81 lines
2.5 KiB
81 lines
2.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env nodejsscript
/* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */
const units= {
second: 1000,
get minute(){ return this.second*60; },
get hour(){ return this.minute*60; },
get day(){ return this.hour*24; },
get month(){ return this.day*30; },
get year(){ return this.day*365; }
.command("diff <time>", [
"Returns remaining time diff <time>.",
"The <time> is argument to bash `date -d <time> +%s`."
.option("--unit", "Unit, use one of the: "+Object.keys(units).join(", "))
.command("zone [time]", "Returns times in different time zones.")
.option("-z", "Use multiple times to see time in different time zones.")
function diff(given, { unit }){
const date_now= new Date();
const date_given= new Date(s.$().run`date -d ${given} +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z`.trim());
if(date_given.toLocaleString() === "Invalid Date")
return $.exit(1, echo(date_given));
const rtf= new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat();
let future= 1;
let diff= date_given - date_now;
if(diff < 0){
future= -1;
diff= -diff;
if(unit.endsWith("s")) unit= unit.slice(0, -1);
echo(rtf.format(future*Math.floor(diff/units[unit]), unit));
diff= echoUnit(future, diff, "year", rtf);
diff= echoUnit(future, diff, "month", rtf);
diff= echoUnit(future, diff, "day", rtf);
diff= echoUnit(future, diff, "hour", rtf);
diff= echoUnit(future, diff, "minute", rtf);
diff= echoUnit(future, diff, "second", rtf);
function zone(time, { z: zones }){
if(!Array.isArray(zones)) zones= zones ? [ zones ] : [];
return $.error("Please specify at least one zone.");
const date_given= time ? new Date(s.$().run`date -d ${time} +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z`.trim()) : new Date();
if(date_given.toLocaleString() === "Invalid Date")
return $.error(date_given);
const max_length= Math.max(...zones.map(zone=> zone.length));
const dtf= timeZone=> new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { timeZone, dateStyle: "full", timeStyle: "long", hour12: false });
for(const zone of zones)
echo(zone.padStart(max_length, " "), "—", dtf(zone).format(date_given));
* @param {1|-1} future
* @param {number} num
* @param {'year'|'month'|'day'|'hour'|'minute'|'second'} unit
* @param {string} rtf
* */
function echoUnit(future, num, unit, rtf){
if(num <= units[unit]) return num;
echo(rtf.format(future*Math.floor(num/units[unit]), unit));
return num%units[unit];