeChangedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, , c] = r;\\n\\t\\tn.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(M, {\\n\\t\\t\\tdetail: [o, c]\\n\\t\\t})), e.apply(n, r);\\n\\t}), t.prototype[O] = !0, t;\\n}\\nfunction J(t, e, n) {\\n\\tt[e] = new Proxy(t[e] || (() => {\\n\\t}), { apply: n });\\n}\\nfunction _t(t) {\\n\\treturn F(t, (e, n) => e.getAttribute(n));\\n}\\n\\n// src/events.js\\nfunction Qt(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn e || (e = {}), function(o, ...c) {\\n\\t\\tn && (c.unshift(o), o = typeof n == \\\"function\\\" ? n() : n);\\n\\t\\tlet i = c.length ? new CustomEvent(t, Object.assign({ detail: c[0] }, e)) : new Event(t, e);\\n\\t\\treturn o.dispatchEvent(i);\\n\\t};\\n}\\nfunction y(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn function(o) {\\n\\t\\treturn o.addEventListener(t, e, n), o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar it = (t) => Object.assign({}, typeof t == \\\"object\\\" ? t : null, { once: !0 });\\ny.connected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(_, t, e), r[O] ? r : r.isConnected ? (r.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), r) : (q(e.signal, () => D.offConnected(r, t)) && D.onConnected(r, t), r);\\n\\t};\\n};\\ny.disconnected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(C, t, e), r[O] || q(e.signal, () => D.offDisconnected(r, t)) && D.onDisconnected(r, t), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\nvar Z = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\ny.disconnectedAsAbort = function(t) {\\n\\tif (Z.has(t)) return Z.get(t);\\n\\tlet e = new AbortController();\\n\\treturn Z.set(t, e), t(y.disconnected(() => e.abort())), e;\\n};\\nvar At = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();\\ny.attributeChanged = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn typeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (e = {}), function(r) {\\n\\t\\tif (r.addEventListener(M, t, e), r[O] || At.has(r) || !d.M) return r;\\n\\t\\tlet o = new d.M(function(i) {\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let { attributeName: a, target: l } of i)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tl.dispatchEvent(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tnew CustomEvent(M, { detail: [a, l.getAttribute(a)] })\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\treturn q(e.signal, () => o.disconnect()) && o.observe(r, { attributes: !0 }), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\n\\n// src/signals-lib.js\\nvar p = \\\"__dde_signal\\\";\\nfunction z(t) {\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\treturn T(t, p);\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar H = [], g = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\nfunction E(t, e) {\\n\\tif (typeof t != \\\"function\\\")\\n\\t\\treturn st(!1, t, e);\\n\\tif (z(t)) return t;\\n\\tlet n = st(!0), r = function() {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, ...c] = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([o])), H.push(r), dt(n, t()), H.pop(), !c.length) return;\\n\\t\\tlet i = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tfor (let a of c)\\n\\t\\t\\ti.has(a) || L(a, r);\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn g.set(n[p], r), g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([n])), r(), n;\\n}\\nE.action = function(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p], { actions: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!o || !(e in o))\\n\\t\\tthrow new Error(`'${t}' has no action with name '${e}'!`);\\n\\tif (o[e].apply(r, n), r.skip) return delete r.skip;\\n\\tr.listeners.forEach((c) => c(r.value));\\n};\\nE.on = function t(e, n, r = {}) {\\n\\tlet { signal: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!(o && o.aborted)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Array.isArray(e)) return e.forEach((c) => t(c, n, r));\\n\\t\\tQ(e, n), o && o.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", () => L(e, n));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nE.symbols = {\\n\\t//signal: mark,\\n\\tonclear: Symbol.for(\\\"Signal.onclear\\\")\\n};\\nE.clear = function(...t) {\\n\\tfor (let n of t) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = n[p];\\n\\t\\tr && (delete n.toJSON, r.onclear.forEach((o) => o.call(r)), e(n, r), delete n[p]);\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction e(n, r) {\\n\\t\\tr.listeners.forEach((o) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (r.listeners.delete(o), !g.has(o)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet c = g.get(o);\\n\\t\\t\\tc.delete(n), !(c.size > 1) && (n.clear(...c), g.delete(o));\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n};\\nvar R = \\\"__dde_reactive\\\";\\nE.el = function(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = P.mark({ type: \\\"reactive\\\" }, !0), r = n.end, o = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\to.append(n, r);\\n\\tlet { current: c } = m, i = {}, a = (l) => {\\n\\t\\tif (!n.parentNode || !r.parentNode)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn L(t, a);\\n\\t\\tlet v = i;\\n\\t\\ti = {}, m.push(c);\\n\\t\\tlet h = e(l, function(u, f) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet b;\\n\\t\\t\\treturn T(v, u) ? (b = v[u], delete v[u]) : b = f(), i[u] = b, b;\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\tm.pop(), Array.isArray(h) || (h = [h]);\\n\\t\\tlet x = document.createComment(\\\"\\\");\\n\\t\\th.push(x), n.after(...h);\\n\\t\\tlet w;\\n\\t\\tfor (; (w = x.nextSibling) && w !== r; )\\n\\t\\t\\tw.remove();\\n\\t\\tx.remove(), n.isConnected && St(c.host());\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn Q(t, a), ft(t, a, n, e), a(t()), o;\\n};\\nfunction St(t) {\\n\\t!t || !t[R] || (requestIdleCallback || setTimeout)(function() {\\n\\t\\tt[R] = t[R].filter(([e, n]) => n.isConnected ? !0 : (L(...e), !1));\\n\\t});\\n}\\nvar Ot = {\\n\\t_set(t) {\\n\\t\\tthis.value = t;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Ct(t) {\\n\\treturn function(e, n) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = (...c) => c.length ? e.setAttribute(n, ...c) : K(r), o = at(r, e.getAttribute(n), Ot);\\n\\t\\treturn t[n] = o, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar G = \\\"__dde_attributes\\\";\\nE.observedAttributes = function(t) {\\n\\tlet e = t[G] = {}, n = F(t, Ct(e));\\n\\treturn y.attributeChanged(function({ detail: o }) {\\n\\t\\t/*! This maps attributes to signals (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tlet [c, i] = o, a = this[G][c];\\n\\t\\tif (a) return E.action(a, \\\"_set\\\", i);\\n\\t})(t), y.disconnected(function() {\\n\\t\\t/*! This removes all signals mapped to attributes (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tE.clear(...Object.values(this[G]));\\n\\t})(t), n;\\n};\\nvar ut = {\\n\\tisSignal: z,\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tif (!z(n)) return n;\\n\\t\\tlet o = (c) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.isConnected)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\treturn L(n, o);\\n\\t\\t\\tr(e, c);\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn Q(n, o), ft(n, o, t, e), n();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction ft(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet { current: r } = m;\\n\\tr.prevent || r.host(function(o) {\\n\\t\\to[R] || (o[R] = [], y.disconnected(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t/*!\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* Clears all Signals listeners added in the current scope/host (`S.el`, `assign`, …?).\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* You can investigate the `__dde_reactive` key of the element.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* */\\n\\t\\t\\t\\to[R].forEach(([[c, i]]) => L(c, i, c[p] && c[p].host && c[p].host() === o))\\n\\t\\t\\t)\\n\\t\\t)(o)), o[R].push([[t, e], ...n]);\\n\\t});\\n}\\nfunction st(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t ? () => K(r) : (...o) => o.length ? dt(r, ...o) : K(r);\\n\\treturn at(r, e, n, t);\\n}\\nvar Dt = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), {\\n\\tstopPropagation() {\\n\\t\\tthis.skip = !0;\\n\\t}\\n}), V = class extends Error {\\n\\tconstructor() {\\n\\t\\tsuper();\\n\\t\\tlet [e, ...n] = this.stack.split(`\\n`), r = e.slice(e.indexOf(\\\"@\\\"), e.indexOf(\\\".js:\\\") + 4);\\n\\t\\tthis.stack = n.find((o) => !o.includes(r));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction at(t, e, n, r = !1) {\\n\\tlet o = [];\\n\\tX(n) !== \\\"[object Object]\\\" && (n = {});\\n\\tlet { onclear: c } = E.symbols;\\n\\tn[c] && (o.push(n[c]), delete n[c]);\\n\\tlet { host: i } = m;\\n\\treturn Reflect.defineProperty(t, p, {\\n\\t\\tvalue: {\\n\\t\\t\\tvalue: e,\\n\\t\\t\\tactions: n,\\n\\t\\t\\tonclear: o,\\n\\t\\t\\thost: i,\\n\\t\\t\\tlisteners: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),\\n\\t\\t\\tdefined: new V().stack,\\n\\t\\t\\treadonly: r\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tenumerable: !1,\\n\\t\\twritable: !1,\\n\\t\\tconfigurable: !0\\n\\t}), t.toJSON = () => t(), t.valueOf = () => t[p] && t[p].value, Object.setPrototypeOf(t[p], Dt), t;\\n}\\nfunction Rt() {\\n\\treturn H[H.length - 1];\\n}\\nfunction K(t) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet { value: e, listeners: n } = t[p], r = Rt();\\n\\treturn r && n.add(r), g.has(r) && g.get(r).add(t), e;\\n}\\nfunction dt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!(!n && r.value === e))\\n\\t\\treturn r.value = e, r.listeners.forEach((o) => o(e)), e;\\n}\\nfunction Q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t[p])\\n\\t\\treturn t[p].listeners.add(e);\\n}\\nfunction L(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!r) return;\\n\\tlet o = r.listeners.delete(e);\\n\\tif (n && !r.listeners.size) {\\n\\t\\tif (E.clear(t), !g.has(r)) return o;\\n\\t\\tlet c = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (!g.has(c)) return o;\\n\\t\\tg.get(c).forEach((i) => L(i, c, !0));\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn o;\\n}\\n\\n// signals.js\\nB(ut);\\nexport {\\n\\tE as S,\\n\\tj as assign,\\n\\tnt as assignAttribute,\\n\\tht as chainableAppend,\\n\\tgt as classListDeclarative,\\n\\tP as createElement,\\n\\tqt as createElementNS,\\n\\tZt as customElementRender,\\n\\twt as customElementWithDDE,\\n\\tQt as dispatchEvent,\\n\\tP as el,\\n\\tqt as elNS,\\n\\tvt as elementAttribute,\\n\\tFt as empty,\\n\\tz as isSignal,\\n\\twt as lifecyclesToEvents,\\n\\t_t as observedAttributes,\\n\\ty as on,\\n\\tB as registerReactivity,\\n\\tm as scope,\\n\\tE as signal,\\n\\tWt as simulateSlots\\n};\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>Regarding to <code>this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })</code> see quick overview <a title="MDN documentation page for Shadow DOM" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_shadow_DOM">Using Shadow DOM</a>. An another source of information can be <a title="Everything you need to know about Shadow DOM (github repo praveenpuglia/shadow-dom-in-depth)" href="https://github.com/praveenpuglia/shadow-dom-in-depth">Shadow DOM in Depth</a>.</p><p>Besides the encapsulation, the Shadow DOM allows for using the <a title="MDN documentation page for <slot>" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/slot"><strong>&lt;slot&gt;</strong>element(s)</a>. You can simulate this feature using <code>simulateSlots</code>:</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this" ssr/>--><div id="code-example-1-uk9zrdg1yps" class="example"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="code" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><code class="language-js">import {
} from "./esm-with-signals.js";
export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-slotting";
const c= ()=&gt; simulateSlots(this, ddeComponent());
customElementRender(this, this, c);
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
function ddeComponent(){
return el().append(
"Hello ", el("slot", "World")
function ddeComponentSlot(){
return simulateSlots(el().append(
"Hello ", el("slot", "World")
</code></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-example-1-uk9zrdg1yps"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import {\\n\\tcustomElementRender,\\n\\tcustomElementWithDDE,\\n\\tel,\\n\\tsimulateSlots\\n} from \\\"./esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nexport class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{\\n\\tstatic tagName= \\\"custom-slotting\\\";\\n\\tconnectedCallback(){\\n\\t\\tconst c= ()=> simulateSlots(this, ddeComponent());\\n\\t\\tcustomElementRender(this, this, c);\\n\\t}\\n}\\ncustomElementWithDDE(HTMLCustomElement);\\ncustomElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);\\n\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(HTMLCustomElement.tagName),\\n\\tel(HTMLCustomElement.tagName).append(\\n\\t\\t\\\"Slot\\\"\\n\\t),\\n\\tel(ddeComponentSlot),\\n\\tel(ddeComponentSlot).append(\\n\\t\\t\\\"Slot\\\"\\n\\t),\\n);\\n\\nfunction ddeComponent(){\\n\\treturn el().append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"Hello \\\", el(\\\"slot\\\", \\\"World\\\")\\n\\t\\t)\\n\\t);\\n}\\nfunction ddeComponentSlot(){\\n\\treturn simulateSlots(el().append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"Hello \\\", el(\\\"slot\\\", \\\"World\\\")\\n\\t\\t)\\n\\t));\\n}\\n\"},{\"name\":\"esm-with-signals.js\",\"content\":\"// src/signals-common.js\\nvar k = {\\n\\tisSignal(t) {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t},\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\treturn n;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction B(t, e = !0) {\\n\\treturn e ? Object.assign(k, t) : (Object.setPrototypeOf(t, k), t);\\n}\\nfunction W(t) {\\n\\treturn k.isPrototypeOf(t) && t !== k ? t : k;\\n}\\n\\n// src/helpers.js\\nvar T = (...t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...t);\\nfunction S(t) {\\n\\treturn typeof t > \\\"u\\\";\\n}\\nfunction X(t) {\\n\\tlet e = typeof t;\\n\\treturn e !== \\\"object\\\" ? e : t === null ? \\\"null\\\" : Object.prototype.toString.call(t);\\n}\\nfunction q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!t || !(t instanceof AbortSignal))\\n\\t\\treturn !0;\\n\\tif (!t.aborted)\\n\\t\\treturn t.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e), function() {\\n\\t\\t\\tt.removeEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", e);\\n\\t\\t};\\n}\\nfunction F(t, e) {\\n\\tlet { observedAttributes: n = [] } = t.constructor;\\n\\treturn n.reduce(function(r, o) {\\n\\t\\treturn r[pt(o)] = e(t, o), r;\\n\\t}, {});\\n}\\nfunction pt(t) {\\n\\treturn t.replace(/-./g, (e) => e[1].toUpperCase());\\n}\\n\\n// src/dom-common.js\\nvar d = {\\n\\tsetDeleteAttr: lt,\\n\\tssr: \\\"\\\",\\n\\tD: globalThis.document,\\n\\tF: globalThis.DocumentFragment,\\n\\tH: globalThis.HTMLElement,\\n\\tS: globalThis.SVGElement,\\n\\tM: globalThis.MutationObserver\\n};\\nfunction lt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e), t instanceof d.H && t.getAttribute(e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn t.removeAttribute(e);\\n\\t\\tif (Reflect.get(t, e) === \\\"undefined\\\")\\n\\t\\t\\treturn Reflect.set(t, e, \\\"\\\");\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar O = \\\"__dde_lifecyclesToEvents\\\", _ = \\\"dde:connected\\\", C = \\\"dde:disconnected\\\", M = \\\"dde:attributeChanged\\\";\\n\\n// src/dom.js\\nvar A = [{\\n\\tget scope() {\\n\\t\\treturn d.D.body;\\n\\t},\\n\\thost: (t) => t ? t(d.D.body) : d.D.body,\\n\\tprevent: !0\\n}], m = {\\n\\tget current() {\\n\\t\\treturn A[A.length - 1];\\n\\t},\\n\\tget host() {\\n\\t\\treturn this.current.host;\\n\\t},\\n\\tpreventDefault() {\\n\\t\\tlet { current: t } = this;\\n\\t\\treturn t.prevent = !0, t;\\n\\t},\\n\\tget state() {\\n\\t\\treturn [...A];\\n\\t},\\n\\tpush(t = {}) {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: !1 }, t));\\n\\t},\\n\\tpushRoot() {\\n\\t\\treturn A.push(A[0]);\\n\\t},\\n\\tpop() {\\n\\t\\tif (A.length !== 1)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn A.pop();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Y(...t) {\\n\\treturn this.appendOriginal(...t), this;\\n}\\nfunction ht(t) {\\n\\treturn t.append === Y || (t.appendOriginal = t.append, t.append = Y), t;\\n}\\nvar $;\\nfunction P(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = W(this), o = 0, c, i;\\n\\tswitch ((Object(e) !== e || r.isSignal(e)) && (e = { textContent: e }), !0) {\\n\\t\\tcase typeof t == \\\"function\\\": {\\n\\t\\t\\to = 1, m.push({ scope: t, host: (...v) => v.length ? (o === 1 ? n.unshift(...v) : v.forEach((h) => h(i)), void 0) : i }), c = t(e || void 0);\\n\\t\\t\\tlet a = c instanceof d.F;\\n\\t\\t\\tif (c.nodeName === \\\"#comment\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet l = P.mark({\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ttype: \\\"component\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tname: t.name,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\thost: a ? \\\"this\\\" : \\\"parentElement\\\"\\n\\t\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\t\\tc.prepend(l), a && (i = l);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\tcase t === \\\"#text\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createTextNode(\\\"\\\"), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase (t === \\\"<>\\\" || !t):\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createDocumentFragment(), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !!$:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElementNS($, t), e);\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak;\\n\\t\\tcase !c:\\n\\t\\t\\tc = j.call(this, d.D.createElement(t), e);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn ht(c), i || (i = c), n.forEach((a) => a(i)), o && m.pop(), o = 2, c;\\n}\\nfunction Wt(t, e, n) {\\n\\ttypeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (n = e, e = t);\\n\\tlet r = Symbol.for(\\\"default\\\"), o = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(\\\"slot\\\")).reduce((i, a) => Reflect.set(i, a.name || r, a) && i, {}), c = T(o, r);\\n\\tif (t.append = new Proxy(t.append, {\\n\\t\\tapply(i, a, l) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (l[0] === e) return i.apply(t, l);\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!l.length) return t;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet v = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let h of l) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (!h || !h.slot) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tc && v.append(h);\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tlet x = h.slot, w = o[x];\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tvt(h, \\\"remove\\\", \\\"slot\\\"), w && (bt(w, h, n), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, x));\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\treturn c && (o[r].replaceWith(v), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, r)), t.append = i, t;\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}), t !== e) {\\n\\t\\tlet i = Array.from(t.childNodes);\\n\\t\\ti.forEach((a) => a.remove()), t.append(...i);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn e;\\n}\\nfunction bt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tn && n(t, e);\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(j(e, { className: [e.className, t.className], dataset: { ...t.dataset } }));\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\tt.replaceWith(e);\\n\\t}\\n}\\nP.mark = function(t, e = !1) {\\n\\tt = Object.entries(t).map(([o, c]) => o + `=\\\"${c}\\\"`).join(\\\" \\\");\\n\\tlet n = e ? \\\"\\\" : \\\"/\\\", r = d.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${t}${d.ssr}${n}>`);\\n\\treturn e && (r.end = d.D.createComment(\\\"</dde:mark>\\\")), r;\\n};\\nfunction qt(t) {\\n\\tlet e = this;\\n\\treturn function(...r) {\\n\\t\\t$ = t;\\n\\t\\tlet o = P.call(e, ...r);\\n\\t\\treturn $ = void 0, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar U = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), { setDeleteAttr: tt } = d;\\nfunction j(t, ...e) {\\n\\tif (!e.length) return t;\\n\\tU.set(t, rt(t, this));\\n\\tfor (let [n, r] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...e)))\\n\\t\\tnt.call(this, t, n, r);\\n\\treturn U.delete(t), t;\\n}\\nfunction nt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o } = rt(t, this), c = this;\\n\\tn = o.processReactiveAttribute(\\n\\t\\tt,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\t(a, l) => nt.call(c, t, a, l)\\n\\t);\\n\\tlet [i] = e;\\n\\tif (i === \\\"=\\\") return r(e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (i === \\\".\\\") return et(t, e.slice(1), n);\\n\\tif (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(e))\\n\\t\\treturn e = e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \\\"$1-$2\\\").toLowerCase(), r(e, n);\\n\\tswitch (e === \\\"className\\\" && (e = \\\"class\\\"), e) {\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"xlink:href\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn r(e, n, \\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\\\");\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"textContent\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn tt(t, e, n);\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"style\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\tif (typeof n != \\\"object\\\") break;\\n\\t\\t/* falls through */\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"dataset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, et.bind(null, t[e]));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"ariaset\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn I(o, n, (a, l) => r(\\\"aria-\\\" + a, l));\\n\\t\\tcase \\\"classList\\\":\\n\\t\\t\\treturn gt.call(c, t, n);\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn Et(t, e) ? tt(t, e, n) : r(e, n);\\n}\\nfunction rt(t, e) {\\n\\tif (U.has(t)) return U.get(t);\\n\\tlet r = (t instanceof d.S ? xt : mt).bind(null, t, \\\"Attribute\\\"), o = W(e);\\n\\treturn { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o };\\n}\\nfunction gt(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = W(this);\\n\\treturn I(\\n\\t\\tn,\\n\\t\\te,\\n\\t\\t(r, o) => t.classList.toggle(r, o === -1 ? void 0 : !!o)\\n\\t), t;\\n}\\nfunction Ft(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.from(t.children).forEach((e) => e.remove()), t;\\n}\\nfunction vt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t instanceof d.H ? t[e + \\\"Attribute\\\"](n, r) : t[e + \\\"AttributeNS\\\"](null, n, r);\\n}\\nfunction Et(t, e) {\\n\\tif (!(e in t)) return !1;\\n\\tlet n = ot(t, e);\\n\\treturn !S(n.set);\\n}\\nfunction ot(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t), !t) return {};\\n\\tlet n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);\\n\\treturn n || ot(t, e);\\n}\\nfunction I(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!(typeof e != \\\"object\\\" || e === null))\\n\\t\\treturn Object.entries(e).forEach(function([o, c]) {\\n\\t\\t\\to && (c = t.processReactiveAttribute(e, o, c, n), n(o, c));\\n\\t\\t});\\n}\\nfunction ct(t) {\\n\\treturn Array.isArray(t) ? t.filter(Boolean).join(\\\" \\\") : t;\\n}\\nfunction mt(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e](n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction xt(t, e, n, r, o = null) {\\n\\treturn t[(S(r) ? \\\"remove\\\" : \\\"set\\\") + e + \\\"NS\\\"](o, n, ct(r));\\n}\\nfunction et(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!S(n))\\n\\t\\treturn Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e);\\n}\\n\\n// src/events-observer.js\\nvar D = d.M ? yt() : new Proxy({}, {\\n\\tget() {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n});\\nfunction yt() {\\n\\tlet t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = !1, n = (s) => function(u) {\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of u)\\n\\t\\t\\tif (f.type === \\\"childList\\\") {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tif (h(f.addedNodes, !0)) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ts();\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tcontinue;\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tx(f.removedNodes, !0) && s();\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t}, r = new d.M(n(a));\\n\\treturn {\\n\\t\\tobserve(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet u = new d.M(n(() => {\\n\\t\\t\\t}));\\n\\t\\t\\treturn u.observe(s, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), () => u.disconnect();\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) || (f.connected.add(u), f.length_c += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffConnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.connected.has(u) && (f.connected.delete(u), f.length_c -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tonDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\ti();\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = c(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) || (f.disconnected.add(u), f.length_d += 1);\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\toffDisconnected(s, u) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.has(s)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet f = t.get(s);\\n\\t\\t\\tf.disconnected.has(u) && (f.disconnected.delete(u), f.length_d -= 1, o(s, f));\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t};\\n\\tfunction o(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tu.length_c || u.length_d || (t.delete(s), a());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction c(s) {\\n\\t\\tif (t.has(s)) return t.get(s);\\n\\t\\tlet u = {\\n\\t\\t\\tconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_c: 0,\\n\\t\\t\\tdisconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),\\n\\t\\t\\tlength_d: 0\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn t.set(s, u), u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction i() {\\n\\t\\te || (e = !0, r.observe(d.D.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }));\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction a() {\\n\\t\\t!e || t.size || (e = !1, r.disconnect());\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction l() {\\n\\t\\treturn new Promise(function(s) {\\n\\t\\t\\t(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(s);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n\\tasync function v(s) {\\n\\t\\tt.size > 30 && await l();\\n\\t\\tlet u = [];\\n\\t\\tif (!(s instanceof Node)) return u;\\n\\t\\tfor (let f of t.keys())\\n\\t\\t\\tf === s || !(f instanceof Node) || s.contains(f) && u.push(f);\\n\\t\\treturn u;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction h(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s) {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (u && v(b).then(h), !t.has(b)) continue;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet N = t.get(b);\\n\\t\\t\\tN.length_c && (b.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), N.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), N.length_c = 0, N.length_d || t.delete(b), f = !0);\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction x(s, u) {\\n\\t\\tlet f = !1;\\n\\t\\tfor (let b of s)\\n\\t\\t\\tu && v(b).then(x), !(!t.has(b) || !t.get(b).length_d) && ((globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(w(b)), f = !0);\\n\\t\\treturn f;\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction w(s) {\\n\\t\\treturn () => {\\n\\t\\t\\ts.isConnected || (s.dispatchEvent(new Event(C)), t.delete(s));\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t}\\n}\\n\\n// src/customElement.js\\nfunction Zt(t, e, n, r = _t) {\\n\\tm.push({\\n\\t\\tscope: t,\\n\\t\\thost: (...i) => i.length ? i.forEach((a) => a(t)) : t\\n\\t}), typeof r == \\\"function\\\" && (r = r.call(t, t));\\n\\tlet o = t[O];\\n\\to || wt(t);\\n\\tlet c = n.call(t, r);\\n\\treturn o || t.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), e.nodeType === 11 && typeof e.mode == \\\"string\\\" && t.addEventListener(C, D.observe(e), { once: !0 }), m.pop(), e.append(c);\\n}\\nfunction wt(t) {\\n\\treturn J(t.prototype, \\\"connectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), n.dispatchEvent(new Event(_));\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"disconnectedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\te.apply(n, r), (globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => !n.isConnected && n.dispatchEvent(new Event(C))\\n\\t\\t);\\n\\t}), J(t.prototype, \\\"attributeChangedCallback\\\", function(e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, , c] = r;\\n\\t\\tn.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(M, {\\n\\t\\t\\tdetail: [o, c]\\n\\t\\t})), e.apply(n, r);\\n\\t}), t.prototype[O] = !0, t;\\n}\\nfunction J(t, e, n) {\\n\\tt[e] = new Proxy(t[e] || (() => {\\n\\t}), { apply: n });\\n}\\nfunction _t(t) {\\n\\treturn F(t, (e, n) => e.getAttribute(n));\\n}\\n\\n// src/events.js\\nfunction Qt(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn e || (e = {}), function(o, ...c) {\\n\\t\\tn && (c.unshift(o), o = typeof n == \\\"function\\\" ? n() : n);\\n\\t\\tlet i = c.length ? new CustomEvent(t, Object.assign({ detail: c[0] }, e)) : new Event(t, e);\\n\\t\\treturn o.dispatchEvent(i);\\n\\t};\\n}\\nfunction y(t, e, n) {\\n\\treturn function(o) {\\n\\t\\treturn o.addEventListener(t, e, n), o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar it = (t) => Object.assign({}, typeof t == \\\"object\\\" ? t : null, { once: !0 });\\ny.connected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(_, t, e), r[O] ? r : r.isConnected ? (r.dispatchEvent(new Event(_)), r) : (q(e.signal, () => D.offConnected(r, t)) && D.onConnected(r, t), r);\\n\\t};\\n};\\ny.disconnected = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn e = it(e), function(r) {\\n\\t\\treturn r.addEventListener(C, t, e), r[O] || q(e.signal, () => D.offDisconnected(r, t)) && D.onDisconnected(r, t), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\nvar Z = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\ny.disconnectedAsAbort = function(t) {\\n\\tif (Z.has(t)) return Z.get(t);\\n\\tlet e = new AbortController();\\n\\treturn Z.set(t, e), t(y.disconnected(() => e.abort())), e;\\n};\\nvar At = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();\\ny.attributeChanged = function(t, e) {\\n\\treturn typeof e != \\\"object\\\" && (e = {}), function(r) {\\n\\t\\tif (r.addEventListener(M, t, e), r[O] || At.has(r) || !d.M) return r;\\n\\t\\tlet o = new d.M(function(i) {\\n\\t\\t\\tfor (let { attributeName: a, target: l } of i)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tl.dispatchEvent(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tnew CustomEvent(M, { detail: [a, l.getAttribute(a)] })\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t);\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\treturn q(e.signal, () => o.disconnect()) && o.observe(r, { attributes: !0 }), r;\\n\\t};\\n};\\n\\n// src/signals-lib.js\\nvar p = \\\"__dde_signal\\\";\\nfunction z(t) {\\n\\ttry {\\n\\t\\treturn T(t, p);\\n\\t} catch {\\n\\t\\treturn !1;\\n\\t}\\n}\\nvar H = [], g = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();\\nfunction E(t, e) {\\n\\tif (typeof t != \\\"function\\\")\\n\\t\\treturn st(!1, t, e);\\n\\tif (z(t)) return t;\\n\\tlet n = st(!0), r = function() {\\n\\t\\tlet [o, ...c] = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([o])), H.push(r), dt(n, t()), H.pop(), !c.length) return;\\n\\t\\tlet i = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tfor (let a of c)\\n\\t\\t\\ti.has(a) || L(a, r);\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn g.set(n[p], r), g.set(r, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([n])), r(), n;\\n}\\nE.action = function(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p], { actions: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!o || !(e in o))\\n\\t\\tthrow new Error(`'${t}' has no action with name '${e}'!`);\\n\\tif (o[e].apply(r, n), r.skip) return delete r.skip;\\n\\tr.listeners.forEach((c) => c(r.value));\\n};\\nE.on = function t(e, n, r = {}) {\\n\\tlet { signal: o } = r;\\n\\tif (!(o && o.aborted)) {\\n\\t\\tif (Array.isArray(e)) return e.forEach((c) => t(c, n, r));\\n\\t\\tQ(e, n), o && o.addEventListener(\\\"abort\\\", () => L(e, n));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nE.symbols = {\\n\\t//signal: mark,\\n\\tonclear: Symbol.for(\\\"Signal.onclear\\\")\\n};\\nE.clear = function(...t) {\\n\\tfor (let n of t) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = n[p];\\n\\t\\tr && (delete n.toJSON, r.onclear.forEach((o) => o.call(r)), e(n, r), delete n[p]);\\n\\t}\\n\\tfunction e(n, r) {\\n\\t\\tr.listeners.forEach((o) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (r.listeners.delete(o), !g.has(o)) return;\\n\\t\\t\\tlet c = g.get(o);\\n\\t\\t\\tc.delete(n), !(c.size > 1) && (n.clear(...c), g.delete(o));\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t}\\n};\\nvar R = \\\"__dde_reactive\\\";\\nE.el = function(t, e) {\\n\\tlet n = P.mark({ type: \\\"reactive\\\" }, !0), r = n.end, o = d.D.createDocumentFragment();\\n\\to.append(n, r);\\n\\tlet { current: c } = m, i = {}, a = (l) => {\\n\\t\\tif (!n.parentNode || !r.parentNode)\\n\\t\\t\\treturn L(t, a);\\n\\t\\tlet v = i;\\n\\t\\ti = {}, m.push(c);\\n\\t\\tlet h = e(l, function(u, f) {\\n\\t\\t\\tlet b;\\n\\t\\t\\treturn T(v, u) ? (b = v[u], delete v[u]) : b = f(), i[u] = b, b;\\n\\t\\t});\\n\\t\\tm.pop(), Array.isArray(h) || (h = [h]);\\n\\t\\tlet x = document.createComment(\\\"\\\");\\n\\t\\th.push(x), n.after(...h);\\n\\t\\tlet w;\\n\\t\\tfor (; (w = x.nextSibling) && w !== r; )\\n\\t\\t\\tw.remove();\\n\\t\\tx.remove(), n.isConnected && St(c.host());\\n\\t};\\n\\treturn Q(t, a), ft(t, a, n, e), a(t()), o;\\n};\\nfunction St(t) {\\n\\t!t || !t[R] || (requestIdleCallback || setTimeout)(function() {\\n\\t\\tt[R] = t[R].filter(([e, n]) => n.isConnected ? !0 : (L(...e), !1));\\n\\t});\\n}\\nvar Ot = {\\n\\t_set(t) {\\n\\t\\tthis.value = t;\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction Ct(t) {\\n\\treturn function(e, n) {\\n\\t\\tlet r = (...c) => c.length ? e.setAttribute(n, ...c) : K(r), o = at(r, e.getAttribute(n), Ot);\\n\\t\\treturn t[n] = o, o;\\n\\t};\\n}\\nvar G = \\\"__dde_attributes\\\";\\nE.observedAttributes = function(t) {\\n\\tlet e = t[G] = {}, n = F(t, Ct(e));\\n\\treturn y.attributeChanged(function({ detail: o }) {\\n\\t\\t/*! This maps attributes to signals (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tlet [c, i] = o, a = this[G][c];\\n\\t\\tif (a) return E.action(a, \\\"_set\\\", i);\\n\\t})(t), y.disconnected(function() {\\n\\t\\t/*! This removes all signals mapped to attributes (`S.observedAttributes`).\\n\\t\\t\\t* Investigate `__dde_attributes` key of the element.*/\\n\\t\\tE.clear(...Object.values(this[G]));\\n\\t})(t), n;\\n};\\nvar ut = {\\n\\tisSignal: z,\\n\\tprocessReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {\\n\\t\\tif (!z(n)) return n;\\n\\t\\tlet o = (c) => {\\n\\t\\t\\tif (!t.isConnected)\\n\\t\\t\\t\\treturn L(n, o);\\n\\t\\t\\tr(e, c);\\n\\t\\t};\\n\\t\\treturn Q(n, o), ft(n, o, t, e), n();\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction ft(t, e, ...n) {\\n\\tlet { current: r } = m;\\n\\tr.prevent || r.host(function(o) {\\n\\t\\to[R] || (o[R] = [], y.disconnected(\\n\\t\\t\\t() => (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t/*!\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* Clears all Signals listeners added in the current scope/host (`S.el`, `assign`, …?).\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* You can investigate the `__dde_reactive` key of the element.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t* */\\n\\t\\t\\t\\to[R].forEach(([[c, i]]) => L(c, i, c[p] && c[p].host && c[p].host() === o))\\n\\t\\t\\t)\\n\\t\\t)(o)), o[R].push([[t, e], ...n]);\\n\\t});\\n}\\nfunction st(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t ? () => K(r) : (...o) => o.length ? dt(r, ...o) : K(r);\\n\\treturn at(r, e, n, t);\\n}\\nvar Dt = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), {\\n\\tstopPropagation() {\\n\\t\\tthis.skip = !0;\\n\\t}\\n}), V = class extends Error {\\n\\tconstructor() {\\n\\t\\tsuper();\\n\\t\\tlet [e, ...n] = this.stack.split(`\\n`), r = e.slice(e.indexOf(\\\"@\\\"), e.indexOf(\\\".js:\\\") + 4);\\n\\t\\tthis.stack = n.find((o) => !o.includes(r));\\n\\t}\\n};\\nfunction at(t, e, n, r = !1) {\\n\\tlet o = [];\\n\\tX(n) !== \\\"[object Object]\\\" && (n = {});\\n\\tlet { onclear: c } = E.symbols;\\n\\tn[c] && (o.push(n[c]), delete n[c]);\\n\\tlet { host: i } = m;\\n\\treturn Reflect.defineProperty(t, p, {\\n\\t\\tvalue: {\\n\\t\\t\\tvalue: e,\\n\\t\\t\\tactions: n,\\n\\t\\t\\tonclear: o,\\n\\t\\t\\thost: i,\\n\\t\\t\\tlisteners: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),\\n\\t\\t\\tdefined: new V().stack,\\n\\t\\t\\treadonly: r\\n\\t\\t},\\n\\t\\tenumerable: !1,\\n\\t\\twritable: !1,\\n\\t\\tconfigurable: !0\\n\\t}), t.toJSON = () => t(), t.valueOf = () => t[p] && t[p].value, Object.setPrototypeOf(t[p], Dt), t;\\n}\\nfunction Rt() {\\n\\treturn H[H.length - 1];\\n}\\nfunction K(t) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet { value: e, listeners: n } = t[p], r = Rt();\\n\\treturn r && n.add(r), g.has(r) && g.get(r).add(t), e;\\n}\\nfunction dt(t, e, n) {\\n\\tif (!t[p]) return;\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!(!n && r.value === e))\\n\\t\\treturn r.value = e, r.listeners.forEach((o) => o(e)), e;\\n}\\nfunction Q(t, e) {\\n\\tif (t[p])\\n\\t\\treturn t[p].listeners.add(e);\\n}\\nfunction L(t, e, n) {\\n\\tlet r = t[p];\\n\\tif (!r) return;\\n\\tlet o = r.listeners.delete(e);\\n\\tif (n && !r.listeners.size) {\\n\\t\\tif (E.clear(t), !g.has(r)) return o;\\n\\t\\tlet c = g.get(r);\\n\\t\\tif (!g.has(c)) return o;\\n\\t\\tg.get(c).forEach((i) => L(i, c, !0));\\n\\t}\\n\\treturn o;\\n}\\n\\n// signals.js\\nB(ut);\\nexport {\\n\\tE as S,\\n\\tj as assign,\\n\\tnt as assignAttribute,\\n\\tht as chainableAppend,\\n\\tgt as classListDeclarative,\\n\\tP as createElement,\\n\\tqt as createElementNS,\\n\\tZt as customElementRender,\\n\\twt as customElementWithDDE,\\n\\tQt as dispatchEvent,\\n\\tP as el,\\n\\tqt as elNS,\\n\\tvt as elementAttribute,\\n\\tFt as empty,\\n\\tz as isSignal,\\n\\twt as lifecyclesToEvents,\\n\\t_t as observedAttributes,\\n\\ty as on,\\n\\tB as registerReactivity,\\n\\tm as scope,\\n\\tE as signal,\\n\\tWt as simulateSlots\\n};\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>To sum up: </p><ul><li>The use of shadow DOM to encapsulate the internal structure of the custom element, which affects how the custom element can be styled and modified using JavaScript and CSS. </li><li>The ability to access and modify the internal structure of the custom element using JavaScript, which is affected by the use of shadow DOM and the mode of the shadow DOM. </li><li>The use of slots to allow for the insertion of content from the parent document into the custom element, which is affected by the use of shadow DOM and the mode of the shadow DOM. </li></ul><div class="notice"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="mnemonic" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><h3 id="h-mnemonic"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="h3" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><a href="#h-mnemonic" tabindex="-1">#</a> Mnemonic</h3><ul><li><code>customElementRender(&lt;custom-element&gt;, &lt;connect-target&gt;, &lt;render-function&gt;[, &lt;properties&gt;])</code> — use function to render DOM structure for given &lt;custom-element&gt;</li><li><code>customElementWithDDE(&lt;custom-element&gt;)</code> — register &lt;custom-element&gt; to DDE library, see also `lifecyclesToEvents`, can be also used as decorator</li><li><code>observedAttributes(&lt;custom-element&gt;)</code> — returns record of observed attributes (keys uses camelCase)</li><li><code>S.observedAttributes(&lt;custom-element&gt;)</code> — returns record of observed attributes (keys uses camelCase and values are signals)</li><li><code>lifecyclesToEvents(&lt;class-declaration&gt;)</code> — convert lifecycle methods to events, can be also used as decorator</li><li><code>simulateSlots(&lt;class-instance&gt;, &lt;body&gt;[, &lt;mapper&gt;])</code> — simulate slots for Custom Elements without shadow DOM</li><li><code>simulateSlots(&lt;dde-component&gt;[, &lt;mapper&gt;])</code> — simulate slots for “dde”/functional components</li></ul></div><div class="prevNext"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="prevNext" host="parentElement" ssr/>--><a rel="prev" href="p05-scopes" title="Organizing UI into components"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="pageLink" host="parentElement" ssr/>-->Scopes and components (previous)</a><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="pageLink" host="this" ssr/>--></div></main></body></html>