232 lines
8.5 KiB
232 lines
8.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env nodejsscript
/* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */
// "\x1b[38;2;150;150;150m"
// https://talyian.github.io/ansicolors/
* Represents a package record stored locally
* @typedef ConfigPackage
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} repository - Repo in the form `<owner>/<repo>`
* @property {string} name - Name/Identifier
* @property {string} description - A description of the repo/package
* @property {string} file_name - The name of the file as stored locally
* @property {"yes"|"no"} exec - Whether the file is executable
* @property {string} last_update - The date and time of the last update
* @property {string} downloads - The path to the file
* @property {string} version - The version of the file
* @property {string} tag_name_regex - Filter only matching releases
* */
* @typedef Config
* @type {{ packages: ConfigPackage[] }}
* */
* Represents a GitHub release information.
* @typedef {Object} GitHubRelease
* @property {number} id - The ID of the GitHub release.
* @property {string} url - The URL of the GitHub release.
* @property {string} assets_url - The URL of the assets associated with the GitHub release.
* @property {string} html_url - The HTML URL of the GitHub release.
* @property {string} tag_name - The tag name of the GitHub release.
* @property {string} published_at - The publication date of the GitHub release.
import { join } from "node:path";
const path_config= $.xdg.config`github-releases`;
const path_config_json= join(path_config, "config.json");
const path_config_lock= join(path_config, "lock");
const path_temp= $.xdg.temp`github-releases.json`;
const url_api= "https://api.github.com/repos/";
const url_download= "https://glare.now.sh/"; // https://github.com/Contextualist/glare
const css= echo.css`
.pkg { color: lightcyan; }
.ok { color: lightgreen; }
.err { color: lightred; }
.skip { color: red; color: gray; }
.spin { display: list-item; list-style: --terminal-spin; }
.describe("Helper for working with “packages” stored in GitHub releases.")
.command("config [mode]", [ "Config (file), use `mode` with these options:",
"- `edit`: opens config file in terminal editor using `$EDITOR` (defaults to vim)",
"- `path`: prints path to config file"
.action(async function(mode= "path"){
case "path": echo(path_config_json); break;
case "edit":
const editor= $.env.EDITOR || "vim";
await s.runA`${editor} ${path_config_json}`.pipe(process.stdout);
echo(`Unknown mode: '${mode}'. See '--help' for details.`);
.command("ls", [ "Lists registered packages",
"Repositories marked with `-` signifies that the package is in the 'skip' group.",
"These are registered by this script but not managed by it (updates, etc).",
"Repositories marked with `+` signify that updates of the package are checked."
.option("--group, -G", "Filter by group")
.option("--repository, -R", "Filter by repository")
const config = readConfig();
for(const { repository, version, description, group } of grepPackages(config, filter))
echo(`+ %c${repository}%c@${version ? version : "—"}: %c${description}`, css.pkg, css.unset, css.skip);
echo(`- %c${repository}: ${description}`, css.skip);
.command("check", "Shows/checks updates for registered packages")
.option("--group, -G", "Filter by group")
.option("--repository, -R", "Filter by repository")
.option("--cache", "Use cache [yes, no]", "yes")
.action(async function({ cache, ...filter }){
const config = readConfig();
const results= await check(grepPackages(config, filter), cache);
for(const { status, value } of results)
echoPkgStatus(status, value);
if(!results.length) echo("Nothing to do.");
.command("update", "Updates registered packages")
.option("--group, -G", "Filter by group")
.option("--repository, -R", "Filter by repository")
.action(async function(filter){
if(s.test("-f", path_config_lock))
return $.error(`The lock file '${path_config_lock}' already exists! Check if some other instance is running.`);
const config = readConfig();
const results= await check(grepPackages(config, filter));
const start= Date.now();
let done= 0;
let todo= [];
echo("Collecting packages to update…");
for(const { status, value } of results){
if(status!==3 || value.local.group==="skip") continue;
echo("%c"+value.local.repository, css.pkg);
()=> done+= 1,
const { length }= todo;
echo("%cAll up-to-date!%c Nothing to do.", css.ok);
} else {
const id= setInterval(()=>
echo.use("-R", `%cUpdating packages (${done}/${length})`, css.spin), 500);
const updates= await Promise.allSettled(todo);
echo("Updating packages completed:");
for (const { status, value, reason } of updates) {
echo("%c✗ "+reason.local.repository+": %c"+reason.err, css.err);
const { local, remote }= value;
echo("%c✓ "+local.repository+"%c@"+remote.tag_name, css.ok, css.skip);
s.echo(JSON.stringify(config, null, "\t")).to(path_config_json);
import { createWriteStream } from "node:fs";
async function download(value, onprogress, target){
const { repository, glare }= value.local;
const { tag_name }= value.remote;
if(!glare) return Promise.reject({ err: "Missing 'glare' in config.", ...value });
const response= await fetch(url_download+repository+`@${tag_name}/${glare}`);
const buffer= Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer());
const downloads= target+value.local.file_name;
const ws= createWriteStream(downloads, { flags: "w" });
Object.assign(value.local, {
last_update: value.remote.published_at,
version: value.remote.tag_name,
s.chmod("+x", downloads);
return value;
function grepPackages({ packages }, { group, repository }){
const f= {};
let is_filter= false;
if(group){ is_filter= true; f.group= group; }
if(repository){ is_filter= true; f.repository= repository; }
if(!is_filter) return packages;
return packages.filter(r=> Object.keys(f).every(k=> r[k]===f[k]));
function echoPkgStatus(status, { local, remote }){
let status_css, status_text;
status_text= "skipped";
status_css= "skip";
} else {
status_text= status===3 ? "outdated" : "up-to-date";
status_css= status===3 ? "err" : "ok";
echo((status_text==="outdated" ? "+" : "-") + " %c"+local.repository + "%c: %c"+status_text+"%c (%c"+remote.tag_name+"%c)",
css.pkg, css.unset, css[status_css], css.unset, css.skip, css.unset);
* @param {Config.packages} packages
* @return {{ status: 0|1|2|3, value: { remote: GitHubRelease, local: ConfigPackage } }}
* */
async function check(packages, cache){
return (await pipe(
ps=> ps.map(p=> fetchRelease(p, cache).then(remote=> ({ local: p, remote }))),
ps=> Promise.allSettled(ps)
.map(({ status, ...v })=> status==="rejected" ?
{ status: -1, value: v } :
{ status: packageStatus(v.value.local, v.value.remote), value: v.value })
.filter(({ status, value })=> {
if(status!==-1) return true;
echo("%c"+value.reason, css.err);
/** @type {(local: ConfigPackage, remote: GitHubRelease)=> 0|1|2|3} */
function packageStatus({ last_update: local }, { published_at: remote }){
if(!remote) return 0;
if(!local) return 3;
if(remote===local) return 1;
return 2+(local<remote);
/** @param {ConfigPackage} package */
async function fetchRelease({ repository, tag_name_regex }, cache){
const headers= { 'User-Agent': 'node' };
if(cache==="no") headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
const url= url_api+repository+"/releases";
const releases= await fetch(url, { headers }).then(res=> res.json());
if(releases.message) return $.error(url+": "+releases.message);
return releases.find(function ({ draft, published_at, tag_name }){
if(draft||!published_at) return false;
if(!tag_name_regex) return true;
return (new RegExp(tag_name_regex, 'g')).test(tag_name);
function readConfig(){
if(!s.test("-f", path_config_json)) return { packages: [] };
const out= Object.assign({ target: "~/bin/" },
if(out.target.startsWith("~/")) out.target= $.xdg.home(out.target.slice(2));
return out;