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2024-02-19 20:37:09 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* jshint esversion: 8,-W097, -W040, node: true, expr: true, undef: true */
const /* dependencies */
[ fs, readline, https, { spawn } ]= [ "fs", "readline", "https", "child_process" ].map(p=> require(p));
const /* helper for coloring console | main program params */
colors= { e: "\x1b[38;2;252;76;76m", s: "\x1b[38;2;76;252;125m", w: "\x1b[33m", R: "\x1b[0m", y: "\x1b[38;2;200;190;90m", g: "\x1b[38;2;150;150;150m" },
info= {
name: __filename.slice(__filename.lastIndexOf("/")+1, __filename.lastIndexOf(".")),
version: "1.2.1",
description: "Helper for working with “packages” stored in GitHub releases.",
config: `${__filename.slice(0, __filename.lastIndexOf("."))}.json`,
folder: __filename.slice(0, __filename.lastIndexOf("/")+1),
commands: [
cmd: "help", args: [ "--help", "-h" ],
desc: "Shows this text"
cmd: "config", args: [ "--config" ],
desc: "Opens config file in terminal editor (defaults to vim)"
cmd: "check", args: [ "--check", "-c" ],
desc: "Shows/checks updates for registered packages"
cmd: "update", args: [ "--update", "-u" ], param: "group",
desc: "Installs lates versions of registered packages"
cmd: "uninstall", args: [ "--uninstall", "-u" ], param: "package",
desc: "Deletes downloaded file and moves package to the 'skip' group"
cmd: "register", args: [ "--register", "--change" ], param: "package",
desc: "Add package infos to internal list to be able installing/updating"
cmd: "remove", args: [ "--remove" ], param: "package",
desc: ([
"Uninstall package if needed (see `-u`)",
"And remove it from internal list (see `--config`)"
]).join(". ")
params: {
group: ([
"You can label each package to update only choosen one",
"There are sereved options:",
" - '' (empty): these packages are includes in all groups",
" - 'all': in case of `--update` process all packages (except skipped)",
" - 'skip': these packages are “uninstalled”",
" No updates will be downloaded",
"Group can be setted via '--register'"
]).join(". "),
package: ([
"Represents package identificator, it is in fact GitHub repository path",
"So, it schould be in the form `username/repository`"
]).join(". ")
const current= getCurrent(process.argv.slice(2));
(function main_(){
const { cmd }= current.command;
if(!cmd) return Promise.resolve("No arguments (use `--help` for showing all oprions).");
case "help": return Promise.resolve(printHelp());
case "config": return vim_(info.config);
const config= getConfig();
case "register": return register_(config);
if(!config.packages) return Promise.resolve("No packages yet!");
case "check": return check_(config);
case "update": return update_(config);
case "uninstall":
case "remove":
return uninstall_(cmd, config);
log(1, `Operation '${current.command.cmd}' successfull: @s_${message}`);
async function uninstall_(cmd, config){
const progress= [
[ "Deleting file", "not needed" ],
[ "Check out from updates", "yes" ],
[ "Remove from packages list", "no" ]
const pkg_name= current.param;
const pkg_index= config.packages.findIndex(({ repository })=> repository===pkg_name);
if(pkg_index===-1) return "nothing to do (maybe typo)";
const pkg= config.packages[pkg_index];
const { downloads }= pkg;
try{ fs.unlinkSync(downloads); progress[0][1]= "done"; }
catch (_){ progress[0][1]= colors.e+"error, try manually "+downloads; }
Reflect.deleteProperty(pkg, "last_update");
Reflect.set(pkg, "group", "skip");
progress[1][1]= "done";
if(cmd!=="remove") return gotoEnd();
const y= await promt_(`Are you realy want to remove package ${pkg.repository} (yes/no)`, "no");
if(y!=="yes") return gotoEnd();
config.packages.splice(pkg_index, 1);
progress[2][1]= "done";
return gotoEnd();
function gotoEnd(){
const o= progress.reduce((o, [ k, v ])=> Reflect.set(o, k, v)&&o, {});
logSection(" ", pkg_name, o);
function vim_(file){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
const cmd= spawn((process.env.EDITOR||"vim")+(process.platform==="win32"?".bat":""), [ file ], { stdio: 'inherit' });
cmd.on('exit', e=> e ? reject("Editor error, try manually: "+file) : resolve("OK"));
async function update_(config){
const filter= current.param;
const is_all= filter==="all";
let updates= [];
log(1, "Collecting packages to download:");
for(const [
i, { repository, last_update, group, file_name, exec, downloaded, tag_name_regex }
] of Object.entries(config.packages)){
if(group==="skip") continue;
if(!is_all&&group&&filter!==group) continue;
const { tag_name, published_at, html_url, assets_url }= await githubRelease_(repository, tag_name_regex);
const status= packageStatus(last_update, published_at);
if(status!==3) continue;
const assets= await downloadJSON_(repository, assets_url);
console.log(" Nothing to download: Visit "+html_url);
const options={ name, download_count, size })=>
`${name} | size: ${Math.round(size/1048576)}MB | downloads: ${download_count}`);
logSection(" ", " "+repository, {
"Version": tag_name,
"Url": html_url
logSection(" ", " Available assets:", options);
const choose= await promt_(" Choose (empty for skip)", "");
if(choose==="") continue;
const { browser_download_url: url, name: remote_name, size }= assets[choose];
index: i,
file_name, exec, downloaded,
repository, version: tag_name, last_update: published_at,
url, remote_name, size
log(2, "No packages in "+`group ${filter} needs updates.`);
return Promise.resolve("nothing to update");
log(1, "Downloading:");
return applySequentially_(updates, async function(todo){
const to= todo.file_name ? info.folder+todo.file_name : (
todo.downloaded ? todo.downloaded : info.folder+todo.remote_name);
const d= await downloadFile_(to, todo);
return Object.assign(todo, d);
log(1, "Finalizing:");
let e= 0;
for(const nth of dones){
e+= 1;
log(2, `${nth.repository}: @e_${nth.message}`);
Object.assign(config.packages[nth.index], registerDownloads(nth));
const { length }= dones;
const msg= `updated ${length-e} of ${length} packages.`;
return e ? Promise.reject(msg) : Promise.resolve(msg);
function registerDownloads({ repository, last_update, message: downloads, exec, version }){
let msg= colors.s+"OK";
try{ fs.chmodSync(downloads, 0o755); }
catch(e){ msg= colors.e+"try manual `chmod+x` for '"+downloads+"'"; }
log(2, `${repository}: ${msg}`);
return { last_update, downloads, version };
async function check_({ packages }){
let updates= 0, skipped= 0;
for(const { repository, name, version, last_update, group, tag_name_regex } of packages){
const { tag_name, published_at }= await githubRelease_(repository, tag_name_regex);
const status= packageStatus(last_update, published_at);
updates+= status===3;
const skip= group==="skip";
skipped+= skip;
log(2, `@g_${repository} [${group}]: `+( !version ? "not installed" : packageStatusText(status, skip) ));
const u= updates-skipped;
const s= skipped ? ` (inc. skipped: ${updates})` : "";
return (!u ? "" : colors.w)+u+" update(s) available"+s;
async function register_(config){
const { param: repository }= current;
if(!Reflect.has(config, "packages")) Reflect.set(config, "packages", []);
const packages= Reflect.get(config, "packages");
let local_id= packages.findIndex(p=> p.repository===repository);
local_id= packages.push({ repository })-1;
const local= config.packages[local_id];
const remote= await githubRepo_(repository) || {};
log(1, "Registering: "+repository);
const spaces= " "; await promt_(spaces+"Name", || || "");
if(!local.description) local.description= remote.description;
logLines(2, [
"@g_Group info:",
"- you can update specific packages by using their group name",
"- There some reserved options:",
" - '' (empty): will be included in all groups",
" - 'skip': will be always skipped"
]); await promt_(spaces+"Group", || "");
local.file_name= await promt_(spaces+"File Name", local.file_name ||\s/g, "-") || "");
local.exec= await promt_(spaces+"Make executable (yes/no)", local.exec || "no");
return `${repository}: saved`;
function packageStatusText(status, skip){
const s= skip ? colors.R+"skipped "+colors.g : "";
case 0: return s+"nothing to compare";
case 1: return s+"@s_up-to-date";
case 2: return s+"newer";
case 3: return s+"@e_outdated/not instaled";
function packageStatus(local, remote){
if(!remote) return 0;
if(!local) return 3;
if(remote===local) return 1;
return 2+(local<remote);
function logSection(spaces, name, data){
for(const [ key, value ] of Object.entries(data))
console.log(spaces.repeat(2)+colors.g+key+": "+value.replace(/@(\w)_/g, (_, m)=> colors[m])+colors.R);
function githubRelease_(repository, tag_name_regex= ""){
return downloadJSON_(repository, ""+repository+"/releases")
.then(data=> data.find(function find({ draft, published_at, tag_name }){
if(draft||!published_at) return false;
if(!tag_name_regex) return true;
return (new RegExp(tag_name_regex, 'g')).test(tag_name);
function githubRepo_(repository){ return downloadJSON_(repository, ""+repository); }
function promt_(q, def){
const rl= readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout });
return new Promise(function(resolve){
rl.question(q+": ", a=> { rl.close(); resolve(a); });
function getConfig(){
let config;
try{ config= JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(info.config)); }
catch(e){ config= {}; log(1, "@w_Missing or corrupted config file. Creates empty one."); }
return config;
function save(config){
return fs.writeFileSync(info.config, JSON.stringify(config, null, " "));
function getCurrent(args){
let command, command_arg, param;
const hasArg= arg=> ({ args })=> args.includes(arg);
for(let i=0, { length }= args, arg; i<length; i++){
arg= args[i];
command= info.commands.find(hasArg(arg));
command_arg= arg;
if(!command.param||typeof param!=="undefined")
param= arg;
command= { cmd: "" };
if(command.param&&typeof param==="undefined")
return error(`Missign arguments for '${command_arg}'.`);
return { command, param };
function downloadJSON_(repository, url){
return downloadText_(url)
const response= JSON.parse(data);
if(Reflect.has(response, "message")) throw new Error(response.message);
return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(data));
} catch(e){
log(1, "Received data: "+data);
log(1, "@e_"+e);
return Promise.reject(`JSON from '${repository}' failed.`);
function downloadText_(url){
return get_(url)
.then(function(response){ return new Promise(function(resolve){
let data= "";
response.on("data", chunk=> data+= chunk);
response.on("end", ()=> resolve(data));
}); });
function downloadFile_(to, { url, repository, size }){
const file= fs.createWriteStream(to);
return get_(url)
.then(r=> get_(r.headers.location))
.then(function(response){ return new Promise(function(resolve){
let progress= 0, pc_prev= 0, avg= 0;
const start= new Date();
const i= setInterval(function(){
const pc= (100*progress/size).toFixed(2);
if(!pc_prev) pc_prev= pc;
else {
avg= ((100-pc)/(60*(pc-pc_prev))).toFixed(2);
pc_prev= 0;
const running= ((new Date()-start)/60000).toFixed(2);
log(2, repository+": "+pc+"%"+` (end in ~${avg} mins, running ${running} mins)`);
readline.moveCursor(process.stdout, 0, -1);
}, 500);
response.on('data', function(chunk){
progress+= chunk.length;
response.on('end', function(){
log(2, repository+": @s_OK");
file.close(()=> resolve({ success: 1, message: to })); /* close() is async, call cb after close completes. */
}); })
.catch(({ message })=> {
fs.unlink(to); // Delete the file async. (But we don't check the result)
return { success: 0, message };
function get_(url){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
{ headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'User-Agent': 'node' } },
).on("error", reject);
function applySequentially_(input, pF){
const data= [];
let p= pF(input[0]);
const tie= nth=> result_mth=> ( data.push(result_mth), pF(input[nth]) );
for(let i= 1, { length }= input; i<length; i++)
p= p.then(tie(i));
return p.then(o=> (data.push(o), data));
function error(message){
const help_text= `@w_See help using '${info.commands[0].args[0]}'.`;
log(1, `@e_Error: ${message} ${help_text}`);
return process.exit(1);
function printMain(){
const { name, version, description }= info;
log(1, `@w_${name}@${version}`);
log(1, description);
const cmds={args})=> args[0].replace("--", "")).join(", ");
log(1, `@w_Usage: ${name} --[cmd] [param]`);
log(2, `…cmd: ${cmds}`);
log(2, "…param: Based on cmd\n");
function printHelp(){
log(1, "@s_Help:");
log(2, "Commands:");
info.commands.forEach(({ args, param, desc })=> {
const args_text= args.join("|");
param= param ? " "+param : "";
log(3, `@g_${args_text}@R_${param}`);
logLines(4, desc);
log(2, "Params:");
for(const [ param, desc ] of Object.entries(info.params)){
log(3, `@g_${param}`);
logLines(4, desc);
function log(tab, text){
return console.log(" ".repeat(tab)+text.replace(/@(\w)_/g, (_, m)=> colors[m])+colors.R);
function logLines(tab, multiline_text){
if(!Array.isArray(multiline_text)) multiline_text= multiline_text.split(/(?<=\.) /g);
return log(tab, multiline_text.join("\n"+" ".repeat(tab)));