72 lines
2.3 KiB
72 lines
2.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env nodejsscript
/* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */
const p_home= $.xdg.home`Applications/piper/`
const p_models= p_home+"models/"
$.api("", true)
"This is a wrapper around the piper CLI.",
"It allows you to get the list of available models, or to simplify `piper` callings.",
"Visit: https://github.com/rhasspy/piper",
"Original help:",
...s.$().run`${p_home}piper --help`.stderr.split("\n").filter(Boolean).map(l=> "\t"+l)
.option("--models", "prints available models")
.option("--model, -m", "chooses voice model by it's index or by text search (full name)")
.option("--input_file, -I", "path to input text file (defaults to stdin)")
.action(function main({
models: is_models,
model= 0,
.forEach(l=> echo(l));
echo(helpTextModels("…for more models"))
model= getModel(model);
pass= Object.entries(pass)
.map(([ name, value ])=> `${name.length > 1 ? "--" : "-"}${name} '${value}'`)
.join(" ");
const o= s.run(`echo ${text(input_file)} | ${p_home}piper --model ${model} ${pass}`);
function text(input_file){
const candidate= input_file ? s.cat(input_file).stdout : $.stdin.text();
if(typeof candidate!=="string")
$.error("Missing input text file or piped text. Use `--help` for more information.");
return "'"+candidate.trim().replaceAll("\n", "\t — \t").replaceAll("'", "\"")+"'";
function getModel(identifier){
const candidate= typeof identifier==="number" ?
models()[identifier] :
models().find(l=> l.includes(identifier));
`Model identifier '${identifier}' seems not to matching any existing model.`,
"Try `--models` to see all available models."
return candidate.slice(candidate.indexOf(" ")+1);
function models(){
const out= s.ls(`${p_models}*.onnx`)
.map((l, n)=> `${n}: ${l}`);
$.error(helpTextModels("No available models."));
return out;
function helpTextModels(...text_initial){
return [
"Visits https://github.com/rhasspy/piper",
"and download/extract model(s) into "+p_models