152 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File
152 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env nodejsscript
/* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */
const img_params= "?width=1920";
const url_api= "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php";
const url_image= "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/";
import { join } from "node:path";
const path_home= $.xdg.home`Obrázky/Bing Image Of The Day/`;
const path_info= join(path_home, "images.json");
.command("pull", "Pull new/today image(s)")
.action(async function pull(){
const images= {
now: await getImagePath(0),
prev: await getImagePath(-1)
const paths= await downloadImages(images);
const images_save= Object.entries(images)
.reduce((acc, [ key, { caption } ])=>
Reflect.set(acc, key, caption) && acc,
convert(paths, images_save);
s.echo(JSON.stringify(images_save, null, "\t")).to(path_info);
.action(function redraw(){
const paths= [ "now", "prev" ].map(key=> join(path_home, `${key}.jpg`));
const images= s.cat(path_info).xargs(JSON.parse);
convert(paths, images);
.action(function status(){
const images= s.cat(path_info).xargs(JSON.parse);
const [ stats ]= s.ls("-l", path_info);
echo({ timestamp: stats.mtime, ...images });
/** @typedef {{ url: string, caption: string }} T_response */
/** @typedef {Record<"now"|"prev",T_response>} T_images */
/** @param {Record<"now"|"prev",string>} paths */
function convert(paths, images){
const resize_to= "1920x1080";
paths= Object.values(paths);
const target= join(path_home, "horizontally.jpg");
const params= `-resize ${resize_to}^ -gravity center -extent ${resize_to}`.split(" ");
const caption= (position, text)=> [
"-pointsize", "12",
"-background", "transparent",
"-fill", "white",
"-family", `"Ubuntu Mono"`,
"-weight", "Bold",
"-gravity", "center",
"-bordercolor", '"rgba(0,0,0,0.3)"',
"-border", "10",
"-size", "500x",
"-gravity", position,
"-geometry", "+0+0",
].join(" ");
s.run`convert ${paths} ${params} +append ${target}`;
s.run(caption("southwest", images.now));
s.run(caption("southeast", images.prev));
import { writeFileSync } from "node:fs";
/** @param {T_images} images */
function updateHTML(images){
let template= s.cat(join(path_home, "index_template.html")).trim();
for(const [ key, image ] of Object.entries(images))
template= template.replace(`::${key}::`, image.caption);
s.echo(template).to(join(path_home, "index.html"));
/** @param {T_images} images */
async function downloadImages(images){
const out= {};
for(const [ key, image ] of Object.entries(images))
out[key]= await downloadImage(image, key);
return out;
async function getImagePath(shift= 0){
const date= dateISO(shift);
const { expandtemplates: { wikitext: filepath } }= await fetchGet({
action: "expandtemplates",
prop: "wikitext",
text: `{{Potd/${date}}}`,
const pluckCaption= response=> response.expandtemplates.wikitext;
const caption_fallback= await fetchGet({
action: "expandtemplates",
prop: "wikitext",
text: `{{Potd/${date} (en)}}`,
const caption= pipe(
caption=> caption !== `[[:Template:Potd/${date} (cs)]]` ? caption : caption_fallback,
caption=> caption.replace(/\[\[.*?\]\]/g, m=> m.slice(2, -2).split("|").reverse()[0]),
caption=> caption.replace(/''(.*?)''/g, "„$1”"),
)(await fetchGet({
action: "expandtemplates",
prop: "wikitext",
text: `{{Potd/${date} (cs)}}`,
/* TODO?
* action: 'query',
* prop: 'imageinfo',
* iiprop: 'extmetadata',
* iiextmetadatafilter: 'LicenseShortName|Artist|LicenseUrl',
* titles: `Image:${ filename }`
* res.data.query.pages[0].imageinfo[0].extmetadata
* */
return {
caption: caption,
url: url_image+encodeURI(filepath)
/** @param {T_response} image @param {"prev"|"now"} type */
async function downloadImage({ url }, type){
const filename= join(path_home, `${type}.jpg`);
let response= await fetch(url+img_params);
response= await fetch(url);
throw new Error(`Failed to download image: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
const buffer= await response.arrayBuffer();
writeFileSync(filename, Buffer.from(buffer));
return filename;
function dateISO(shift= 0){
const d= new Date();
return d.toISOString().substring(0, 10);
function fetchGet(params){
if(!params.format) params.format= "json";
return fetch(url_api+"?"+(new URLSearchParams(params)).toString(), { method: "GET" }).then(res=> res.json());