mirror of https://github.com/jaandrle/deka-dom-el synced 2025-02-20 20:21:30 +01:00

🐛 finalizing WC + simulateSlots

This commit is contained in:
Jan Andrle 2024-11-07 10:17:54 +01:00
parent 969dfc5ee2
commit 8201c3dbbf
Signed by: jaandrle
22 changed files with 2569 additions and 1755 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $.api("", true)
"npx esbuild '::file::'",
minify==="full" ? "--minify" : "--minify-syntax --minify-identifiers",
//minify==="full" ? "--minify" : "--minify-syntax --minify-identifiers",

dist/dde-with-signals.js vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

dist/dde.js vendored
View File

@ -1,47 +1,52 @@
//deka-dom-el library is available via global namespace `dde`
(()=> {
// src/signals-common.js
var C = {
isSignal(t) {
return !1;
var signals_global = {
isSignal(attributes) {
return false;
processReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {
return n;
processReactiveAttribute(obj, key, attr, set) {
return attr;
function V(t, e = !0) {
return e ? Object.assign(C, t) : (Object.setPrototypeOf(t, C), t);
function registerReactivity(def, global = true) {
if (global) return Object.assign(signals_global, def);
Object.setPrototypeOf(def, signals_global);
return def;
function L(t) {
return C.isPrototypeOf(t) && t !== C ? t : C;
function signals(_this) {
return signals_global.isPrototypeOf(_this) && _this !== signals_global ? _this : signals_global;
// src/helpers.js
var q = (...t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...t);
function E(t) {
return typeof t > "u";
var hasOwn = (...a) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...a);
function isUndef(value) {
return typeof value === "undefined";
function N(t, e) {
if (!t || !(t instanceof AbortSignal))
return !0;
if (!t.aborted)
return t.addEventListener("abort", e), function() {
t.removeEventListener("abort", e);
function onAbort(signal, listener) {
if (!signal || !(signal instanceof AbortSignal))
return true;
if (signal.aborted)
signal.addEventListener("abort", listener);
return function cleanUp() {
signal.removeEventListener("abort", listener);
function F(t, e) {
let { observedAttributes: n = [] } = t.constructor;
return n.reduce(function(r, o) {
return r[J(o)] = e(t, o), r;
function observedAttributes(instance, observedAttribute) {
const { observedAttributes: observedAttributes3 = [] } = instance.constructor;
return observedAttributes3.reduce(function(out, name) {
out[kebabToCamel(name)] = observedAttribute(instance, name);
return out;
}, {});
function J(t) {
return t.replace(/-./g, (e) => e[1].toUpperCase());
function kebabToCamel(name) {
return name.replace(/-./g, (x) => x[1].toUpperCase());
// src/dom-common.js
var a = {
setDeleteAttr: K,
var enviroment = {
ssr: "",
D: globalThis.document,
F: globalThis.DocumentFragment,
@ -49,425 +54,548 @@ var a = {
S: globalThis.SVGElement,
M: globalThis.MutationObserver
function K(t, e, n) {
if (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!E(n)) {
if (Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e), t instanceof a.H && t.getAttribute(e) === "undefined")
return t.removeAttribute(e);
if (Reflect.get(t, e) === "undefined")
return Reflect.set(t, e, "");
function setDeleteAttr(obj, prop, val) {
Reflect.set(obj, prop, val);
if (!isUndef(val)) return;
Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, prop);
if (obj instanceof enviroment.H && obj.getAttribute(prop) === "undefined")
return obj.removeAttribute(prop);
if (Reflect.get(obj, prop) === "undefined")
return Reflect.set(obj, prop, "");
var x = "__dde_lifecyclesToEvents", g = "dde:connected", y = "dde:disconnected", D = "dde:attributeChanged";
var keyLTE = "__dde_lifecyclesToEvents";
var evc = "dde:connected";
var evd = "dde:disconnected";
var eva = "dde:attributeChanged";
// src/dom.js
var v = [{
var scopes = [{
get scope() {
return a.D.body;
return enviroment.D.body;
host: (t) => t ? t(a.D.body) : a.D.body,
prevent: !0
}], S = {
host: (c) => c ? c(enviroment.D.body) : enviroment.D.body,
prevent: true
var scope = {
get current() {
return v[v.length - 1];
return scopes[scopes.length - 1];
get host() {
return this.current.host;
preventDefault() {
let { current: t } = this;
return t.prevent = !0, t;
const { current } = this;
current.prevent = true;
return current;
get state() {
return [...v];
return [...scopes];
push(t = {}) {
return v.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: !1 }, t));
push(s = {}) {
return scopes.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: false }, s));
pushRoot() {
return v.push(v[0]);
return scopes.push(scopes[0]);
pop() {
if (v.length !== 1)
return v.pop();
if (scopes.length === 1) return;
return scopes.pop();
function $(...t) {
return this.appendOriginal(...t), this;
function append(...els) {
return this;
function Q(t) {
return t.append === $ || (t.appendOriginal = t.append, t.append = $), t;
function chainableAppend(el) {
if (el.append === append) return el;
el.appendOriginal = el.append;
el.append = append;
return el;
var T;
function k(t, e, ...n) {
let r = L(this), o = 0, c, f;
switch ((Object(e) !== e || r.isSignal(e)) && (e = { textContent: e }), !0) {
case typeof t == "function": {
o = 1, S.push({ scope: t, host: (...b) => b.length ? (o === 1 ? n.unshift(...b) : b.forEach((l) => l(f)), void 0) : f }), c = t(e || void 0);
let d = c instanceof a.F;
if (c.nodeName === "#comment")
let p = k.mark({
var namespace;
function createElement(tag, attributes, ...addons) {
const s = signals(this);
let scoped = 0;
let el, el_host;
if (Object(attributes) !== attributes || s.isSignal(attributes))
attributes = { textContent: attributes };
switch (true) {
case typeof tag === "function": {
scoped = 1;
scope.push({ scope: tag, host: (...c) => c.length ? (scoped === 1 ? addons.unshift(...c) : c.forEach((c2) => c2(el_host)), void 0) : el_host });
el = tag(attributes || void 0);
const is_fragment = el instanceof enviroment.F;
if (el.nodeName === "#comment") break;
const el_mark = createElement.mark({
type: "component",
name: t.name,
host: d ? "this" : "parentElement"
name: tag.name,
host: is_fragment ? "this" : "parentElement"
c.prepend(p), d && (f = p);
if (is_fragment) el_host = el_mark;
case t === "#text":
c = O.call(this, a.D.createTextNode(""), e);
case tag === "#text":
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createTextNode(""), attributes);
case (t === "<>" || !t):
c = O.call(this, a.D.createDocumentFragment(), e);
case (tag === "<>" || !tag):
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createDocumentFragment(), attributes);
case !!T:
c = O.call(this, a.D.createElementNS(T, t), e);
case Boolean(namespace):
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createElementNS(namespace, tag), attributes);
case !c:
c = O.call(this, a.D.createElement(t), e);
case !el:
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createElement(tag), attributes);
return Q(c), f || (f = c), n.forEach((d) => d(f)), o && S.pop(), o = 2, c;
if (!el_host) el_host = el;
addons.forEach((c) => c(el_host));
if (scoped) scope.pop();
scoped = 2;
return el;
function bt(t, e = t, n = void 0) {
let r = Symbol.for("default"), o = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll("slot")).reduce((f, d) => Reflect.set(f, d.name || r, d) && f, {}), c = q(o, r);
if (t.append = new Proxy(t.append, {
apply(f, d, p) {
if (!p.length)
return t;
let b = a.D.createDocumentFragment();
for (let l of p) {
if (!l || !l.slot) {
c && b.appendChild(l);
function simulateSlots(element, root, mapper) {
if (typeof root !== "object") {
mapper = root;
root = element;
const _default = Symbol.for("default");
const slots = Array.from(root.querySelectorAll("slot")).reduce((out, curr) => Reflect.set(out, curr.name || _default, curr) && out, {});
const has_d = hasOwn(slots, _default);
element.append = new Proxy(element.append, {
apply(orig, _, els) {
if (els[0] === root) return orig.apply(element, els);
if (!els.length) return element;
const d = enviroment.D.createDocumentFragment();
for (const el of els) {
if (!el || !el.slot) {
if (has_d) d.append(el);
let A = l.slot, _ = o[A];
tt(l, "remove", "slot"), _ && (X(_, l, n), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, A));
const name = el.slot;
const slot = slots[name];
elementAttribute(el, "remove", "slot");
if (!slot) continue;
simulateSlotReplace(slot, el, mapper);
Reflect.deleteProperty(slots, name);
return c && (o[r].replaceWith(b), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, r)), t.append = f, t;
if (has_d) {
Reflect.deleteProperty(slots, _default);
element.append = orig;
return element;
}), t !== e) {
let f = Array.from(t.childNodes);
f.forEach((d) => d.remove()), t.append(...f);
if (element !== root) {
const els = Array.from(element.childNodes);
els.forEach((el) => el.remove());
return e;
return root;
function X(t, e, n) {
n && n(t, e);
function simulateSlotReplace(slot, element, mapper) {
if (mapper) mapper(slot, element);
try {
t.replaceWith(O(e, { className: [e.className, t.className], dataset: { ...t.dataset } }));
} catch {
slot.replaceWith(assign(element, { className: [element.className, slot.className], dataset: { ...slot.dataset } }));
} catch (_) {
k.mark = function(t, e = !1) {
t = Object.entries(t).map(([o, c]) => o + `="${c}"`).join(" ");
let n = e ? "" : "/", r = a.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${t}${a.ssr}${n}>`);
return e && (r.end = a.D.createComment("</dde:mark>")), r;
createElement.mark = function(attrs, is_open = false) {
attrs = Object.entries(attrs).map(([n, v]) => n + `="${v}"`).join(" ");
const end = is_open ? "" : "/";
const out = enviroment.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${attrs}${enviroment.ssr}${end}>`);
if (is_open) out.end = enviroment.D.createComment("</dde:mark>");
return out;
function gt(t) {
let e = this;
return function(...r) {
T = t;
let o = k.call(e, ...r);
return T = void 0, o;
function createElementNS(ns) {
const _this = this;
return function createElementNSCurried(...rest) {
namespace = ns;
const el = createElement.call(_this, ...rest);
namespace = void 0;
return el;
var P = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), { setDeleteAttr: U } = a;
function O(t, ...e) {
if (!e.length)
return t;
P.set(t, B(t, this));
for (let [n, r] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...e)))
z.call(this, t, n, r);
return P.delete(t), t;
var assign_context = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var { setDeleteAttr: setDeleteAttr2 } = enviroment;
function assign(element, ...attributes) {
if (!attributes.length) return element;
assign_context.set(element, assignContext(element, this));
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...attributes)))
assignAttribute.call(this, element, key, value);
return element;
function z(t, e, n) {
let { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o } = B(t, this), c = this;
n = o.processReactiveAttribute(
(d, p) => z.call(c, t, d, p)
function assignAttribute(element, key, value) {
const { setRemoveAttr, s } = assignContext(element, this);
const _this = this;
value = s.processReactiveAttribute(
(key2, value2) => assignAttribute.call(_this, element, key2, value2)
let [f] = e;
if (f === "=")
return r(e.slice(1), n);
if (f === ".")
return H(t, e.slice(1), n);
if (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(e))
return e = e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(), r(e, n);
switch (e === "className" && (e = "class"), e) {
case "xlink:href":
return r(e, n, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
case "textContent":
return U(t, e, n);
case "style":
if (typeof n != "object")
case "dataset":
return M(o, n, H.bind(null, t[e]));
case "ariaset":
return M(o, n, (d, p) => r("aria-" + d, p));
case "classList":
return Y.call(c, t, n);
const [k] = key;
if ("=" === k) return setRemoveAttr(key.slice(1), value);
if ("." === k) return setDelete(element, key.slice(1), value);
if (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(key)) {
key = key.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
return setRemoveAttr(key, value);
return et(t, e) ? U(t, e, n) : r(e, n);
if ("className" === key) key = "class";
switch (key) {
case "xlink:href":
return setRemoveAttr(key, value, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
case "textContent":
return setDeleteAttr2(element, key, value);
case "style":
if (typeof value !== "object") break;
/* falls through */
case "dataset":
return forEachEntries(s, value, setDelete.bind(null, element[key]));
case "ariaset":
return forEachEntries(s, value, (key2, val) => setRemoveAttr("aria-" + key2, val));
case "classList":
return classListDeclarative.call(_this, element, value);
return isPropSetter(element, key) ? setDeleteAttr2(element, key, value) : setRemoveAttr(key, value);
function B(t, e) {
if (P.has(t))
return P.get(t);
let r = (t instanceof a.S ? rt : nt).bind(null, t, "Attribute"), o = L(e);
return { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o };
function assignContext(element, _this) {
if (assign_context.has(element)) return assign_context.get(element);
const is_svg = element instanceof enviroment.S;
const setRemoveAttr = (is_svg ? setRemoveNS : setRemove).bind(null, element, "Attribute");
const s = signals(_this);
return { setRemoveAttr, s };
function Y(t, e) {
let n = L(this);
return M(
(r, o) => t.classList.toggle(r, o === -1 ? void 0 : !!o)
), t;
function classListDeclarative(element, toggle) {
const s = signals(this);
(class_name, val) => element.classList.toggle(class_name, val === -1 ? void 0 : Boolean(val))
return element;
function vt(t) {
return Array.from(t.children).forEach((e) => e.remove()), t;
function empty(el) {
Array.from(el.children).forEach((el2) => el2.remove());
return el;
function tt(t, e, n, r) {
return t instanceof a.H ? t[e + "Attribute"](n, r) : t[e + "AttributeNS"](null, n, r);
function elementAttribute(element, op, key, value) {
if (element instanceof enviroment.H)
return element[op + "Attribute"](key, value);
return element[op + "AttributeNS"](null, key, value);
function et(t, e) {
if (!(e in t))
return !1;
let n = I(t, e);
return !E(n.set);
function isPropSetter(el, key) {
if (!(key in el)) return false;
const des = getPropDescriptor(el, key);
return !isUndef(des.set);
function I(t, e) {
if (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t), !t)
return {};
let n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);
return n || I(t, e);
function getPropDescriptor(p, key) {
p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
if (!p) return {};
const des = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, key);
if (!des) return getPropDescriptor(p, key);
return des;
function M(t, e, n) {
if (!(typeof e != "object" || e === null))
return Object.entries(e).forEach(function([o, c]) {
o && (c = t.processReactiveAttribute(e, o, c, n), n(o, c));
function forEachEntries(s, obj, cb) {
if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null) return;
return Object.entries(obj).forEach(function process([key, val]) {
if (!key) return;
val = s.processReactiveAttribute(obj, key, val, cb);
cb(key, val);
function Z(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.filter(Boolean).join(" ") : t;
function attrArrToStr(attr) {
return Array.isArray(attr) ? attr.filter(Boolean).join(" ") : attr;
function nt(t, e, n, r) {
return t[(E(r) ? "remove" : "set") + e](n, Z(r));
function setRemove(obj, prop, key, val) {
return obj[(isUndef(val) ? "remove" : "set") + prop](key, attrArrToStr(val));
function rt(t, e, n, r, o = null) {
return t[(E(r) ? "remove" : "set") + e + "NS"](o, n, Z(r));
function setRemoveNS(obj, prop, key, val, ns = null) {
return obj[(isUndef(val) ? "remove" : "set") + prop + "NS"](ns, key, attrArrToStr(val));
function H(t, e, n) {
if (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!E(n))
return Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e);
function setDelete(obj, key, val) {
Reflect.set(obj, key, val);
if (!isUndef(val)) return;
return Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, key);
// src/events-observer.js
var w = a.M ? ot() : new Proxy({}, {
var c_ch_o = enviroment.M ? connectionsChangesObserverConstructor() : new Proxy({}, {
get() {
return () => {
function ot() {
let t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = !1, n = (i) => function(u) {
for (let s of u)
if (s.type === "childList") {
if (l(s.addedNodes, !0)) {
A(s.removedNodes, !0) && i();
function connectionsChangesObserverConstructor() {
const store = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let is_observing = false;
const observerListener = (stop2) => function(mutations) {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.type !== "childList") continue;
if (observerAdded(mutation.addedNodes, true)) {
}, r = new a.M(n(d));
return {
observe(i) {
let u = new a.M(n(() => {
return u.observe(i, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), () => u.disconnect();
onConnected(i, u) {
let s = c(i);
s.connected.has(u) || (s.connected.add(u), s.length_c += 1);
offConnected(i, u) {
if (!t.has(i))
let s = t.get(i);
s.connected.has(u) && (s.connected.delete(u), s.length_c -= 1, o(i, s));
onDisconnected(i, u) {
let s = c(i);
s.disconnected.has(u) || (s.disconnected.add(u), s.length_d += 1);
offDisconnected(i, u) {
if (!t.has(i))
let s = t.get(i);
s.disconnected.has(u) && (s.disconnected.delete(u), s.length_d -= 1, o(i, s));
if (observerRemoved(mutation.removedNodes, true))
function o(i, u) {
u.length_c || u.length_d || (t.delete(i), d());
const observer = new enviroment.M(observerListener(stop));
return {
observe(element) {
const o = new enviroment.M(observerListener(() => {
o.observe(element, { childList: true, subtree: true });
return () => o.disconnect();
onConnected(element, listener) {
const listeners = getElementStore(element);
if (listeners.connected.has(listener)) return;
listeners.length_c += 1;
offConnected(element, listener) {
if (!store.has(element)) return;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.connected.has(listener)) return;
ls.length_c -= 1;
cleanWhenOff(element, ls);
onDisconnected(element, listener) {
const listeners = getElementStore(element);
if (listeners.disconnected.has(listener)) return;
listeners.length_d += 1;
offDisconnected(element, listener) {
if (!store.has(element)) return;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.disconnected.has(listener)) return;
ls.length_d -= 1;
cleanWhenOff(element, ls);
function cleanWhenOff(element, ls) {
if (ls.length_c || ls.length_d)
function c(i) {
if (t.has(i))
return t.get(i);
let u = {
function getElementStore(element) {
if (store.has(element)) return store.get(element);
const out = {
connected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),
length_c: 0,
disconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),
length_d: 0
return t.set(i, u), u;
store.set(element, out);
return out;
function f() {
e || (e = !0, r.observe(a.D.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }));
function start() {
if (is_observing) return;
is_observing = true;
observer.observe(enviroment.D.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
function d() {
!e || t.size || (e = !1, r.disconnect());
function stop() {
if (!is_observing || store.size) return;
is_observing = false;
function p() {
return new Promise(function(i) {
(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(i);
function requestIdle() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(resolve);
async function b(i) {
t.size > 30 && await p();
let u = [];
if (!(i instanceof Node))
return u;
for (let s of t.keys())
s === i || !(s instanceof Node) || i.contains(s) && u.push(s);
return u;
function l(i, u) {
let s = !1;
for (let h of i) {
if (u && b(h).then(l), !t.has(h))
let m = t.get(h);
m.length_c && (h.dispatchEvent(new Event(g)), m.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), m.length_c = 0, m.length_d || t.delete(h), s = !0);
async function collectChildren(element) {
if (store.size > 30)
await requestIdle();
const out = [];
if (!(element instanceof Node)) return out;
for (const el of store.keys()) {
if (el === element || !(el instanceof Node)) continue;
if (element.contains(el))
return s;
return out;
function A(i, u) {
let s = !1;
for (let h of i)
u && b(h).then(A), !(!t.has(h) || !t.get(h).length_d) && ((globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(_(h)), s = !0);
return s;
function observerAdded(addedNodes, is_root) {
let out = false;
for (const element of addedNodes) {
if (is_root) collectChildren(element).then(observerAdded);
if (!store.has(element)) continue;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.length_c) continue;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc));
ls.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
ls.length_c = 0;
if (!ls.length_d) store.delete(element);
out = true;
return out;
function _(i) {
function observerRemoved(removedNodes, is_root) {
let out = false;
for (const element of removedNodes) {
if (is_root) collectChildren(element).then(observerRemoved);
if (!store.has(element)) continue;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.length_d) continue;
(globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(dispatchRemove(element));
out = true;
return out;
function dispatchRemove(element) {
return () => {
i.isConnected || (i.dispatchEvent(new Event(y)), t.delete(i));
if (element.isConnected) return;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evd));
// src/customElement.js
function Dt(t, e, n, r = it) {
scope: t,
host: (...f) => f.length ? f.forEach((d) => d(t)) : t
}), typeof r == "function" && (r = r.call(t, t));
let o = t[x];
o || ct(t);
let c = n.call(t, r);
return o || t.dispatchEvent(new Event(g)), e.nodeType === 11 && typeof e.mode == "string" && t.addEventListener(y, w.observe(e), { once: !0 }), S.pop(), e.append(c);
function customElementRender(custom_element, target, render, props = observedAttributes2) {
scope: custom_element,
host: (...c) => c.length ? c.forEach((c2) => c2(custom_element)) : custom_element
if (typeof props === "function") props = props.call(custom_element, custom_element);
const is_lte = custom_element[keyLTE];
if (!is_lte) lifecyclesToEvents(custom_element);
const out = render.call(custom_element, props);
if (!is_lte) custom_element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc));
if (target.nodeType === 11 && typeof target.mode === "string")
custom_element.addEventListener(evd, c_ch_o.observe(target), { once: true });
return target.append(out);
function ct(t) {
return W(t.prototype, "connectedCallback", function(e, n, r) {
e.apply(n, r), n.dispatchEvent(new Event(g));
}), W(t.prototype, "disconnectedCallback", function(e, n, r) {
e.apply(n, r), (globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(
() => !n.isConnected && n.dispatchEvent(new Event(y))
function lifecyclesToEvents(class_declaration) {
wrapMethod(class_declaration.prototype, "connectedCallback", function(target, thisArg, detail) {
target.apply(thisArg, detail);
thisArg.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc));
wrapMethod(class_declaration.prototype, "disconnectedCallback", function(target, thisArg, detail) {
target.apply(thisArg, detail);
(globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(
() => !thisArg.isConnected && thisArg.dispatchEvent(new Event(evd))
}), W(t.prototype, "attributeChangedCallback", function(e, n, r) {
let [o, , c] = r;
n.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(D, {
detail: [o, c]
})), e.apply(n, r);
}), t.prototype[x] = !0, t;
wrapMethod(class_declaration.prototype, "attributeChangedCallback", function(target, thisArg, detail) {
const [attribute, , value] = detail;
thisArg.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eva, {
detail: [attribute, value]
target.apply(thisArg, detail);
class_declaration.prototype[keyLTE] = true;
return class_declaration;
function W(t, e, n) {
t[e] = new Proxy(t[e] || (() => {
}), { apply: n });
function wrapMethod(obj, method, apply) {
obj[method] = new Proxy(obj[method] || (() => {
}), { apply });
function it(t) {
return F(t, (e, n) => e.getAttribute(n));
function observedAttributes2(instance) {
return observedAttributes(instance, (i, n) => i.getAttribute(n));
// src/events.js
function _t(t, e, n) {
return e || (e = {}), function(o, ...c) {
n && (c.unshift(o), o = typeof n == "function" ? n() : n);
let f = c.length ? new CustomEvent(t, Object.assign({ detail: c[0] }, e)) : new Event(t, e);
return o.dispatchEvent(f);
function dispatchEvent(name, options, host) {
if (!options) options = {};
return function dispatch(element, ...d) {
if (host) {
element = typeof host === "function" ? host() : host;
const event = d.length ? new CustomEvent(name, Object.assign({ detail: d[0] }, options)) : new Event(name, options);
return element.dispatchEvent(event);
function R(t, e, n) {
return function(o) {
return o.addEventListener(t, e, n), o;
function on(event, listener, options) {
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(event, listener, options);
return element;
var G = (t) => Object.assign({}, typeof t == "object" ? t : null, { once: !0 });
R.connected = function(t, e) {
return e = G(e), function(r) {
return r.addEventListener(g, t, e), r[x] ? r : r.isConnected ? (r.dispatchEvent(new Event(g)), r) : (N(e.signal, () => w.offConnected(r, t)) && w.onConnected(r, t), r);
var lifeOptions = (obj) => Object.assign({}, typeof obj === "object" ? obj : null, { once: true });
on.connected = function(listener, options) {
options = lifeOptions(options);
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(evc, listener, options);
if (element[keyLTE]) return element;
if (element.isConnected) return element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc)), element;
const c = onAbort(options.signal, () => c_ch_o.offConnected(element, listener));
if (c) c_ch_o.onConnected(element, listener);
return element;
R.disconnected = function(t, e) {
return e = G(e), function(r) {
return r.addEventListener(y, t, e), r[x] || N(e.signal, () => w.offDisconnected(r, t)) && w.onDisconnected(r, t), r;
on.disconnected = function(listener, options) {
options = lifeOptions(options);
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(evd, listener, options);
if (element[keyLTE]) return element;
const c = onAbort(options.signal, () => c_ch_o.offDisconnected(element, listener));
if (c) c_ch_o.onDisconnected(element, listener);
return element;
var j = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
R.disconnectedAsAbort = function(t) {
if (j.has(t))
return j.get(t);
let e = new AbortController();
return j.set(t, e), t(R.disconnected(() => e.abort())), e;
var store_abort = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
on.disconnectedAsAbort = function(host) {
if (store_abort.has(host)) return store_abort.get(host);
const a = new AbortController();
store_abort.set(host, a);
host(on.disconnected(() => a.abort()));
return a;
var st = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
R.attributeChanged = function(t, e) {
return typeof e != "object" && (e = {}), function(r) {
if (r.addEventListener(D, t, e), r[x] || st.has(r) || !a.M)
return r;
let o = new a.M(function(f) {
for (let { attributeName: d, target: p } of f)
new CustomEvent(D, { detail: [d, p.getAttribute(d)] })
var els_attribute_store = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
on.attributeChanged = function(listener, options) {
if (typeof options !== "object")
options = {};
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(eva, listener, options);
if (element[keyLTE] || els_attribute_store.has(element))
return element;
if (!enviroment.M) return element;
const observer = new enviroment.M(function(mutations) {
for (const { attributeName, target } of mutations)
new CustomEvent(eva, { detail: [attributeName, target.getAttribute(attributeName)] })
return N(e.signal, () => o.disconnect()) && o.observe(r, { attributes: !0 }), r;
const c = onAbort(options.signal, () => observer.disconnect());
if (c) observer.observe(element, { attributes: true });
return element;
globalThis.dde= {
assign: O,
assignAttribute: z,
chainableAppend: Q,
classListDeclarative: Y,
createElement: k,
createElementNS: gt,
customElementRender: Dt,
customElementWithDDE: ct,
dispatchEvent: _t,
el: k,
elNS: gt,
elementAttribute: tt,
empty: vt,
lifecyclesToEvents: ct,
observedAttributes: it,
on: R,
registerReactivity: V,
scope: S,
simulateSlots: bt
customElementWithDDE: lifecyclesToEvents,
el: createElement,
elNS: createElementNS,
observedAttributes: observedAttributes2,

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap= HTMLElementTagNameMap & CustomElementTagName
type textContent= string | ddeSignal<string>;
export function el<
TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap,
EL extends (TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap ? ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] : HTMLElement)
EL extends ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<EL> | textContent,
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export function el(
): ddeDocumentFragment
export function el(
tag_name: string,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<HTMLElement>,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<HTMLElement> | textContent,
...addons: ddeElementAddon<HTMLElement>[]
): ddeHTMLElement
@ -101,7 +101,18 @@ export function elNS(
export { elNS as createElementNS }
export function chainableAppend<EL extends SupportedElement>(el: EL): EL;
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(el: EL): EL
* Mapper function (optional). Pass for coppying attributes, this is NOT implemented by {@link simulateSlots} itself!
* */
type simulateSlotsMapper= (body: HTMLSlotElement, el: HTMLElement)=> void;
/** Simulate slots for ddeComponents */
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(root: EL, mapper?: simulateSlotsMapper): EL
* Simulate slots in Custom Elements without using `shadowRoot`.
* @param el Custom Element root element
* @param body Body of the custom element
* */
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(el: HTMLElement, body: EL, mapper?: simulateSlotsMapper): EL
export function dispatchEvent(name: keyof DocumentEventMap | string, options?: EventInit):
(element: SupportedElement, data?: any)=> void;

dist/esm-with-signals.js vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

dist/esm.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap= HTMLElementTagNameMap & CustomElementTagName
type textContent= string | ddeSignal<string>;
export function el<
TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap,
EL extends (TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap ? ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] : HTMLElement)
EL extends ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<EL> | textContent,
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export function el(
): ddeDocumentFragment
export function el(
tag_name: string,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<HTMLElement>,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<HTMLElement> | textContent,
...addons: ddeElementAddon<HTMLElement>[]
): ddeHTMLElement
@ -101,7 +101,18 @@ export function elNS(
export { elNS as createElementNS }
export function chainableAppend<EL extends SupportedElement>(el: EL): EL;
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(el: EL): EL
* Mapper function (optional). Pass for coppying attributes, this is NOT implemented by {@link simulateSlots} itself!
* */
type simulateSlotsMapper= (body: HTMLSlotElement, el: HTMLElement)=> void;
/** Simulate slots for ddeComponents */
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(root: EL, mapper?: simulateSlotsMapper): EL
* Simulate slots in Custom Elements without using `shadowRoot`.
* @param el Custom Element root element
* @param body Body of the custom element
* */
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(el: HTMLElement, body: EL, mapper?: simulateSlotsMapper): EL
export function dispatchEvent(name: keyof DocumentEventMap | string, options?: EventInit):
(element: SupportedElement, data?: any)=> void;

dist/esm.js vendored
View File

@ -1,45 +1,50 @@
// src/signals-common.js
var C = {
isSignal(t) {
return !1;
var signals_global = {
isSignal(attributes) {
return false;
processReactiveAttribute(t, e, n, r) {
return n;
processReactiveAttribute(obj, key, attr, set) {
return attr;
function V(t, e = !0) {
return e ? Object.assign(C, t) : (Object.setPrototypeOf(t, C), t);
function registerReactivity(def, global = true) {
if (global) return Object.assign(signals_global, def);
Object.setPrototypeOf(def, signals_global);
return def;
function L(t) {
return C.isPrototypeOf(t) && t !== C ? t : C;
function signals(_this) {
return signals_global.isPrototypeOf(_this) && _this !== signals_global ? _this : signals_global;
// src/helpers.js
var q = (...t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...t);
function E(t) {
return typeof t > "u";
var hasOwn = (...a) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(...a);
function isUndef(value) {
return typeof value === "undefined";
function N(t, e) {
if (!t || !(t instanceof AbortSignal))
return !0;
if (!t.aborted)
return t.addEventListener("abort", e), function() {
t.removeEventListener("abort", e);
function onAbort(signal, listener) {
if (!signal || !(signal instanceof AbortSignal))
return true;
if (signal.aborted)
signal.addEventListener("abort", listener);
return function cleanUp() {
signal.removeEventListener("abort", listener);
function F(t, e) {
let { observedAttributes: n = [] } = t.constructor;
return n.reduce(function(r, o) {
return r[J(o)] = e(t, o), r;
function observedAttributes(instance, observedAttribute) {
const { observedAttributes: observedAttributes3 = [] } = instance.constructor;
return observedAttributes3.reduce(function(out, name) {
out[kebabToCamel(name)] = observedAttribute(instance, name);
return out;
}, {});
function J(t) {
return t.replace(/-./g, (e) => e[1].toUpperCase());
function kebabToCamel(name) {
return name.replace(/-./g, (x) => x[1].toUpperCase());
// src/dom-common.js
var a = {
setDeleteAttr: K,
var enviroment = {
ssr: "",
D: globalThis.document,
F: globalThis.DocumentFragment,
@ -47,422 +52,545 @@ var a = {
S: globalThis.SVGElement,
M: globalThis.MutationObserver
function K(t, e, n) {
if (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!E(n)) {
if (Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e), t instanceof a.H && t.getAttribute(e) === "undefined")
return t.removeAttribute(e);
if (Reflect.get(t, e) === "undefined")
return Reflect.set(t, e, "");
function setDeleteAttr(obj, prop, val) {
Reflect.set(obj, prop, val);
if (!isUndef(val)) return;
Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, prop);
if (obj instanceof enviroment.H && obj.getAttribute(prop) === "undefined")
return obj.removeAttribute(prop);
if (Reflect.get(obj, prop) === "undefined")
return Reflect.set(obj, prop, "");
var x = "__dde_lifecyclesToEvents", g = "dde:connected", y = "dde:disconnected", D = "dde:attributeChanged";
var keyLTE = "__dde_lifecyclesToEvents";
var evc = "dde:connected";
var evd = "dde:disconnected";
var eva = "dde:attributeChanged";
// src/dom.js
var v = [{
var scopes = [{
get scope() {
return a.D.body;
return enviroment.D.body;
host: (t) => t ? t(a.D.body) : a.D.body,
prevent: !0
}], S = {
host: (c) => c ? c(enviroment.D.body) : enviroment.D.body,
prevent: true
var scope = {
get current() {
return v[v.length - 1];
return scopes[scopes.length - 1];
get host() {
return this.current.host;
preventDefault() {
let { current: t } = this;
return t.prevent = !0, t;
const { current } = this;
current.prevent = true;
return current;
get state() {
return [...v];
return [...scopes];
push(t = {}) {
return v.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: !1 }, t));
push(s = {}) {
return scopes.push(Object.assign({}, this.current, { prevent: false }, s));
pushRoot() {
return v.push(v[0]);
return scopes.push(scopes[0]);
pop() {
if (v.length !== 1)
return v.pop();
if (scopes.length === 1) return;
return scopes.pop();
function $(...t) {
return this.appendOriginal(...t), this;
function append(...els) {
return this;
function Q(t) {
return t.append === $ || (t.appendOriginal = t.append, t.append = $), t;
function chainableAppend(el) {
if (el.append === append) return el;
el.appendOriginal = el.append;
el.append = append;
return el;
var T;
function k(t, e, ...n) {
let r = L(this), o = 0, c, f;
switch ((Object(e) !== e || r.isSignal(e)) && (e = { textContent: e }), !0) {
case typeof t == "function": {
o = 1, S.push({ scope: t, host: (...b) => b.length ? (o === 1 ? n.unshift(...b) : b.forEach((l) => l(f)), void 0) : f }), c = t(e || void 0);
let d = c instanceof a.F;
if (c.nodeName === "#comment")
let p = k.mark({
var namespace;
function createElement(tag, attributes, ...addons) {
const s = signals(this);
let scoped = 0;
let el, el_host;
if (Object(attributes) !== attributes || s.isSignal(attributes))
attributes = { textContent: attributes };
switch (true) {
case typeof tag === "function": {
scoped = 1;
scope.push({ scope: tag, host: (...c) => c.length ? (scoped === 1 ? addons.unshift(...c) : c.forEach((c2) => c2(el_host)), void 0) : el_host });
el = tag(attributes || void 0);
const is_fragment = el instanceof enviroment.F;
if (el.nodeName === "#comment") break;
const el_mark = createElement.mark({
type: "component",
name: t.name,
host: d ? "this" : "parentElement"
name: tag.name,
host: is_fragment ? "this" : "parentElement"
c.prepend(p), d && (f = p);
if (is_fragment) el_host = el_mark;
case t === "#text":
c = O.call(this, a.D.createTextNode(""), e);
case tag === "#text":
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createTextNode(""), attributes);
case (t === "<>" || !t):
c = O.call(this, a.D.createDocumentFragment(), e);
case (tag === "<>" || !tag):
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createDocumentFragment(), attributes);
case !!T:
c = O.call(this, a.D.createElementNS(T, t), e);
case Boolean(namespace):
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createElementNS(namespace, tag), attributes);
case !c:
c = O.call(this, a.D.createElement(t), e);
case !el:
el = assign.call(this, enviroment.D.createElement(tag), attributes);
return Q(c), f || (f = c), n.forEach((d) => d(f)), o && S.pop(), o = 2, c;
if (!el_host) el_host = el;
addons.forEach((c) => c(el_host));
if (scoped) scope.pop();
scoped = 2;
return el;
function bt(t, e = t, n = void 0) {
let r = Symbol.for("default"), o = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll("slot")).reduce((f, d) => Reflect.set(f, d.name || r, d) && f, {}), c = q(o, r);
if (t.append = new Proxy(t.append, {
apply(f, d, p) {
if (!p.length)
return t;
let b = a.D.createDocumentFragment();
for (let l of p) {
if (!l || !l.slot) {
c && b.appendChild(l);
function simulateSlots(element, root, mapper) {
if (typeof root !== "object") {
mapper = root;
root = element;
const _default = Symbol.for("default");
const slots = Array.from(root.querySelectorAll("slot")).reduce((out, curr) => Reflect.set(out, curr.name || _default, curr) && out, {});
const has_d = hasOwn(slots, _default);
element.append = new Proxy(element.append, {
apply(orig, _, els) {
if (els[0] === root) return orig.apply(element, els);
if (!els.length) return element;
const d = enviroment.D.createDocumentFragment();
for (const el of els) {
if (!el || !el.slot) {
if (has_d) d.append(el);
let A = l.slot, _ = o[A];
tt(l, "remove", "slot"), _ && (X(_, l, n), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, A));
const name = el.slot;
const slot = slots[name];
elementAttribute(el, "remove", "slot");
if (!slot) continue;
simulateSlotReplace(slot, el, mapper);
Reflect.deleteProperty(slots, name);
return c && (o[r].replaceWith(b), Reflect.deleteProperty(o, r)), t.append = f, t;
if (has_d) {
Reflect.deleteProperty(slots, _default);
element.append = orig;
return element;
}), t !== e) {
let f = Array.from(t.childNodes);
f.forEach((d) => d.remove()), t.append(...f);
if (element !== root) {
const els = Array.from(element.childNodes);
els.forEach((el) => el.remove());
return e;
return root;
function X(t, e, n) {
n && n(t, e);
function simulateSlotReplace(slot, element, mapper) {
if (mapper) mapper(slot, element);
try {
t.replaceWith(O(e, { className: [e.className, t.className], dataset: { ...t.dataset } }));
} catch {
slot.replaceWith(assign(element, { className: [element.className, slot.className], dataset: { ...slot.dataset } }));
} catch (_) {
k.mark = function(t, e = !1) {
t = Object.entries(t).map(([o, c]) => o + `="${c}"`).join(" ");
let n = e ? "" : "/", r = a.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${t}${a.ssr}${n}>`);
return e && (r.end = a.D.createComment("</dde:mark>")), r;
createElement.mark = function(attrs, is_open = false) {
attrs = Object.entries(attrs).map(([n, v]) => n + `="${v}"`).join(" ");
const end = is_open ? "" : "/";
const out = enviroment.D.createComment(`<dde:mark ${attrs}${enviroment.ssr}${end}>`);
if (is_open) out.end = enviroment.D.createComment("</dde:mark>");
return out;
function gt(t) {
let e = this;
return function(...r) {
T = t;
let o = k.call(e, ...r);
return T = void 0, o;
function createElementNS(ns) {
const _this = this;
return function createElementNSCurried(...rest) {
namespace = ns;
const el = createElement.call(_this, ...rest);
namespace = void 0;
return el;
var P = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), { setDeleteAttr: U } = a;
function O(t, ...e) {
if (!e.length)
return t;
P.set(t, B(t, this));
for (let [n, r] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...e)))
z.call(this, t, n, r);
return P.delete(t), t;
var assign_context = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var { setDeleteAttr: setDeleteAttr2 } = enviroment;
function assign(element, ...attributes) {
if (!attributes.length) return element;
assign_context.set(element, assignContext(element, this));
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...attributes)))
assignAttribute.call(this, element, key, value);
return element;
function z(t, e, n) {
let { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o } = B(t, this), c = this;
n = o.processReactiveAttribute(
(d, p) => z.call(c, t, d, p)
function assignAttribute(element, key, value) {
const { setRemoveAttr, s } = assignContext(element, this);
const _this = this;
value = s.processReactiveAttribute(
(key2, value2) => assignAttribute.call(_this, element, key2, value2)
let [f] = e;
if (f === "=")
return r(e.slice(1), n);
if (f === ".")
return H(t, e.slice(1), n);
if (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(e))
return e = e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(), r(e, n);
switch (e === "className" && (e = "class"), e) {
case "xlink:href":
return r(e, n, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
case "textContent":
return U(t, e, n);
case "style":
if (typeof n != "object")
case "dataset":
return M(o, n, H.bind(null, t[e]));
case "ariaset":
return M(o, n, (d, p) => r("aria-" + d, p));
case "classList":
return Y.call(c, t, n);
const [k] = key;
if ("=" === k) return setRemoveAttr(key.slice(1), value);
if ("." === k) return setDelete(element, key.slice(1), value);
if (/(aria|data)([A-Z])/.test(key)) {
key = key.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
return setRemoveAttr(key, value);
return et(t, e) ? U(t, e, n) : r(e, n);
if ("className" === key) key = "class";
switch (key) {
case "xlink:href":
return setRemoveAttr(key, value, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
case "textContent":
return setDeleteAttr2(element, key, value);
case "style":
if (typeof value !== "object") break;
/* falls through */
case "dataset":
return forEachEntries(s, value, setDelete.bind(null, element[key]));
case "ariaset":
return forEachEntries(s, value, (key2, val) => setRemoveAttr("aria-" + key2, val));
case "classList":
return classListDeclarative.call(_this, element, value);
return isPropSetter(element, key) ? setDeleteAttr2(element, key, value) : setRemoveAttr(key, value);
function B(t, e) {
if (P.has(t))
return P.get(t);
let r = (t instanceof a.S ? rt : nt).bind(null, t, "Attribute"), o = L(e);
return { setRemoveAttr: r, s: o };
function assignContext(element, _this) {
if (assign_context.has(element)) return assign_context.get(element);
const is_svg = element instanceof enviroment.S;
const setRemoveAttr = (is_svg ? setRemoveNS : setRemove).bind(null, element, "Attribute");
const s = signals(_this);
return { setRemoveAttr, s };
function Y(t, e) {
let n = L(this);
return M(
(r, o) => t.classList.toggle(r, o === -1 ? void 0 : !!o)
), t;
function classListDeclarative(element, toggle) {
const s = signals(this);
(class_name, val) => element.classList.toggle(class_name, val === -1 ? void 0 : Boolean(val))
return element;
function vt(t) {
return Array.from(t.children).forEach((e) => e.remove()), t;
function empty(el) {
Array.from(el.children).forEach((el2) => el2.remove());
return el;
function tt(t, e, n, r) {
return t instanceof a.H ? t[e + "Attribute"](n, r) : t[e + "AttributeNS"](null, n, r);
function elementAttribute(element, op, key, value) {
if (element instanceof enviroment.H)
return element[op + "Attribute"](key, value);
return element[op + "AttributeNS"](null, key, value);
function et(t, e) {
if (!(e in t))
return !1;
let n = I(t, e);
return !E(n.set);
function isPropSetter(el, key) {
if (!(key in el)) return false;
const des = getPropDescriptor(el, key);
return !isUndef(des.set);
function I(t, e) {
if (t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t), !t)
return {};
let n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);
return n || I(t, e);
function getPropDescriptor(p, key) {
p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
if (!p) return {};
const des = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, key);
if (!des) return getPropDescriptor(p, key);
return des;
function M(t, e, n) {
if (!(typeof e != "object" || e === null))
return Object.entries(e).forEach(function([o, c]) {
o && (c = t.processReactiveAttribute(e, o, c, n), n(o, c));
function forEachEntries(s, obj, cb) {
if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null) return;
return Object.entries(obj).forEach(function process([key, val]) {
if (!key) return;
val = s.processReactiveAttribute(obj, key, val, cb);
cb(key, val);
function Z(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.filter(Boolean).join(" ") : t;
function attrArrToStr(attr) {
return Array.isArray(attr) ? attr.filter(Boolean).join(" ") : attr;
function nt(t, e, n, r) {
return t[(E(r) ? "remove" : "set") + e](n, Z(r));
function setRemove(obj, prop, key, val) {
return obj[(isUndef(val) ? "remove" : "set") + prop](key, attrArrToStr(val));
function rt(t, e, n, r, o = null) {
return t[(E(r) ? "remove" : "set") + e + "NS"](o, n, Z(r));
function setRemoveNS(obj, prop, key, val, ns = null) {
return obj[(isUndef(val) ? "remove" : "set") + prop + "NS"](ns, key, attrArrToStr(val));
function H(t, e, n) {
if (Reflect.set(t, e, n), !!E(n))
return Reflect.deleteProperty(t, e);
function setDelete(obj, key, val) {
Reflect.set(obj, key, val);
if (!isUndef(val)) return;
return Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, key);
// src/events-observer.js
var w = a.M ? ot() : new Proxy({}, {
var c_ch_o = enviroment.M ? connectionsChangesObserverConstructor() : new Proxy({}, {
get() {
return () => {
function ot() {
let t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = !1, n = (i) => function(u) {
for (let s of u)
if (s.type === "childList") {
if (l(s.addedNodes, !0)) {
A(s.removedNodes, !0) && i();
function connectionsChangesObserverConstructor() {
const store = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let is_observing = false;
const observerListener = (stop2) => function(mutations) {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.type !== "childList") continue;
if (observerAdded(mutation.addedNodes, true)) {
}, r = new a.M(n(d));
return {
observe(i) {
let u = new a.M(n(() => {
return u.observe(i, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), () => u.disconnect();
onConnected(i, u) {
let s = c(i);
s.connected.has(u) || (s.connected.add(u), s.length_c += 1);
offConnected(i, u) {
if (!t.has(i))
let s = t.get(i);
s.connected.has(u) && (s.connected.delete(u), s.length_c -= 1, o(i, s));
onDisconnected(i, u) {
let s = c(i);
s.disconnected.has(u) || (s.disconnected.add(u), s.length_d += 1);
offDisconnected(i, u) {
if (!t.has(i))
let s = t.get(i);
s.disconnected.has(u) && (s.disconnected.delete(u), s.length_d -= 1, o(i, s));
if (observerRemoved(mutation.removedNodes, true))
function o(i, u) {
u.length_c || u.length_d || (t.delete(i), d());
const observer = new enviroment.M(observerListener(stop));
return {
observe(element) {
const o = new enviroment.M(observerListener(() => {
o.observe(element, { childList: true, subtree: true });
return () => o.disconnect();
onConnected(element, listener) {
const listeners = getElementStore(element);
if (listeners.connected.has(listener)) return;
listeners.length_c += 1;
offConnected(element, listener) {
if (!store.has(element)) return;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.connected.has(listener)) return;
ls.length_c -= 1;
cleanWhenOff(element, ls);
onDisconnected(element, listener) {
const listeners = getElementStore(element);
if (listeners.disconnected.has(listener)) return;
listeners.length_d += 1;
offDisconnected(element, listener) {
if (!store.has(element)) return;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.disconnected.has(listener)) return;
ls.length_d -= 1;
cleanWhenOff(element, ls);
function cleanWhenOff(element, ls) {
if (ls.length_c || ls.length_d)
function c(i) {
if (t.has(i))
return t.get(i);
let u = {
function getElementStore(element) {
if (store.has(element)) return store.get(element);
const out = {
connected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),
length_c: 0,
disconnected: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(),
length_d: 0
return t.set(i, u), u;
store.set(element, out);
return out;
function f() {
e || (e = !0, r.observe(a.D.body, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }));
function start() {
if (is_observing) return;
is_observing = true;
observer.observe(enviroment.D.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
function d() {
!e || t.size || (e = !1, r.disconnect());
function stop() {
if (!is_observing || store.size) return;
is_observing = false;
function p() {
return new Promise(function(i) {
(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(i);
function requestIdle() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
(requestIdleCallback || requestAnimationFrame)(resolve);
async function b(i) {
t.size > 30 && await p();
let u = [];
if (!(i instanceof Node))
return u;
for (let s of t.keys())
s === i || !(s instanceof Node) || i.contains(s) && u.push(s);
return u;
function l(i, u) {
let s = !1;
for (let h of i) {
if (u && b(h).then(l), !t.has(h))
let m = t.get(h);
m.length_c && (h.dispatchEvent(new Event(g)), m.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), m.length_c = 0, m.length_d || t.delete(h), s = !0);
async function collectChildren(element) {
if (store.size > 30)
await requestIdle();
const out = [];
if (!(element instanceof Node)) return out;
for (const el of store.keys()) {
if (el === element || !(el instanceof Node)) continue;
if (element.contains(el))
return s;
return out;
function A(i, u) {
let s = !1;
for (let h of i)
u && b(h).then(A), !(!t.has(h) || !t.get(h).length_d) && ((globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(_(h)), s = !0);
return s;
function observerAdded(addedNodes, is_root) {
let out = false;
for (const element of addedNodes) {
if (is_root) collectChildren(element).then(observerAdded);
if (!store.has(element)) continue;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.length_c) continue;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc));
ls.connected = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
ls.length_c = 0;
if (!ls.length_d) store.delete(element);
out = true;
return out;
function _(i) {
function observerRemoved(removedNodes, is_root) {
let out = false;
for (const element of removedNodes) {
if (is_root) collectChildren(element).then(observerRemoved);
if (!store.has(element)) continue;
const ls = store.get(element);
if (!ls.length_d) continue;
(globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(dispatchRemove(element));
out = true;
return out;
function dispatchRemove(element) {
return () => {
i.isConnected || (i.dispatchEvent(new Event(y)), t.delete(i));
if (element.isConnected) return;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evd));
// src/customElement.js
function Dt(t, e, n, r = it) {
scope: t,
host: (...f) => f.length ? f.forEach((d) => d(t)) : t
}), typeof r == "function" && (r = r.call(t, t));
let o = t[x];
o || ct(t);
let c = n.call(t, r);
return o || t.dispatchEvent(new Event(g)), e.nodeType === 11 && typeof e.mode == "string" && t.addEventListener(y, w.observe(e), { once: !0 }), S.pop(), e.append(c);
function customElementRender(custom_element, target, render, props = observedAttributes2) {
scope: custom_element,
host: (...c) => c.length ? c.forEach((c2) => c2(custom_element)) : custom_element
if (typeof props === "function") props = props.call(custom_element, custom_element);
const is_lte = custom_element[keyLTE];
if (!is_lte) lifecyclesToEvents(custom_element);
const out = render.call(custom_element, props);
if (!is_lte) custom_element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc));
if (target.nodeType === 11 && typeof target.mode === "string")
custom_element.addEventListener(evd, c_ch_o.observe(target), { once: true });
return target.append(out);
function ct(t) {
return W(t.prototype, "connectedCallback", function(e, n, r) {
e.apply(n, r), n.dispatchEvent(new Event(g));
}), W(t.prototype, "disconnectedCallback", function(e, n, r) {
e.apply(n, r), (globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(
() => !n.isConnected && n.dispatchEvent(new Event(y))
function lifecyclesToEvents(class_declaration) {
wrapMethod(class_declaration.prototype, "connectedCallback", function(target, thisArg, detail) {
target.apply(thisArg, detail);
thisArg.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc));
wrapMethod(class_declaration.prototype, "disconnectedCallback", function(target, thisArg, detail) {
target.apply(thisArg, detail);
(globalThis.queueMicrotask || setTimeout)(
() => !thisArg.isConnected && thisArg.dispatchEvent(new Event(evd))
}), W(t.prototype, "attributeChangedCallback", function(e, n, r) {
let [o, , c] = r;
n.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(D, {
detail: [o, c]
})), e.apply(n, r);
}), t.prototype[x] = !0, t;
wrapMethod(class_declaration.prototype, "attributeChangedCallback", function(target, thisArg, detail) {
const [attribute, , value] = detail;
thisArg.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eva, {
detail: [attribute, value]
target.apply(thisArg, detail);
class_declaration.prototype[keyLTE] = true;
return class_declaration;
function W(t, e, n) {
t[e] = new Proxy(t[e] || (() => {
}), { apply: n });
function wrapMethod(obj, method, apply) {
obj[method] = new Proxy(obj[method] || (() => {
}), { apply });
function it(t) {
return F(t, (e, n) => e.getAttribute(n));
function observedAttributes2(instance) {
return observedAttributes(instance, (i, n) => i.getAttribute(n));
// src/events.js
function _t(t, e, n) {
return e || (e = {}), function(o, ...c) {
n && (c.unshift(o), o = typeof n == "function" ? n() : n);
let f = c.length ? new CustomEvent(t, Object.assign({ detail: c[0] }, e)) : new Event(t, e);
return o.dispatchEvent(f);
function dispatchEvent(name, options, host) {
if (!options) options = {};
return function dispatch(element, ...d) {
if (host) {
element = typeof host === "function" ? host() : host;
const event = d.length ? new CustomEvent(name, Object.assign({ detail: d[0] }, options)) : new Event(name, options);
return element.dispatchEvent(event);
function R(t, e, n) {
return function(o) {
return o.addEventListener(t, e, n), o;
function on(event, listener, options) {
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(event, listener, options);
return element;
var G = (t) => Object.assign({}, typeof t == "object" ? t : null, { once: !0 });
R.connected = function(t, e) {
return e = G(e), function(r) {
return r.addEventListener(g, t, e), r[x] ? r : r.isConnected ? (r.dispatchEvent(new Event(g)), r) : (N(e.signal, () => w.offConnected(r, t)) && w.onConnected(r, t), r);
var lifeOptions = (obj) => Object.assign({}, typeof obj === "object" ? obj : null, { once: true });
on.connected = function(listener, options) {
options = lifeOptions(options);
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(evc, listener, options);
if (element[keyLTE]) return element;
if (element.isConnected) return element.dispatchEvent(new Event(evc)), element;
const c = onAbort(options.signal, () => c_ch_o.offConnected(element, listener));
if (c) c_ch_o.onConnected(element, listener);
return element;
R.disconnected = function(t, e) {
return e = G(e), function(r) {
return r.addEventListener(y, t, e), r[x] || N(e.signal, () => w.offDisconnected(r, t)) && w.onDisconnected(r, t), r;
on.disconnected = function(listener, options) {
options = lifeOptions(options);
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(evd, listener, options);
if (element[keyLTE]) return element;
const c = onAbort(options.signal, () => c_ch_o.offDisconnected(element, listener));
if (c) c_ch_o.onDisconnected(element, listener);
return element;
var j = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
R.disconnectedAsAbort = function(t) {
if (j.has(t))
return j.get(t);
let e = new AbortController();
return j.set(t, e), t(R.disconnected(() => e.abort())), e;
var store_abort = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
on.disconnectedAsAbort = function(host) {
if (store_abort.has(host)) return store_abort.get(host);
const a = new AbortController();
store_abort.set(host, a);
host(on.disconnected(() => a.abort()));
return a;
var st = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
R.attributeChanged = function(t, e) {
return typeof e != "object" && (e = {}), function(r) {
if (r.addEventListener(D, t, e), r[x] || st.has(r) || !a.M)
return r;
let o = new a.M(function(f) {
for (let { attributeName: d, target: p } of f)
new CustomEvent(D, { detail: [d, p.getAttribute(d)] })
var els_attribute_store = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
on.attributeChanged = function(listener, options) {
if (typeof options !== "object")
options = {};
return function registerElement(element) {
element.addEventListener(eva, listener, options);
if (element[keyLTE] || els_attribute_store.has(element))
return element;
if (!enviroment.M) return element;
const observer = new enviroment.M(function(mutations) {
for (const { attributeName, target } of mutations)
new CustomEvent(eva, { detail: [attributeName, target.getAttribute(attributeName)] })
return N(e.signal, () => o.disconnect()) && o.observe(r, { attributes: !0 }), r;
const c = onAbort(options.signal, () => observer.disconnect());
if (c) observer.observe(element, { attributes: true });
return element;
export {
O as assign,
z as assignAttribute,
Q as chainableAppend,
Y as classListDeclarative,
k as createElement,
gt as createElementNS,
Dt as customElementRender,
ct as customElementWithDDE,
_t as dispatchEvent,
k as el,
gt as elNS,
tt as elementAttribute,
vt as empty,
ct as lifecyclesToEvents,
it as observedAttributes,
R as on,
V as registerReactivity,
S as scope,
bt as simulateSlots
lifecyclesToEvents as customElementWithDDE,
createElement as el,
createElementNS as elNS,
observedAttributes2 as observedAttributes,

View File

@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ main > *{
--shiki-token-punctuation: var(--code);
--shiki-token-link: #EE0000;
white-space: pre;
tab-size: 2;
overflow: scroll;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ ${host}{
--shiki-token-punctuation: var(--code);
--shiki-token-link: #EE0000;
white-space: pre;
tab-size: 2;${""/* TODO: allow custom tab size?! */}
${""/* TODO: allow custom tab size?! */}
tab-size: 2;
overflow: scroll;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ import {
} from "deka-dom-el";
function ddeComponent(){
return el().append(
el("style", `
.red{ color: firebrick; }
el("p", { className: "red" }).append(
"Hello from ", el("slot", "Custom Element"), "!"
@ -49,12 +52,18 @@ customElementWithDDE(C);
customElements.define(C.tagName, C);
el("style", `
.red{ color: red; }
el(A.tagName).append("Without shadowRoot"),
el(B.tagName).append("Open shadowRoot"),
el(C.tagName).append("Closed shadowRoot"),
el("style", `
.red{ color: crimson; }
console.log(A.tagName, "expect modifications");
document.body.querySelector(A.tagName).querySelector("p").textContent+= " (editable with JS)";
console.log(B.tagName, "expect modifications");
document.body.querySelector(B.tagName).shadowRoot.querySelector("p").textContent+= " (editable with JS)";
console.log(C.tagName, "expect error ↓");
document.body.querySelector(C.tagName).querySelector("p").textContent+= " (editable with JS)";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import {
} from "deka-dom-el";
export class HTMLCustomElement extends HTMLElement{
static tagName= "custom-slotting";
const c= ()=> simulateSlots(this, ddeComponent());
customElementRender(this, this, c);
customElements.define(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, HTMLCustomElement);
function ddeComponent(){
return el().append(
"Hello ", el("slot", "World")
function ddeComponentSlot(){
return simulateSlots(el().append(
"Hello ", el("slot", "World")

View File

@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ export function mnemonic(){
el("code", "lifecyclesToEvents(<class-declaration>)"), " — convert lifecycle methods to events, can be also used as decorator",
el("code", "simulateSlots(<class-instance>, <body>[, <mapper>])"), " — simulate slots for Custom Elements without shadow DOM",
el("code", "simulateSlots(<dde-component>[, <mapper>])"), " — simulate slots for “dde”/functional components",

View File

@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ const references= {
title: t`MDN documentation page for Shadow DOM`,
href: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_shadow_DOM",
/** Shallow DOM on mdn */
mdn_shadow_dom_slot: {
title: t`MDN documentation page for <slot>`,
href: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/slot",
/** Shallow DOM */
shadow_dom_depth: {
title: t`Everything you need to know about Shadow DOM (github repo praveenpuglia/shadow-dom-in-depth)`,
@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ export function page({ pkg, info }){
return el(simplePage, { info, pkg }).append(
el("h2", t`Using web components in combinantion with DDE`),
The DDE library allows for use within ${el("a", references.mdn_web_components).append( el("strong", "Web Components") )}
The DDE library allows for use within ${el("a", references.mdn_web_components).append( el("strong", t`Web Components`) )}
for dom-tree generation. However, in order to be able to use signals (possibly mapping to registered
${el("a", references.mdn_observedAttributes).append( el("code", "observedAttributes") )}) and additional
functionality is (unfortunately) required to use helpers provided by the library.
@ -58,17 +63,22 @@ export function page({ pkg, info }){
el(code, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/customElement/intro.js"), page_id }),
el(h3, t`Custom Elements Introduction`),
Web Components, specifically Custom Elements, are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create
new HTML tags with custom functionality encapsulated within them. This allows for the creation of reusable
components that can be used across web applications.
To start with, lets see how to use native Custom Elements. As starting point please read
${el("a", references.mdn_custom_elements).append( el("strong", "Using Custom Elements"), " on MDN" )}.
${el("a", references.mdn_custom_elements).append( el("strong", t`Using Custom Elements`), t` on MDN` )}.
To sum up and for mnemonic see following code overview:
el(code, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/customElement/native-basic.js"), page_id }),
For more advanced use of Custom Elements, the summary ${el("a", references.custom_elements_tips)
.append( el("strong", t`Handy Custom Elements' Patterns`) )} may be useful. Especially pay attention to
.append( el("strong", t`Handy Custom Elements Patterns`) )} may be useful. Especially pay attention to
linking HTML attributes and defining setters/getters, this is very helpful to use in combination with
the library (${el("code", "el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { customAttribute: \"new-value\" });")}).
the library (${el("code", `el(HTMLCustomElement.tagName, { customAttribute: "${t`new-value`}" });`)}).
Also see the Life Cycle Events sections, very similarly we would like to use
@ -96,12 +106,38 @@ export function page({ pkg, info }){
el(h3, t`Shadow DOM`),
Regarding to ${el("code", "this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })")} see quick overview
${el("a", { textContent: t`Using Shadow DOM`, ...references.mdn_shadow_dom_depth })}. An another source of
information can be ${el("a", { textContent: t`Shadow DOM in Depth`, ...references.shadow_dom_depth })}. To
sum up, there in basic three ways to render component body:
Shadow DOM is a web platform feature that allows for the encapsulation of a components internal DOM tree
from the rest of the document. This means that styles and scripts applied to the document will not affect
the components internal DOM, and vice versa.
el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/customElement/shadowRoot.js"), page_id }),
Regarding to ${el("code", "this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })")} see quick overview
${el("a", { textContent: t`Using Shadow DOM`, ...references.mdn_shadow_dom_depth })}. An another source of
information can be ${el("a", { textContent: t`Shadow DOM in Depth`, ...references.shadow_dom_depth })}.
Besides the encapsulation, the Shadow DOM allows for using the ${el("a", references.mdn_shadow_dom_slot).append(
el("strong", t`<slot>`), t` element(s)`)}. You can simulate this feature using ${el("code", "simulateSlots")}:
el(example, { src: fileURL("./components/examples/customElement/simulateSlots.js"), page_id }),
To sum up:
The use of shadow DOM to encapsulate the internal structure of the custom element, which affects how
the custom element can be styled and modified using JavaScript and CSS.
The ability to access and modify the internal structure of the custom element using JavaScript, which
is affected by the use of shadow DOM and the mode of the shadow DOM.
The use of slots to allow for the insertion of content from the parent document into the custom
element, which is affected by the use of shadow DOM and the mode of the shadow DOM.

View File

@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
import { style, el } from './exports.js';
import { style, el, S } from './exports.js';
import { fullNameComponent } from './components/fullNameComponent.js';
import { todosComponent } from './components/todosComponent.js';
import { CustomHTMLTestElement, CustomSlottingHTMLElement } from "./components/webComponent.js";
import { thirdParty } from "./components/3rd-party.js";
const toggle= S(false);
el("h1", "Experiments:"),
el(CustomHTMLTestElement.tagName, { name: "attr" }),
el(CustomSlottingHTMLElement.tagName, { onclick: ()=> toggle(!toggle()) }).append(
el("strong", { slot: "name", textContent: "Honzo" }),
el("span", "…default slot")
S.el(toggle, is=> is
? el("span", "…default slot")
: el("span", "…custom slot")

index.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap= HTMLElementTagNameMap & CustomElementTagName
type textContent= string | ddeSignal<string>;
export function el<
TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap,
EL extends (TAG extends keyof ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap ? ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG] : HTMLElement)
EL extends ExtendedHTMLElementTagNameMap[TAG]
tag_name: TAG,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<EL> | textContent,
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export function el(
): ddeDocumentFragment
export function el(
tag_name: string,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<HTMLElement>,
attrs?: ElementAttributes<HTMLElement> | textContent,
...addons: ddeElementAddon<HTMLElement>[]
): ddeHTMLElement
@ -101,7 +101,18 @@ export function elNS(
export { elNS as createElementNS }
export function chainableAppend<EL extends SupportedElement>(el: EL): EL;
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(el: EL): EL
* Mapper function (optional). Pass for coppying attributes, this is NOT implemented by {@link simulateSlots} itself!
* */
type simulateSlotsMapper= (body: HTMLSlotElement, el: HTMLElement)=> void;
/** Simulate slots for ddeComponents */
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(root: EL, mapper?: simulateSlotsMapper): EL
* Simulate slots in Custom Elements without using `shadowRoot`.
* @param el Custom Element root element
* @param body Body of the custom element
* */
export function simulateSlots<EL extends SupportedElement | DocumentFragment>(el: HTMLElement, body: EL, mapper?: simulateSlotsMapper): EL
export function dispatchEvent(name: keyof DocumentEventMap | string, options?: EventInit):
(element: SupportedElement, data?: any)=> void;

View File

@ -67,18 +67,23 @@ export function createElement(tag, attributes, ...addons){
import { hasOwn } from "./helpers.js";
/** @param {HTMLElement} element @param {HTMLElement} [root] */
export function simulateSlots(element, root= element, mapper= undefined){
export function simulateSlots(element, root, mapper){
if(typeof root!=="object"){
mapper= root;
root= element;
const _default= Symbol.for("default");
const slots= Array.from(root.querySelectorAll("slot"))
.reduce((out, curr)=> Reflect.set(out, curr.name || _default, curr) && out, {});
const has_d= hasOwn(slots, _default);
element.append= new Proxy(element.append, {
apply(orig, _, els){
if(els[0]===root) return orig.apply(element, els);
if(!els.length) return element;
const d= env.D.createDocumentFragment();
for(const el of els){
if(!el || !el.slot){ if(has_d) d.appendChild(el); continue; }
if(!el || !el.slot){ if(has_d) d.append(el); continue; }
const name= el.slot;
const slot= slots[name];
elementAttribute(el, "remove", "slot");