
111 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#!/usr/bin/env nodejsscript
/* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */
.command("silicon [file]", [
"Generovat obrázek s kódem pro sdílení na sociálních sítích. (alternativa k Carbon)",
"Toto je jen drobný wrapper s mými defaultními parametry.",
"Další nápověda viz `silicon --help`.",
.option("--title", "Set window title (default: file name).")
.option("--range", "Select lines from file in the form `start:end`")
.option("--font-size, --fs", "Font size", 25)
.action(function silicon(file, { title= file, range, fs, ["font-size"]: _fs, _, ...args }){
args= Object.assign({
theme: "OneHalfDark",
font: `Ubuntu Mono =${fs}`,
background: "#f06d78",
["shadow-blur-radius"]: 30,
["tab-width"]: 2
}, args);
args= Object.keys(args).flatMap(key=> [ "--"+key, args[key] ]);
let from= file;
const index_ext= file.lastIndexOf(".");
const output= !file ? "silicon.png" : file.slice(0, index_ext+1)+"png";
if(range && typeof range=== "string" && range.includes(":")){
from= $.xdg.temp`silicon-range${file.slice(index_ext)}`;
const content= s.$().cat(file).toString().split(/\r?\n/).slice(...range.split(":").map(n=> parseInt(n)+1));
}`silicon ${from} --output ${output} --window-title ${title} ${args}`;
echo(`Generated ${output}`);
if(from!== file) s.rm(from);
.command("textInImage [file]", "Generovat obrázek s textem pro sdílení na sociálních sítích.")
.option("--pointsize", "Text size", "62")
.option("--gravity", "`convert -list gravity`", "Center")
.option("--text", "Text")
.command("textSplit <file>", "Rozdělit text dle zadaného limitu.")
.option("--limit", "Počet znaků kde text rozdělovat.", 500)
.option("--counter", "Prepend counter, set no. of chars of counter.", 5)
.option("--text", "Text")
function textSplit(file, { limit, counter, text }){
limit= parseInt(limit) - parseInt(counter);
const words= getText(file, text).split(" ");
let buffer= [], i= -1, chars= limit;
for(const word of words){
const { length }= word;
if((chars+length) < limit){
chars+= ( is_empty ? 0 : 1 ) + length;
buffer[i].end= i;
chars= 0;
i+= 1;
buffer[i]= { start: i };
const { length }= buffer;
echo({ start, end }, i){
return (i+1)+"/"+length+" "+words.slice(start, end).join(" ");
function textInImage(file, { text, gravity, pointsize }){
text= getText(file, text);
const output= !file ? "textInImage.png" : (({ pathname: p })=> p.slice(1, p.lastIndexOf(".")+1)+"png")(new URL(file, "file://"));
const round_corners= [ //
"+clone -alpha extract",
"-draw 'fill black polygon 0,0 0,15 15,0 fill white circle 15,15 15,0'",
"\\( +clone -flip \\) -compose Multiply -composite",
"\\( +clone -flop \\) -compose Multiply -composite",
"\\) -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite",
].join(" ");[
"-size ::size::",
"-pointsize ::pointsize::",
"-fill ::fill:: -background ::background::",
"-gravity ::gravity::",
"-family ::family:: -weight Bold",
"-bordercolor ::background:: -border 5%",
].join(" "), {
fill: "whitesmoke",
background: "#2b2b2b",
size: "1024x512",
family: "Ubuntu Mono",
output, text, gravity, pointsize
function getText(file, text){
if(file && s.test("-f", file))
return $.stdin.text().trim();
return text;