mirror of https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el synced 2025-02-20 12:11:29 +01:00

🔨 💥 docs + types

This commit is contained in:
Jan Andrle 2023-11-08 14:53:18 +01:00
parent 0f511d1791
commit 14fe70e8f6
Signed by: jaandrle
12 changed files with 33756 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -37,51 +37,47 @@ type AttrsModified= {
type ElementAttributes<T extends SupportedElement>= Omit<T,keyof AttrsModified> & AttrsModified;
export function assign<El extends SupportedElement>(element: El, ...attrs_array: Partial<ElementAttributes<El>>[]): El
type ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap= HTMLElementTagNameMap & CustomElementTagNameMap
interface element<el>{
prototype: el;
append(...els: (SupportedElement | DocumentFragment | string | element<SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>)[]): el
export function el<TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<ElementAttributes<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
): element<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
): ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function el<T>(
tag_name?: "<>",
): element<DocumentFragment>
): DocumentFragment
export function el<
A extends ddeComponentAttributes,
C extends (attr: A)=> SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(
fComponent: C,
attrs?: A,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<ReturnType<C>>[]
): element<ReturnType<C>>
): ReturnType<C>
export function el(
tag_name: string,
attrs?: string | Record<string, any>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<HTMLElement>[]
): element<HTMLElement>
): HTMLElement
export function elNS(
namespace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
): <TAG extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap, KEYS extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG] & { d: string }>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<{ [key in KEYS]: SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG][key] | string | number | boolean }>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
)=> element<SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
)=> SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function elNS(
namespace: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
): <TAG extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap, KEYS extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] & { d: string }>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<{ [key in KEYS]: MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG][key] | string | number | boolean }>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
)=> element<MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
)=> MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function elNS(
namespace: string
): (
tag_name: string,
attrs?: string | Record<string, any>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<SupportedElement>[]
)=> element<SupportedElement>
)=> SupportedElement
export function dispatchEvent(element: SupportedElement, name: keyof DocumentEventMap): void;
export function dispatchEvent(element: SupportedElement, name: string, data: any): void;
interface On{
@ -112,6 +108,296 @@ export const on: On;
export const scope: {
host: ddeElementModifier<any>,
* TODO TypeScript HACK (better way?)
* this doesnt works
* ```ts
* interface element<el> extends Node{
* prototype: el;
* append(...els: (SupportedElement | DocumentFragment | string | element<SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>)[]): el
* }
* export function el<T>(
* tag_name?: "<>",
* ): element<DocumentFragment>
* ```
* as its complains here
* ```ts
* const d= el("div");
* const f= (a: HTMLDivElement)=> a;
* f(d); //←
* document.head.append( //←
* el("script", { src: "https://flems.io/flems.html", type: "text/javascript", charset: "utf-8" }),
* );
* ```
* TODO for SVG
* */
type ddeAppend<el>= (...nodes: (Node | string)[])=> el;
declare global{
interface HTMLAnchorElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAnchorElement>;
interface HTMLElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLElement>;
interface HTMLAreaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAreaElement>;
interface HTMLAudioElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAudioElement>;
interface HTMLBaseElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBaseElement>;
interface HTMLQuoteElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLQuoteElement>;
interface HTMLBodyElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBodyElement>;
interface HTMLBRElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBRElement>;
interface HTMLButtonElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLButtonElement>;
interface HTMLCanvasElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLCanvasElement>;
interface HTMLTableCaptionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCaptionElement>;
interface HTMLTableColElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableColElement>;
interface HTMLTableColElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableColElement>;
interface HTMLDataElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDataElement>;
interface HTMLDataListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDataListElement>;
interface HTMLModElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLModElement>;
interface HTMLDetailsElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDetailsElement>;
interface HTMLDialogElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDialogElement>;
interface HTMLDivElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDivElement>;
interface HTMLDListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDListElement>;
interface HTMLEmbedElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLEmbedElement>;
interface HTMLFieldSetElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLFieldSetElement>;
interface HTMLFormElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLFormElement>;
interface HTMLHeadingElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHeadingElement>;
interface HTMLHeadElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHeadElement>;
interface HTMLHRElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHRElement>;
interface HTMLHtmlElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHtmlElement>;
interface HTMLIFrameElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLIFrameElement>;
interface HTMLImageElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLImageElement>;
interface HTMLInputElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLInputElement>;
interface HTMLLabelElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLabelElement>;
interface HTMLLegendElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLegendElement>;
interface HTMLLIElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLIElement>;
interface HTMLLinkElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLinkElement>;
interface HTMLMapElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMapElement>;
interface HTMLMenuElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMenuElement>;
interface HTMLMetaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMetaElement>;
interface HTMLMeterElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMeterElement>;
interface HTMLObjectElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLObjectElement>;
interface HTMLOListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOListElement>;
interface HTMLOptGroupElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOptGroupElement>;
interface HTMLOptionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOptionElement>;
interface HTMLOutputElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOutputElement>;
interface HTMLParagraphElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLParagraphElement>;
interface HTMLPictureElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLPictureElement>;
interface HTMLPreElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLPreElement>;
interface HTMLProgressElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLProgressElement>;
interface HTMLScriptElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLScriptElement>;
interface HTMLSelectElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSelectElement>;
interface HTMLSlotElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSlotElement>;
interface HTMLSourceElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSourceElement>;
interface HTMLSpanElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSpanElement>;
interface HTMLStyleElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLStyleElement>;
interface HTMLTableElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableElement>;
interface HTMLTableSectionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
interface HTMLTableCellElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCellElement>;
interface HTMLTemplateElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTemplateElement>;
interface HTMLTextAreaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
interface HTMLTableCellElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCellElement>;
interface HTMLTimeElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTimeElement>;
interface HTMLTitleElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTitleElement>;
interface HTMLTableRowElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableRowElement>;
interface HTMLTrackElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTrackElement>;
interface HTMLUListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLUListElement>;
interface HTMLVideoElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLVideoElement>;
interface DocumentFragment{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<DocumentFragment>;
export type Signal<V, A>= (set?: V)=> V & A;
type Action<V>= (this: { value: V }, ...a: any[])=> typeof S._ | void;
type SymbolOnclear= Symbol;

dist/esm.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -37,51 +37,47 @@ type AttrsModified= {
type ElementAttributes<T extends SupportedElement>= Omit<T,keyof AttrsModified> & AttrsModified;
export function assign<El extends SupportedElement>(element: El, ...attrs_array: Partial<ElementAttributes<El>>[]): El
type ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap= HTMLElementTagNameMap & CustomElementTagNameMap
interface element<el>{
prototype: el;
append(...els: (SupportedElement | DocumentFragment | string | element<SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>)[]): el
export function el<TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<ElementAttributes<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
): element<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
): ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function el<T>(
tag_name?: "<>",
): element<DocumentFragment>
): DocumentFragment
export function el<
A extends ddeComponentAttributes,
C extends (attr: A)=> SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(
fComponent: C,
attrs?: A,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<ReturnType<C>>[]
): element<ReturnType<C>>
): ReturnType<C>
export function el(
tag_name: string,
attrs?: string | Record<string, any>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<HTMLElement>[]
): element<HTMLElement>
): HTMLElement
export function elNS(
namespace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
): <TAG extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap, KEYS extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG] & { d: string }>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<{ [key in KEYS]: SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG][key] | string | number | boolean }>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
)=> element<SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
)=> SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function elNS(
namespace: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
): <TAG extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap, KEYS extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] & { d: string }>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<{ [key in KEYS]: MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG][key] | string | number | boolean }>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
)=> element<MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
)=> MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function elNS(
namespace: string
): (
tag_name: string,
attrs?: string | Record<string, any>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<SupportedElement>[]
)=> element<SupportedElement>
)=> SupportedElement
export function dispatchEvent(element: SupportedElement, name: keyof DocumentEventMap): void;
export function dispatchEvent(element: SupportedElement, name: string, data: any): void;
interface On{
@ -111,4 +107,294 @@ interface On{
export const on: On;
export const scope: {
host: ddeElementModifier<any>,
* TODO TypeScript HACK (better way?)
* this doesnt works
* ```ts
* interface element<el> extends Node{
* prototype: el;
* append(...els: (SupportedElement | DocumentFragment | string | element<SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>)[]): el
* }
* export function el<T>(
* tag_name?: "<>",
* ): element<DocumentFragment>
* ```
* as its complains here
* ```ts
* const d= el("div");
* const f= (a: HTMLDivElement)=> a;
* f(d); //←
* document.head.append( //←
* el("script", { src: "https://flems.io/flems.html", type: "text/javascript", charset: "utf-8" }),
* );
* ```
* TODO for SVG
* */
type ddeAppend<el>= (...nodes: (Node | string)[])=> el;
declare global{
interface HTMLAnchorElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAnchorElement>;
interface HTMLElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLElement>;
interface HTMLAreaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAreaElement>;
interface HTMLAudioElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAudioElement>;
interface HTMLBaseElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBaseElement>;
interface HTMLQuoteElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLQuoteElement>;
interface HTMLBodyElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBodyElement>;
interface HTMLBRElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBRElement>;
interface HTMLButtonElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLButtonElement>;
interface HTMLCanvasElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLCanvasElement>;
interface HTMLTableCaptionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCaptionElement>;
interface HTMLTableColElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableColElement>;
interface HTMLTableColElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableColElement>;
interface HTMLDataElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDataElement>;
interface HTMLDataListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDataListElement>;
interface HTMLModElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLModElement>;
interface HTMLDetailsElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDetailsElement>;
interface HTMLDialogElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDialogElement>;
interface HTMLDivElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDivElement>;
interface HTMLDListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDListElement>;
interface HTMLEmbedElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLEmbedElement>;
interface HTMLFieldSetElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLFieldSetElement>;
interface HTMLFormElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLFormElement>;
interface HTMLHeadingElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHeadingElement>;
interface HTMLHeadElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHeadElement>;
interface HTMLHRElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHRElement>;
interface HTMLHtmlElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHtmlElement>;
interface HTMLIFrameElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLIFrameElement>;
interface HTMLImageElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLImageElement>;
interface HTMLInputElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLInputElement>;
interface HTMLLabelElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLabelElement>;
interface HTMLLegendElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLegendElement>;
interface HTMLLIElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLIElement>;
interface HTMLLinkElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLinkElement>;
interface HTMLMapElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMapElement>;
interface HTMLMenuElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMenuElement>;
interface HTMLMetaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMetaElement>;
interface HTMLMeterElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMeterElement>;
interface HTMLObjectElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLObjectElement>;
interface HTMLOListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOListElement>;
interface HTMLOptGroupElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOptGroupElement>;
interface HTMLOptionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOptionElement>;
interface HTMLOutputElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOutputElement>;
interface HTMLParagraphElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLParagraphElement>;
interface HTMLPictureElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLPictureElement>;
interface HTMLPreElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLPreElement>;
interface HTMLProgressElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLProgressElement>;
interface HTMLScriptElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLScriptElement>;
interface HTMLSelectElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSelectElement>;
interface HTMLSlotElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSlotElement>;
interface HTMLSourceElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSourceElement>;
interface HTMLSpanElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSpanElement>;
interface HTMLStyleElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLStyleElement>;
interface HTMLTableElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableElement>;
interface HTMLTableSectionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
interface HTMLTableCellElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCellElement>;
interface HTMLTemplateElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTemplateElement>;
interface HTMLTextAreaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
interface HTMLTableCellElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCellElement>;
interface HTMLTimeElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTimeElement>;
interface HTMLTitleElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTitleElement>;
interface HTMLTableRowElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableRowElement>;
interface HTMLTrackElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTrackElement>;
interface HTMLUListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLUListElement>;
interface HTMLVideoElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLVideoElement>;
interface DocumentFragment{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<DocumentFragment>;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="stylesheet" href="elements.css"><meta name="description" content="Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations."><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaTwitter" host="this"/>--><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta name="twitter:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="twitter:creator" content="@jaandrle"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaFacebook" host="this"/>--><meta name="og:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="og:creator" content="@jaandrle"><title>`deka-dom-el` — Elements</title><script src="https://flems.io/flems.html" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script></head><body><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="page" host="this"/>--><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="header" host="this"/>--><header><h1>`deka-dom-el` — Elements</h1><p>Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations.</p></header><nav><a href="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><svg class="icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="iconGitHub" host="parentElement"/>--><path d="M 16,0.395c -8.836,0 -16,7.163 -16,16c 0,7.069 4.585,13.067 10.942,15.182c 0.8,0.148 1.094,-0.347 1.094,-0.77c 0,-0.381 -0.015,-1.642 -0.022,-2.979c -4.452,0.968 -5.391,-1.888 -5.391,-1.888c -0.728,-1.849 -1.776,-2.341 -1.776,-2.341c -1.452,-0.993 0.11,-0.973 0.11,-0.973c 1.606,0.113 2.452,1.649 2.452,1.649c 1.427,2.446 3.743,1.739 4.656,1.33c 0.143,-1.034 0.558,-1.74 1.016,-2.14c -3.554,-0.404 -7.29,-1.777 -7.29,-7.907c 0,-1.747 0.625,-3.174 1.649,-4.295c -0.166,-0.403 -0.714,-2.03 0.155,-4.234c 0,0 1.344,-0.43 4.401,1.64c 1.276,-0.355 2.645,-0.532 4.005,-0.539c 1.359,0.006 2.729,0.184 4.008,0.539c 3.054,-2.07 4.395,-1.64 4.395,-1.64c 0.871,2.204 0.323,3.831 0.157,4.234c 1.026,1.12 1.647,2.548 1.647,4.295c 0,6.145 -3.743,7.498 -7.306,7.895c 0.574,0.497 1.085,1.47 1.085,2.963c 0,2.141 -0.019,3.864 -0.019,4.391c 0,0.426 0.288,0.925 1.099,0.768c 6.354,-2.118 10.933,-8.113 10.933,-15.18c 0,-8.837 -7.164,-16 -16,-16Z"></path></svg>GitHub</a><a href="./" title="Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations.">1. Introduction</a><a href="elements" title="Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations." class="current">2. Elements</a></nav><main><h2>Native JavaScript DOM elements creations</h2><p>Lets go through all patterns we would like to use and what needs to be improved for better experience.</p><h3>Creating element(s) (with custom attributes)</h3><p>You can create a native DOM element by using the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createElement" title="MDN documentation for document.createElement()"><code>document.createElement()</code></a>. It is also possible to provide a&nbsp;some attribute(s) declaratively using <code>Object.assign()</code>. More precisely, this way you can sets some <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/IDL" title="MDN page about Interface Description Language"><abbr title="Interface Description Language">IDL</abbr></a>.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-yoae9" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">document.body.append(
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="stylesheet" href="elements.css"><meta name="description" content="Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations."><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaTwitter" host="this"/>--><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta name="twitter:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="twitter:creator" content="@jaandrle"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaFacebook" host="this"/>--><meta name="og:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="og:creator" content="@jaandrle"><title>`deka-dom-el` — Elements</title><script src="https://flems.io/flems.html" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script></head><body><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="page" host="this"/>--><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="header" host="this"/>--><header><h1>`deka-dom-el` — Elements</h1><p>Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations.</p></header><nav><a href="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><svg class="icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="iconGitHub" host="parentElement"/>--><path d="M 16,0.395c -8.836,0 -16,7.163 -16,16c 0,7.069 4.585,13.067 10.942,15.182c 0.8,0.148 1.094,-0.347 1.094,-0.77c 0,-0.381 -0.015,-1.642 -0.022,-2.979c -4.452,0.968 -5.391,-1.888 -5.391,-1.888c -0.728,-1.849 -1.776,-2.341 -1.776,-2.341c -1.452,-0.993 0.11,-0.973 0.11,-0.973c 1.606,0.113 2.452,1.649 2.452,1.649c 1.427,2.446 3.743,1.739 4.656,1.33c 0.143,-1.034 0.558,-1.74 1.016,-2.14c -3.554,-0.404 -7.29,-1.777 -7.29,-7.907c 0,-1.747 0.625,-3.174 1.649,-4.295c -0.166,-0.403 -0.714,-2.03 0.155,-4.234c 0,0 1.344,-0.43 4.401,1.64c 1.276,-0.355 2.645,-0.532 4.005,-0.539c 1.359,0.006 2.729,0.184 4.008,0.539c 3.054,-2.07 4.395,-1.64 4.395,-1.64c 0.871,2.204 0.323,3.831 0.157,4.234c 1.026,1.12 1.647,2.548 1.647,4.295c 0,6.145 -3.743,7.498 -7.306,7.895c 0.574,0.497 1.085,1.47 1.085,2.963c 0,2.141 -0.019,3.864 -0.019,4.391c 0,0.426 0.288,0.925 1.099,0.768c 6.354,-2.118 10.933,-8.113 10.933,-15.18c 0,-8.837 -7.164,-16 -16,-16Z"></path></svg>GitHub</a><a href="./" title="Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations.">1. Introduction</a><a href="elements" title="Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations." class="current">2. Elements</a></nav><main><h2>Native JavaScript DOM elements creations</h2><p>Lets go through all patterns we would like to use and what needs to be improved for better experience.</p><h3>Creating element(s) (with custom attributes)</h3><p>You can create a native DOM element by using the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createElement" title="MDN documentation for document.createElement()"><code>document.createElement()</code></a>. It is also possible to provide a&nbsp;some attribute(s) declaratively using <code>Object.assign()</code>. More precisely, this way you can sets some <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/IDL" title="MDN page about Interface Description Language"><abbr title="Interface Description Language">IDL</abbr></a>.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-zxdx3" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">document.body.append(
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ document.body.append(
{ textContent: "Elements text content.", style: "color: coral;" }
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-yoae9"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"document.body.append(\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"div\\\")\\n);\\nconsole.log(\\n\\t\\\"Emty div is generated inside <body>:\\\",\\n\\tdocument.body.innerHTML.includes(\\\"<div></div>\\\")\\n);\\n\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tObject.assign(\\n\\t\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"p\\\"),\\n\\t\\t{ textContent: \\\"Elements text content.\\\", style: \\\"color: coral;\\\" }\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>To make this easier, you can use the <code>el</code> function. Internally in basic examples, it is wrapper around <code>assign(document.createElement(…), { … })</code>.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-s6gd4" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el, assign } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-zxdx3"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"document.body.append(\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"div\\\")\\n);\\nconsole.log(\\n\\t\\\"Emty div is generated inside <body>:\\\",\\n\\tdocument.body.innerHTML.includes(\\\"<div></div>\\\")\\n);\\n\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tObject.assign(\\n\\t\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"p\\\"),\\n\\t\\t{ textContent: \\\"Elements text content.\\\", style: \\\"color: coral;\\\" }\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>To make this easier, you can use the <code>el</code> function. Internally in basic examples, it is wrapper around <code>assign(document.createElement(…), { … })</code>.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-98ya3" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el, assign } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
const color= "lightcoral";
el("p", { textContent: "Hello (first time)", style: { color } })
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ document.body.append(
{ textContent: "Hello (second time)", style: { color } }
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-s6gd4"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el, assign } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nconst color= \\\"lightcoral\\\";\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"p\\\", { textContent: \\\"Hello (first time)\\\", style: { color } })\\n);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tassign(\\n\\t\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"p\\\"),\\n\\t\\t{ textContent: \\\"Hello (second time)\\\", style: { color } }\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>The <code>assign</code> function provides improved behaviour of <code>Object.assign()</code>. You can declaratively sets any IDL and attribute of the given element. Function prefers IDL and fallback to the <code>element.setAttribute</code> if there is no writable property in the element prototype.</p><p>You can study all JavaScript elements interfaces to the corresponding HTML elements. All HTML elements inherits from <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement">HTMLElement</a>. To see all available IDLs for example for paragraphs, see <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLParagraphElement">HTMLParagraphElement</a>. Moreover, the <code>assign</code> provides a&nbsp;way to sets declaratively some convenient properties:</p><ul><li>It is possible to sets <code>data-*</code>/<code>aria-*</code> attributes using object notation.</li><li>In opposite, it is also possible to sets <code>data-*</code>/<code>aria-*</code> attribute using camelCase notation.</li><li>You can use string or object as a&nbsp;value for <code>style</code> property.</li><li><code>className</code> (IDL preffered)/<code>class</code> are ways to add CSS class to the element. You can use string (similarly to <code>class="…"</code> syntax in HTML) or array of strings. This is handy to concat conditional classes.</li><li>Use <code>classList</code> to toggle specific classes. This will be handy later when the reactivity via signals is beeing introduced.</li><li>The <code>assign</code> also accepts the <code>undefined</code> as a&nbsp;value for any property to remove it from the element declaratively. Also for some IDL the corresponding attribute is removed as it can be confusing. <em>For example, natievly the elements <code>id</code> is removed by setting the IDL to an empty string.</em></li></ul><p>For processing, the <code>assign</code> internally uses <code>assignAttribute</code> and <code>classListDeclarative</code>.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-kb1l4" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { assignAttribute, classListDeclarative } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-98ya3"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el, assign } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nconst color= \\\"lightcoral\\\";\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"p\\\", { textContent: \\\"Hello (first time)\\\", style: { color } })\\n);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tassign(\\n\\t\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"p\\\"),\\n\\t\\t{ textContent: \\\"Hello (second time)\\\", style: { color } }\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>The <code>assign</code> function provides improved behaviour of <code>Object.assign()</code>. You can declaratively sets any IDL and attribute of the given element. Function prefers IDL and fallback to the <code>element.setAttribute</code> if there is no writable property in the element prototype.</p><p>You can study all JavaScript elements interfaces to the corresponding HTML elements. All HTML elements inherits from <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement">HTMLElement</a>. To see all available IDLs for example for paragraphs, see <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLParagraphElement">HTMLParagraphElement</a>. Moreover, the <code>assign</code> provides a&nbsp;way to sets declaratively some convenient properties:</p><ul><li>It is possible to sets <code>data-*</code>/<code>aria-*</code> attributes using object notation.</li><li>In opposite, it is also possible to sets <code>data-*</code>/<code>aria-*</code> attribute using camelCase notation.</li><li>You can use string or object as a&nbsp;value for <code>style</code> property.</li><li><code>className</code> (IDL preffered)/<code>class</code> are ways to add CSS class to the element. You can use string (similarly to <code>class="…"</code> syntax in HTML) or array of strings. This is handy to concat conditional classes.</li><li>Use <code>classList</code> to toggle specific classes. This will be handy later when the reactivity via signals is beeing introduced.</li><li>The <code>assign</code> also accepts the <code>undefined</code> as a&nbsp;value for any property to remove it from the element declaratively. Also for some IDL the corresponding attribute is removed as it can be confusing. <em>For example, natievly the elements <code>id</code> is removed by setting the IDL to an empty string.</em></li></ul><p>For processing, the <code>assign</code> internally uses <code>assignAttribute</code> and <code>classListDeclarative</code>.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-bfx2a" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { assignAttribute, classListDeclarative } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
const paragraph= document.createElement("p");
assignAttribute(paragraph, "textContent", "Hello, world!");
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ console.log(paragraph.outerHTML);
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-kb1l4"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { assignAttribute, classListDeclarative } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nconst paragraph= document.createElement(\\\"p\\\");\\n\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"textContent\\\", \\\"Hello, world!\\\");\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"style\\\", { color: \\\"navy\\\" });\\n\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"dataTest1\\\", \\\"v1\\\");\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"dataset\\\", { test2: \\\"v2\\\" });\\n\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"ariaLabel\\\", \\\"v1\\\");\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"ariaset\\\", { role: \\\"none\\\" });\\n\\n\\nclassListDeclarative(paragraph, {\\n\\tclassAdd: true,\\n\\tclassRemove: false,\\n\\tclassAdd1: 1,\\n\\tclassRemove1: 0,\\n\\tclassToggle: -1\\n});\\n\\nconsole.log(paragraph.outerHTML);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tparagraph\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><h3>Native JavaScript templating</h3><p>By default, the native JS has no good way to define HTML template using DOM API:</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-rxuhl" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">document.body.append(
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-bfx2a"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { assignAttribute, classListDeclarative } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nconst paragraph= document.createElement(\\\"p\\\");\\n\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"textContent\\\", \\\"Hello, world!\\\");\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"style\\\", { color: \\\"navy\\\" });\\n\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"dataTest1\\\", \\\"v1\\\");\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"dataset\\\", { test2: \\\"v2\\\" });\\n\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"ariaLabel\\\", \\\"v1\\\");\\nassignAttribute(paragraph, \\\"ariaset\\\", { role: \\\"none\\\" });\\n\\n\\nclassListDeclarative(paragraph, {\\n\\tclassAdd: true,\\n\\tclassRemove: false,\\n\\tclassAdd1: 1,\\n\\tclassRemove1: 0,\\n\\tclassToggle: -1\\n});\\n\\nconsole.log(paragraph.outerHTML);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tparagraph\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><h3>Native JavaScript templating</h3><p>By default, the native JS has no good way to define HTML template using DOM API:</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-0enam" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">document.body.append(
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ const template= document.createElement("main").append(
console.log(typeof template==="undefined");
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-rxuhl"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"document.body.append(\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"div\\\"),\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"span\\\"),\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"main\\\")\\n);\\nconsole.log(document.body.innerHTML.includes(\\\"<div></div><span></span><main></main>\\\"));\\nconst template= document.createElement(\\\"main\\\").append(\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"div\\\"),\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"span\\\"),\\n);\\nconsole.log(typeof template===\\\"undefined\\\");\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>This library therefore overwrites the <code>append</code> method of created elements to always return parent element.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-c61pb" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-0enam"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"document.body.append(\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"div\\\"),\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"span\\\"),\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"main\\\")\\n);\\nconsole.log(document.body.innerHTML.includes(\\\"<div></div><span></span><main></main>\\\"));\\nconst template= document.createElement(\\\"main\\\").append(\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"div\\\"),\\n\\tdocument.createElement(\\\"span\\\"),\\n);\\nconsole.log(typeof template===\\\"undefined\\\");\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>This library therefore overwrites the <code>append</code> method of created elements to always return parent element.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-dvz29" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
"tr, td{ border: 1px solid red; padding: 1em; }",
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ document.body.append(
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-c61pb"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\ndocument.head.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"style\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\\"tr, td{ border: 1px solid red; padding: 1em; }\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"table{ border-collapse: collapse; }\\\"\\n\\t)\\n);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"p\\\", \\\"Example of a complex template. Using for example nesting lists:\\\"),\\n\\tel(\\\"ul\\\").append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"li\\\", \\\"List item 1\\\"),\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"li\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"ul\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"li\\\", \\\"Nested list item 1\\\"),\\n\\t\\t\\t)\\n\\t\\t)\\n\\t),\\n\\tel(\\\"table\\\").append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"tr\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"td\\\", \\\"Row 1 Col 1\\\"),\\n\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"td\\\", \\\"Row 1 Col 2\\\")\\n\\t\\t)\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><h2>Creating advanced (reactive) templates and components</h2><h3>Basic components</h3><p>You can use functions for encapsulation (repeating) logic. The <code>el</code> accepts function as first argument. In that case, the function should return dom elements and the second argument for <code>el</code> is argument for given element.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-9myzj" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-dvz29"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\ndocument.head.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"style\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\\"tr, td{ border: 1px solid red; padding: 1em; }\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"table{ border-collapse: collapse; }\\\"\\n\\t)\\n);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"p\\\", \\\"Example of a complex template. Using for example nesting lists:\\\"),\\n\\tel(\\\"ul\\\").append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"li\\\", \\\"List item 1\\\"),\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"li\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"ul\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"li\\\", \\\"Nested list item 1\\\"),\\n\\t\\t\\t)\\n\\t\\t)\\n\\t),\\n\\tel(\\\"table\\\").append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"tr\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"td\\\", \\\"Row 1 Col 1\\\"),\\n\\t\\t\\tel(\\\"td\\\", \\\"Row 1 Col 2\\\")\\n\\t\\t)\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><h2>Creating advanced (reactive) templates and components</h2><h3>Basic components</h3><p>You can use functions for encapsulation (repeating) logic. The <code>el</code> accepts function as first argument. In that case, the function should return dom elements and the second argument for <code>el</code> is argument for given element.</p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-4r8hj" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
".class1{ font-weight: bold; }",
@ -100,4 +100,4 @@ function component({ className, textContent }){
el("p", textContent)
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-9myzj"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\ndocument.head.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"style\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\\".class1{ font-weight: bold; }\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\".class2{ color: purple; }\\\"\\n\\t)\\n);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(component, { className: \\\"class2\\\", textContent: \\\"Hello World!\\\" }),\\n\\tcomponent({ className: \\\"class2\\\", textContent: \\\"Hello World!\\\" })\\n);\\n\\nfunction component({ className, textContent }){\\n\\treturn el(\\\"div\\\", { className: [ \\\"class1\\\", className ] }).append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", textContent)\\n\\t);\\n}\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>It is nice to use similar naming convention as native DOM API.</p></main></body></html>
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-4r8hj"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\ndocument.head.append(\\n\\tel(\\\"style\\\").append(\\n\\t\\t\\\".class1{ font-weight: bold; }\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\".class2{ color: purple; }\\\"\\n\\t)\\n);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel(component, { className: \\\"class2\\\", textContent: \\\"Hello World!\\\" }),\\n\\tcomponent({ className: \\\"class2\\\", textContent: \\\"Hello World!\\\" })\\n);\\n\\nfunction component({ className, textContent }){\\n\\treturn el(\\\"div\\\", { className: [ \\\"class1\\\", className ] }).append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", textContent)\\n\\t);\\n}\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script><p>It is nice to use similar naming convention as native DOM API.</p></main></body></html>

docs/flems.html Normal file

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="TridactylOwnNamespace TridactylThemeDark"><head>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tridactyl commandline</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="commandline_data/cleanslate.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="commandline_data/commandline.css">
<div id="completions"></div>
<div id="command-line-holder"><span id="tridactyl-colon"></span><input id="tridactyl-input"></div>
<script src="commandline_data/commandline_frame.js"></script>

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@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
* CleanSlate
* github.com/premasagar/cleanslate
An extreme CSS reset stylesheet, for normalising the styling of a container element and its children.
by Premasagar Rose
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/* == BLOCK-LEVEL == */
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.cleanslate menu {
padding-left: 40px !important;
padding-top: 8px !important;
/* additional helpers */
.cleanslate [hidden],
.cleanslate template {
display: none !important;
.cleanslate abbr[title] {
border-bottom: 1px dotted !important;
.cleanslate sub, .cleanslate sup {
font-size: 75% !important;
line-height: 0 !important;
position: relative !important;
vertical-align: baseline !important;
.cleanslate sup {
top: -0.5em !important;
.cleanslate sub {
bottom: -0.25em !important;
.cleanslate img {
border: 0 !important;
.cleanslate figure {
margin: 0 !important;
.cleanslate textarea {
overflow: auto !important;
vertical-align: top !important;
/* This contains default values for child elements to inherit */
.cleanslate {
font-size: medium !important;
line-height: 1 !important;
direction:ltr !important;
text-align: left !important; /* for IE, Opera */
text-align: start !important; /* recommended W3C Spec */
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif !important; /* Override this with whatever font-family is required */
color: black !important;
font-style:normal !important;
font-weight:normal !important;
text-decoration:none !important;
list-style-type:disc !important;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
@import url("../themes/auto/auto.css");
body {
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
/* CSS is pants. Move the bar down a tiny bit to cover up the gap. */
top: 1px;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#command-line-holder {
background: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-bg);
color: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-fg);
font-family: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-font-family);
font-size: 9pt;
/* reduce the padding added by the colon so that the command line shows up roughly where it used to be */
padding-left: 0.125ex;
input {
width: 97%;
font-family: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-font-family);
font-size: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-font-size);
line-height: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-line-height);
color: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-fg);
background: var(--tridactyl-cmdl-bg);
border: unset;
/* reduce the padding from the colon */
/* margin-left: -0.25ex; */
/* we currently have a border from the completions */
/* border-top: solid 1px lightgray; */
input:focus {
outline: none;
#tridactyl-colon::before {
content: ":";
#completions {
--option-height: var(--tridactyl-cmplt-option-height);
color: var(--tridactyl-cmplt-fg);
background: var(--tridactyl-cmplt-bg);
display: inline-block;
font-size: var(--tridactyl-cmplt-font-size);
font-family: var(--tridactyl-cmplt-font-family);
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
border-top: var(--tridactyl-cmplt-border-top);
/* Olie doesn't know how CSS inheritance works */
#completions > div {
max-height: calc(20 * var(--option-height));
min-height: calc(10 * var(--option-height));
#completions > div > table {
width: 100%;
font-size: 9pt;
border-spacing: 0;
table-layout: fixed;
#completions table tr td.prefix {
width: 3.2em;
padding-left: 0.5em;
text-align: center;
#completions table tr td.container,
#completions table tr td.icon,
#completions table tr td.privatewindow {
width: 1.5em;
#completions table tr td.tabcount {
width: 6em;
#completions table tr td.tgroup {
width: 10em;
padding-left: 0.5em;
text-align: right;
#completions table tr td.tgroup:empty {
display: none;
/* #completions table tr td:nth-of-type(3) { width: 5em; } */
#completions table tr td.content {
width: 50%;
/* Accroding to src/completions/TabHistory.ts formatTimeSpan,
* max-width should be 14 characters (14ex), 20ex for more tolorance. */
#completions table tr td.time {
width: 20ex;
text-align: right;
padding-right: 2ex;
#completions table tr {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
#completions table tr td {
overflow: hidden;
#completions img {
display: inline;
vertical-align: middle;
height: 1em;
width: 1em;
#completions .sectionHeader {
background: linear-gradient(
font-size: var(--tridactyl-header-font-size);
font-weight: var(--tridactyl-header-font-weight);
border-bottom: var(--tridactyl-header-border-bottom);
padding-left: 0.5ex;
#completions .sectionHeader,
#completions .option {
height: var(--option-height);
line-height: var(--option-height);
.url {
text-decoration: var(--tridactyl-url-text-decoration);
.option:not(.focused) .url {
color: var(--tridactyl-url-fg);
background: var(--tridactyl-url-bg);
a.url:hover {
cursor: var(--tridactyl-url-cursor);
text-decoration: underline;
/* Hide the URLs if the screen is small */
@media all and (max-width: 500px) {
.url {
display: none;
.FindCompletionOption .match {
font-weight: bold;
.hidden {
display: none;
/* Pick the .url out especially because otherwise its link styles dominate. */
.focused .url {
color: var(--tridactyl-of-fg);
background: var(--tridactyl-of-bg);
.option.incognito .privatewindow {
background-image: var(--tridactyl-private-window-icon-url);
/* Still completions, but container-related stuff */
.option .container {
mask-size: 1em;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-position: center;
.option .privatewindow {
background-size: 1em;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
.option.container_blue .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-blue);
.option.container_turquoise .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-turquoise);
.option.container_green .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-green);
.option.container_yellow .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-yellow);
.option.container_orange .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-orange);
.option.container_red .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-red);
.option.container_pink .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-pink);
.option.container_purple .container {
background-color: var(--tridactyl-container-color-purple);
.option.container_fingerprint .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-fingerprint-url);
.option.container_briefcase .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-briefcase-url);
.option.container_dollar .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-dollar-url);
.option.container_cart .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-cart-url);
.option.container_circle .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-circle-url);
.option.container_gift .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-gift-url);
.option.container_vacation .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-vacation-url);
.option.container_food .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-food-url);
.option.container_fruit .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-fruit-url);
.option.container_pet .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-pet-url);
.option.container_tree .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-tree-url);
.option.container_chill .container {
mask-image: var(--tridactyl-container-chill-url);
.ExcmdCompletionOption td.excmd {
padding-left: 0.5em;
width: 20%;
.ExcmdCompletionOption td.documentation {
width: 100%;
.SettingsCompletionOption td.title {
padding-left: 0.5em;
#completions .SettingsCompletionOption td.title,
#completions .SettingsCompletionOption td.content,
#completions .SettingsCompletionOption td.type {
width: 15%;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
#completions .TabGroupCompletionOption td.title {
width: 15%;
#completions .TabGroupCompletionOption td.content {
width: auto;
.HelpCompletionOption td.name {
width: 25%;
#completions .SessionCompletionOption td.type {
width: 1ch !important;
padding: 0px 3pt;
#completions .SessionCompletionOption td.time {
width: 5ch !important;
padding: 0px 3pt;
text-align: right;
#completions .WindowCompletionOption td.id {
width: 6ch !important;
text-align: right;
padding: 0px 8pt;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css"><meta name="description" content="Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations."><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaTwitter" host="this"/>--><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta name="twitter:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="twitter:creator" content="@jaandrle"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaFacebook" host="this"/>--><meta name="og:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="og:creator" content="@jaandrle"><title>`deka-dom-el` — Introduction</title><script src="https://flems.io/flems.html" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script></head><body><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="page" host="this"/>--><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="header" host="this"/>--><header><h1>`deka-dom-el` — Introduction</h1><p>Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations.</p></header><nav><a href="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><svg class="icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="iconGitHub" host="parentElement"/>--><path d="M 16,0.395c -8.836,0 -16,7.163 -16,16c 0,7.069 4.585,13.067 10.942,15.182c 0.8,0.148 1.094,-0.347 1.094,-0.77c 0,-0.381 -0.015,-1.642 -0.022,-2.979c -4.452,0.968 -5.391,-1.888 -5.391,-1.888c -0.728,-1.849 -1.776,-2.341 -1.776,-2.341c -1.452,-0.993 0.11,-0.973 0.11,-0.973c 1.606,0.113 2.452,1.649 2.452,1.649c 1.427,2.446 3.743,1.739 4.656,1.33c 0.143,-1.034 0.558,-1.74 1.016,-2.14c -3.554,-0.404 -7.29,-1.777 -7.29,-7.907c 0,-1.747 0.625,-3.174 1.649,-4.295c -0.166,-0.403 -0.714,-2.03 0.155,-4.234c 0,0 1.344,-0.43 4.401,1.64c 1.276,-0.355 2.645,-0.532 4.005,-0.539c 1.359,0.006 2.729,0.184 4.008,0.539c 3.054,-2.07 4.395,-1.64 4.395,-1.64c 0.871,2.204 0.323,3.831 0.157,4.234c 1.026,1.12 1.647,2.548 1.647,4.295c 0,6.145 -3.743,7.498 -7.306,7.895c 0.574,0.497 1.085,1.47 1.085,2.963c 0,2.141 -0.019,3.864 -0.019,4.391c 0,0.426 0.288,0.925 1.099,0.768c 6.354,-2.118 10.933,-8.113 10.933,-15.18c 0,-8.837 -7.164,-16 -16,-16Z"></path></svg>GitHub</a><a href="./" title="Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations." class="current">1. Introduction</a><a href="elements" title="Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations.">2. Elements</a></nav><main><p>The library tries to provide pure JavaScript tool(s) to create reactive interfaces. </p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-fnvst" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el, S } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css"><meta name="description" content="Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations."><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaTwitter" host="this"/>--><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta name="twitter:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="twitter:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="twitter:creator" content="@jaandrle"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="metaFacebook" host="this"/>--><meta name="og:url" content="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:title" content="deka-dom-el"><meta name="og:description" content="A low-code library that simplifies the creation of native DOM elements/components using small wrappers and tweaks."><meta name="og:creator" content="@jaandrle"><title>`deka-dom-el` — Introduction</title><script src="https://flems.io/flems.html" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script></head><body><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="page" host="this"/>--><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="header" host="this"/>--><header><h1>`deka-dom-el` — Introduction</h1><p>Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations.</p></header><nav><a href="https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el"><svg class="icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32"><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="iconGitHub" host="parentElement"/>--><path d="M 16,0.395c -8.836,0 -16,7.163 -16,16c 0,7.069 4.585,13.067 10.942,15.182c 0.8,0.148 1.094,-0.347 1.094,-0.77c 0,-0.381 -0.015,-1.642 -0.022,-2.979c -4.452,0.968 -5.391,-1.888 -5.391,-1.888c -0.728,-1.849 -1.776,-2.341 -1.776,-2.341c -1.452,-0.993 0.11,-0.973 0.11,-0.973c 1.606,0.113 2.452,1.649 2.452,1.649c 1.427,2.446 3.743,1.739 4.656,1.33c 0.143,-1.034 0.558,-1.74 1.016,-2.14c -3.554,-0.404 -7.29,-1.777 -7.29,-7.907c 0,-1.747 0.625,-3.174 1.649,-4.295c -0.166,-0.403 -0.714,-2.03 0.155,-4.234c 0,0 1.344,-0.43 4.401,1.64c 1.276,-0.355 2.645,-0.532 4.005,-0.539c 1.359,0.006 2.729,0.184 4.008,0.539c 3.054,-2.07 4.395,-1.64 4.395,-1.64c 0.871,2.204 0.323,3.831 0.157,4.234c 1.026,1.12 1.647,2.548 1.647,4.295c 0,6.145 -3.743,7.498 -7.306,7.895c 0.574,0.497 1.085,1.47 1.085,2.963c 0,2.141 -0.019,3.864 -0.019,4.391c 0,0.426 0.288,0.925 1.099,0.768c 6.354,-2.118 10.933,-8.113 10.933,-15.18c 0,-8.837 -7.164,-16 -16,-16Z"></path></svg>GitHub</a><a href="./" title="Introducing a&nbsp;library and motivations." class="current">1. Introduction</a><a href="elements" title="Basic concepts of elements modifications and creations.">2. Elements</a></nav><main><p>The library tries to provide pure JavaScript tool(s) to create reactive interfaces. </p><!--<dde:mark type="component" name="example" host="this"/>--><div id="code-pzi4k" class="example"><pre><code class="language-javascript">import { el, S } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js";
const clicks= S(0);
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ document.body.append(
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-fnvst"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el, S } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nconst clicks= S(0);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel().append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", S(()=>\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"Hello World \\\"+\\\"🎉\\\".repeat(clicks())\\n\\t\\t)),\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"button\\\", {\\n\\t\\t\\ttype: \\\"button\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\tonclick: ()=> clicks(clicks()+1),\\n\\t\\t\\ttextContent: \\\"Fire\\\"\\n\\t\\t})\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script></main></body></html>
</code></pre></div><script>Flems(document.getElementById("code-pzi4k"), JSON.parse("{\"files\":[{\"name\":\".js\",\"content\":\"import { el, S } from \\\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaandrle/deka-dom-el/dist/esm-with-signals.js\\\";\\nconst clicks= S(0);\\ndocument.body.append(\\n\\tel().append(\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"p\\\", S(()=>\\n\\t\\t\\t\\\"Hello World \\\"+\\\"🎉\\\".repeat(clicks())\\n\\t\\t)),\\n\\t\\tel(\\\"button\\\", {\\n\\t\\t\\ttype: \\\"button\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\tonclick: ()=> clicks(clicks()+1),\\n\\t\\t\\ttextContent: \\\"Fire\\\"\\n\\t\\t})\\n\\t)\\n);\\n\"}],\"toolbar\":false}"));</script></main></body></html>

View File

@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ function registerClientPart(page_id, registerClientFile){
el("script", { src: "https://flems.io/flems.html", type: "text/javascript", charset: "utf-8" }),
//★ el("script", { src: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/shiki", defer: true }),
const d= el("div");
/** @param {HTMLDivElement} a */
const f= (a)=> a;
f(d); //←
//★ egisterClientFile(
//★ new URL("./example.js.js", import.meta.url),
//★ el("script", { type: "module" })

index.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -38,18 +38,14 @@ type ElementAttributes<T extends SupportedElement>= Omit<T,keyof AttrsModified>
export function assign<El extends SupportedElement>(element: El, ...attrs_array: Partial<ElementAttributes<El>>[]): El
type ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap= HTMLElementTagNameMap & CustomElementTagNameMap
interface element<el>{
prototype: el;
append(...els: (SupportedElement | DocumentFragment | string | element<SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>)[]): el
export function el<TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<ElementAttributes<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
): element<ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
): ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function el<T>(
tag_name?: "<>",
): element<DocumentFragment>
): DocumentFragment
export function el<
A extends ddeComponentAttributes,
@ -57,13 +53,13 @@ export function el<
fComponent: C,
attrs?: A,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<ReturnType<C>>[]
): element<ReturnType<C>>
): ReturnType<C>
export function el(
tag_name: string,
attrs?: string | Record<string, any>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<HTMLElement>[]
): element<HTMLElement>
): HTMLElement
export function elNS(
namespace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
@ -71,21 +67,21 @@ export function elNS(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<{ [key in KEYS]: SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG][key] | string | number | boolean }>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
)=> element<SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
)=> SVGElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function elNS(
namespace: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
): <TAG extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap, KEYS extends keyof MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] & { d: string }>(
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: string | Partial<{ [key in KEYS]: MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG][key] | string | number | boolean }>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>[]
)=> element<MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]>
)=> MathMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
export function elNS(
namespace: string
): (
tag_name: string,
attrs?: string | Record<string, any>,
...modifiers: ddeElementModifier<SupportedElement>[]
)=> element<SupportedElement>
)=> SupportedElement
export function dispatchEvent(element: SupportedElement, name: keyof DocumentEventMap): void;
export function dispatchEvent(element: SupportedElement, name: string, data: any): void;
@ -118,3 +114,294 @@ export const on: On;
export const scope: {
host: ddeElementModifier<any>,
* TODO TypeScript HACK (better way?)
* this doesnt works
* ```ts
* interface element<el> extends Node{
* prototype: el;
* append(...els: (SupportedElement | DocumentFragment | string | element<SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>)[]): el
* }
* export function el<T>(
* tag_name?: "<>",
* ): element<DocumentFragment>
* ```
* as its complains here
* ```ts
* const d= el("div");
* const f= (a: HTMLDivElement)=> a;
* f(d); //←
* document.head.append( //←
* el("script", { src: "https://flems.io/flems.html", type: "text/javascript", charset: "utf-8" }),
* );
* ```
* TODO for SVG
* */
type ddeAppend<el>= (...nodes: (Node | string)[])=> el;
declare global{
interface HTMLAnchorElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAnchorElement>;
interface HTMLElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLElement>;
interface HTMLAreaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAreaElement>;
interface HTMLAudioElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLAudioElement>;
interface HTMLBaseElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBaseElement>;
interface HTMLQuoteElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLQuoteElement>;
interface HTMLBodyElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBodyElement>;
interface HTMLBRElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLBRElement>;
interface HTMLButtonElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLButtonElement>;
interface HTMLCanvasElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLCanvasElement>;
interface HTMLTableCaptionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCaptionElement>;
interface HTMLTableColElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableColElement>;
interface HTMLTableColElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableColElement>;
interface HTMLDataElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDataElement>;
interface HTMLDataListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDataListElement>;
interface HTMLModElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLModElement>;
interface HTMLDetailsElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDetailsElement>;
interface HTMLDialogElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDialogElement>;
interface HTMLDivElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDivElement>;
interface HTMLDListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLDListElement>;
interface HTMLEmbedElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLEmbedElement>;
interface HTMLFieldSetElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLFieldSetElement>;
interface HTMLFormElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLFormElement>;
interface HTMLHeadingElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHeadingElement>;
interface HTMLHeadElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHeadElement>;
interface HTMLHRElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHRElement>;
interface HTMLHtmlElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLHtmlElement>;
interface HTMLIFrameElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLIFrameElement>;
interface HTMLImageElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLImageElement>;
interface HTMLInputElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLInputElement>;
interface HTMLLabelElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLabelElement>;
interface HTMLLegendElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLegendElement>;
interface HTMLLIElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLIElement>;
interface HTMLLinkElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLLinkElement>;
interface HTMLMapElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMapElement>;
interface HTMLMenuElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMenuElement>;
interface HTMLMetaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMetaElement>;
interface HTMLMeterElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLMeterElement>;
interface HTMLObjectElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLObjectElement>;
interface HTMLOListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOListElement>;
interface HTMLOptGroupElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOptGroupElement>;
interface HTMLOptionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOptionElement>;
interface HTMLOutputElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLOutputElement>;
interface HTMLParagraphElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLParagraphElement>;
interface HTMLPictureElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLPictureElement>;
interface HTMLPreElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLPreElement>;
interface HTMLProgressElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLProgressElement>;
interface HTMLScriptElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLScriptElement>;
interface HTMLSelectElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSelectElement>;
interface HTMLSlotElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSlotElement>;
interface HTMLSourceElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSourceElement>;
interface HTMLSpanElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLSpanElement>;
interface HTMLStyleElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLStyleElement>;
interface HTMLTableElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableElement>;
interface HTMLTableSectionElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
interface HTMLTableCellElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCellElement>;
interface HTMLTemplateElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTemplateElement>;
interface HTMLTextAreaElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
interface HTMLTableCellElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableCellElement>;
interface HTMLTimeElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTimeElement>;
interface HTMLTitleElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTitleElement>;
interface HTMLTableRowElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTableRowElement>;
interface HTMLTrackElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLTrackElement>;
interface HTMLUListElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLUListElement>;
interface HTMLVideoElement{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<HTMLVideoElement>;
interface DocumentFragment{
/** Elements returned by {@link el} return parent element for `.append` method. **Regullarly created elements are untouched.** */
append: ddeAppend<DocumentFragment>;