2025-02-22 14:36:08 +01:00
""" VIM config file | Jan Andrle | 2025-01-08 (VIM >=9.1 AppImage)
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
"" #region B – Base
scriptencoding utf -8 | set encoding = utf -8
2025-02-22 14:36:08 +01:00
set pythonthreedll = /lib/ x86_64 - linux - gnu /libpython3 .12 .so .1 .0
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
let $BASH_ENV = "~/.bashrc"
set runtimepath ^= ~ /.vim/ bundle /*
packadd ! matchit
2025-01-07 10:38:55 +01:00
packadd ! cfilter
let g :ft_man_folding_enable = 1
runtime ! ftplugin /man .vim
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
" set hidden
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
set title
colorscheme codedark
set updatetime = 300 lazyredraw ttyfast " Having longer updatetime (default is 4s) leads to noticeable delays and poor user experience. Also reduce redraw frequency and fast terminal typing
set noerrorbells novisualbell
set belloff = esc
set confirm
set guioptions - = T
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
set shortmess - = i
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
cabbrev < expr > %PWD % execute ( 'pwd' )
cabbrev < expr > %CD % fnameescape ( expand ( '%:p:h' ) )
cabbrev < expr > %CS % mini_enhancement #selectedText ( )
cabbrev < expr > %CW % expand ( '<cword>' )
let mapleader = "\\"
" better for my keyboard, but maybe use `:help keymap`?
nnoremap § @
nnoremap §§ @@
nnoremap ů ;
nnoremap ; :
nnoremap < leader > u U
nnoremap U < c - r >
nnoremap ž < c - ]>
nnoremap < c - up > < c - y >
nnoremap < c - down > < c - e >
" <c-bs>
imap < c - w >
cmap < c - w >
if has ( "patch-8.1.0360" )
set diffopt + = algorithm :patience , indent - heuristic | endif
set diffopt + = iwhite
augroup vimrc_help
autocmd !
autocmd BufEnter *.txt if &buftype = = 'help' | wincmd L | vertical resize 90 | endif
augroup END
""" #region BB – Build-in plugins
" https://github.com/rbtnn/vim-gloaded/blob/master/plugin/gloaded.vim
let g :loaded_vimballPlugin = 1 " :h pi_vimball … for plugin creators
let g :vifm_replace_netrw = 1 | let g :loaded_netrw = 1 | let g :loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 " this line needs to be commented to let vim dowmload spelllangs!!! … see http://jdem.cz/fgyw25
""" #endregion BB
"" #endregion B
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
"" #region H – Helpers
2025-01-07 10:38:55 +01:00
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
command ! - nargs = ? CLscratch 10 split | enew | setlocal buftype = nofile bufhidden = wipe noswapfile nobuflisted | if < q - args > ! = '' | execute 'normal "' .< q - args > .'p' | endif | nnoremap < buffer > ;q :q < cr >
cabbrev ALTR ALTredrawSyntax
command ! - nargs = 0
\ ALTredrawSyntax edit | exec 'normal `"' | exec 'set ft=' .&ft
let g :quickfix_len = 0
function ! QuickFixStatus ( ) abort
hi ! link User1 StatusLine
if ! g :quickfix_len | return 'Ø' | endif
if g :quickfix_len > 0 | return g :quickfix_len | endif
let type = &termguicolors ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
execute 'hi! User1 ' .type .'bg=' .synIDattr ( synIDtrans ( hlID ( 'StatusLine' ) ) , 'bg' ) .
\' ' .type .'fg=' .synIDattr ( synIDtrans ( hlID ( 'WarningMsg' ) ) , 'fg' )
return - g :quickfix_len
function ! s :QuickFixCmdPost ( ) abort
let q_len = len ( getqflist ( ) )
let g :quickfix_len = q_len ? - q_len : len ( getloclist ( 0 ) )
augroup quickfix
autocmd !
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * call < sid > QuickFixCmdPost ( )
augroup END
"" #endregion H
"" #region SLH – Status Line + Command Line + History (general) + Sessions + File Update, …
set showcmd cmdheight = 2 showmode
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
set wildmenu wildoptions = pum , fuzzy
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
"" wildmode=list:longest,list:full " Tab autocomplete in command mode
cabbrev wbw w < bar > bw
set sessionoptions - = options
2025-01-07 10:38:55 +01:00
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
command ! - nargs = 1
\ CLSESSIONcreate :call mini_sessions #create ( < f - args > )
command ! - nargs = 0
\ CLSESSIONconfig :call mini_sessions #sessionConfig ( )
command ! - nargs = 1 - complete = customlist , mini_sessions #complete
\ CLSESSIONload :call mini_sessions #load ( < f - args > )
command ! - nargs = 0
\ Scd :call mini_sessions #recoverPwd ( )
if ! has ( "gui_running" )
execute 'hi! User2 ctermbg=' .synIDattr ( synIDtrans ( hlID ( 'StatusLine' ) ) , 'bg' ) .' ctermfg=grey' | endif
set laststatus = 2 " Show status line on startup
set statusline + = ··%1 *≡·%{QuickFixStatus ( ) }%*··%2 *»·%{user_tips #current ( ) }%*··%=
set statusline + = %< %f %R \%M ··▶·%{&fileformat }·%{&fileencoding ?&fileencoding :&encoding }·%{&filetype }··∷·%{mini_sessions #name ( '– ' ) }··
set history = 500 " How many lines of (cmd) history has to remember
set nobackup nowritebackup noswapfile " …there is issue #649 (for servers) and I’ m using git/system backups
set undodir = ~ /.vim/ undodir undofile | catch | endtry
command ! CLundotree UndotreeToggle | echo 'Use also :undolist :earlier :later' | UndotreeFocus
command ! SETundoClear let old_undolevels = &undolevels | set undolevels = -1 | exe "normal a \<BS>\<Esc>" | let &undolevels = old_undolevels | unlet old_undolevels | write
"" #endregion SLH
"" #region LLW – Left Column + Line + Wrap + Scrolling
if has ( "nvim-0.5.0" ) | | has ( "patch-8.1.1564" ) " Recently vim can merge signcolumn and number column into one
set signcolumn = number | else | set signcolumn = yes | endif " show always to prevent shifting when diagnosticappears
set cursorline cursorcolumn " Always show current position
set number foldcolumn = 2 " enable line numbers and add a bit extra margin to the left
set colorcolumn = + 1 " …marker visual
2025-01-07 10:38:55 +01:00
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
command - nargs = ? SETtextwidth if < q - args > | let &textwidth = < q - args > | let &colorcolumn = '<args>,120,240' | else | let &textwidth = 250 | let &colorcolumn = '120,240' | endif
SETtextwidth " wraping lines and show two lines
set nowrap " Don't wrap long lines by default
set breakindent breakindentopt = shift :2 showbreak = ↳
set scrolloff = 5 sidescrolloff = 10 " offset for lines/columns when scrolling
"" #endregion LLW
"" #region CN – Clipboard + Navigation throught Buffers + Windows + … (CtrlP)
set pastetoggle = < F2 > | nnoremap < F2 > :set invpaste paste ?< CR >
2025-01-07 14:21:11 +01:00
function ! JaaCopyRegister ( )
echo "Copy content of the register: "
let sourceReg = nr2char ( getchar ( ) )
if sourceReg ! ~ # '\v^[a-z0-9"*+]'
echon sourceReg ." – invalid register"
echon sourceReg ."\ninto the register: "
let destinationReg = nr2char ( getchar ( ) )
if destinationReg ! ~ # '\v^[a-z0-9"*+]'
echon destinationReg ." – invalid register"
call setreg ( destinationReg , getreg ( sourceReg , 1 ) )
echon destinationReg
nnoremap < silent > < leader > " :call JaaCopyRegister ( ) < cr >
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
nmap < expr > š buffer_number ( "#" ) = = -1 ? "\<leader>š<cr>" : "\<c-^>"
nmap < leader > 3 :buffers < cr > :b < space >
nmap < leader > š :CtrlPBuffer < cr >
nmap č < leader > š
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
let g :ctrlp_map = 'ě'
command ! - nargs = ? SETctrlp execute 'nnoremap ' .g :ctrlp_map .' :CtrlP <args><cr>'
let g :ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 0
let g :ctrlp_prompt_mappings = {
\ 'ToggleType(1)' : ['<c-up>' ],
\ 'ToggleType(-1)' : ['<c-down>' ],
\ 'PrtCurStart()' : ['<c-b>' ],
"" #endregion CN
"" #region FOS – File(s) + Openning + Saving
set autowrite autoread | autocmd FocusGained , BufEnter *.* checktime
set modeline
2025-01-07 14:21:11 +01:00
function ! JaaAppendModeline ( additional = 0 )
let l :modeline = printf ( " vim: set tabstop=%d shiftwidth=%d textwidth=%d %sexpandtab :" ,
\ &tabstop , &shiftwidth , &textwidth , &expandtab ? '' : 'no' )
let l :modeline = substitute ( &commentstring , "%s" , l :modeline , "" )
call append ( line ( "$" ) , l :modeline )
if ! a :additional | return 0 | endif
if &foldmethod = = "marker"
let l :modeline = printf ( " vim>60: set foldmethod=marker foldmarker=%s :" ,
\ &foldmarker )
elseif &foldmethod = = "indent"
let l :modeline = printf ( " vim>60: set foldmethod=indent foldlevel=%d foldnestmax=%d:" ,
\ &foldlevel , &foldnestmax )
return 0
let l :modeline = substitute ( &commentstring , "%s" , l :modeline , "" )
call append ( line ( "$" ) , l :modeline )
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
set path + = src /**,app/ **, build /** " File matching for `:find`
for ignore in [ '.git' , '.npm' , 'node_modules' ]
exec ':set wildignore+=**' .ignore .'**'
exec ':set wildignore+=**/' .ignore .'/**'
set wildignore + = *.bmp , *.gif , *.ico , *.jpg , *.png , *.ico
set wildignore + = *.pdf , *.psd
nmap < leader > e :Vifm < cr >
nnoremap gx :silent exec "!xdg-open '" .shellescape ( substitute ( expand ( '<cfile>' ) , '?' , '\\?' , '' ) , 1 ) ."'" \| redraw ! < cr >
vnoremap gx :silent exec "!xdg-open '" .shellescape ( substitute ( mini_enhancement #selectedText ( ) , '?' , '\\?' , '' ) , 1 ) ."'" \| redraw ! < cr >
"" #endregion FOS
"" #region EN – Editor navigation + search
2024-11-29 16:09:45 +01:00
set grepprg = LC_ALL = C \ grep \ - HRIns
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
set hlsearch incsearch " highlight search, start when typing
if maparg ( '<C-L>' , 'n' ) = = # ''
nnoremap < silent > < c - l > :nohlsearch < c - r > = has ( 'diff' ) ?'<bar>diffupdate' :'' < cr > < cr > < c - l > | endif
let g :markbar_persist_mark_names = v :false
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
let g :markbar_cache_with_hidden_buffers = v :false " last buffers are reopened as hidden https://github.com/Yilin-Yang/vim-markbar/blob/9f5a948d44652074bf2b90d3da6a400d8a369ba5/doc/vim-markbar.txt#L136
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
nmap < Leader > m < Plug > ToggleMarkbar
"" #endregion EN
"" #region EA – Editing adjustment + Syntax + White chars + Folds
" use <c-v>§ for §
inoremap § < esc >
set nrformats - = octal
let g :htl_css_templates = 1
let g :markdown_fenced_languages = [ 'javascript' , 'js=javascript' , 'json' , 'html' , 'php' , 'bash' , 'vim' , 'vimscript=javascript' , 'sass' ]
augroup conceal
autocmd !
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
au FileType markdown
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
\ syn region markdownLink matchgroup = markdownLinkDelimiter start = "(" end = ")" contains = markdownUrl keepend contained conceal
\| syn region markdownLinkText matchgroup = markdownLinkTextDelimiter start = "!\=\[\%(\%(\_[^][]\|\[\_[^][]*\]\)*]\%( \=[[(]\)\)\@=" end = "\]\%( \=[[(]\)\@=" nextgroup = markdownLink , markdownId skipwhite contains = @markdownInline , markdownLineStart concealends
au FileType markdown , json
\ setlocal conceallevel = 2
augroup END
augroup convenient
autocmd FileType markdown , text setlocal keywordprg = dict
autocmd FileType git , gitcommit setlocal foldmethod = syntax foldlevel = 1
augroup END
" PARENTHESES plugin junegunn/rainbow_parentheses.vim
let g :rainbow #pairs = [['(' , ')' ], ['[' , ']' ], [ '{' , '}' ]]
let g :rainbow #blacklist = [203 , 9 ]
autocmd VimEnter * try
\| call rainbow_parentheses #toggle ( ) | catch | endtry
" HIGHLIGHT&YANK plugins machakann/vim-highlightedyank & cwordhi.vim
let g :highlightedyank_highlight_duration = 250
let g :cwordhi #autoload = 1
set showmatch " Quick highlight oppening bracket/… for currently writted
set timeoutlen = 1000 ttimeoutlen = 0 " Remove timeout when hitting escape TAB
if v :version > 703 | | v :version = = 703 && has ( "patch541" )
set formatoptions + = j | endif " Delete comment character when joining commented lines
set smarttab
2025-01-07 10:38:55 +01:00
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
command ! - nargs = 1 SETtab let &shiftwidth = < q - args > | let &tabstop = < q - args > | let &softtabstop = < q - args >
SETtab 4
set backspace = indent , eol , start " Allow cursor keys in insert mode: http://vi.stackexchange.com/a/2163
set shiftround autoindent " round diff shifts to the base of n*shiftwidth, https://stackoverflow.com/a/18415867
filetype plugin indent on
if ( $TERM = ~ '256' && has ( "termguicolors" ) )
set termguicolors | endif
if ( &t_Co > 2 | | has ( "gui_running" ) ) && ! exists ( "syntax_on" )
syntax on | endif
set list listchars = tab :»·, trail :·, extends :#, nbsp :~ , space :· " Highlight spec. chars / Display extra whitespace
augroup syntax_sync_min_lines
autocmd !
autocmd Syntax * syn sync minlines = 2000
augroup END
let g :vim_vue_plugin_config = { 'foldexpr' : 1 , 'attribute' : 1 , 'keyword' : 1 }
if ! has ( "gui_running" )
hi clear SpellBad | hi SpellBad cterm = underline , italic | endif
command ! - nargs = ? SETspell if < q - args > = = &spelllang | | < q - args > = = '' | set spell ! | else | set spell | set spelllang = < args > | endif | if &spell | set spelllang | endif
nnoremap < leader > o o < space > < bs > < esc >
nnoremap < leader > O O < space > < bs > < esc >
nnoremap < s - k > a < cr > < esc >
for l in [ 'y' , 'p' , 'P' , 'd' ] | for m in [ 'n' , 'v' ]
execute m .'noremap <leader>' .l .' "+' .l | endfor | endfor
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
" TODO DEL: command! -nargs=0 SETFOLDregions set foldmethod=marker
" TODO DEL: command! -nargs=1 SETFOLDindent set foldmethod=indent | let &foldlevel=<q-args> | let &foldnestmax=<q-args>+1
" TODO DEL: command! -nargs=* SETFOLDindents set foldmethod=indent | let &foldlevel=split(<q-args>, ' ')[0] | let &foldnestmax=split(<q-args>, ' ')[1]
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
set foldmarker = #region , #endregion
set viewoptions = cursor , folds
augroup remember__view
autocmd !
autocmd BufWinLeave *.* if &buflisted | mkview | endif
autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent ! loadview
augroup END
"" #endregion EA
"" #region GIT
function s :gitCompletion ( _ , CmdLine , __ )
let l :cmd = a :CmdLine - > split ( )
let l :cmd_start = l :cmd [0 ]
\ - > substitute ( 'GIThub' , 'gh' , '' )
\ - > substitute ( 'GIT' , 'git ' , '' ) - > trim ( ) - > split ( ' ' )
return bash #complete ( ( l :cmd_start + l :cmd [1 :]) - > join ( ) )
function s :gitCmd ( candidate )
execute '!clear && echo ":: git ' .a :candidate - > escape ( '"' ) .' ::" && git ' .a :candidate
command ! - nargs = * - complete = customlist , < sid > gitCompletion
\ GIT call < sid > gitCmd ( < q - args > )
command ! - nargs = * - complete = customlist , < sid > gitCompletion
\ GITstatus ! git status - - < args >
command ! - nargs = * - complete = customlist , < sid > gitCompletion
2025-02-22 14:36:08 +01:00
\ GITcommit ! git commit - - interactive - v < args >
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
command ! - nargs = * - complete = customlist , < sid > gitCompletion
\ GITpush ! git push < args >
command ! - nargs = * - complete = customlist , < sid > gitCompletion
\ GITdiff if < q - args > = = '' | execute '!clear && git diff %:p' | else | silent ! execute '!git diff <args>' | endif
command ! - nargs = *
\ GITrestore execute '!clear && git status ' .( < q - args > = = '.' ? '%:p' :'<args>' ) .' -bs & git restore ' .( < q - args > = = '' ? '%:p' :'<args>' ) .' --patch'
command ! - nargs = * - complete = customlist , < sid > gitCompletion
\ GIThub execute '!clear && echo ":: gh ' .< q - args > - > escape ( '"' ) .' ::" && gh ' .< q - args >
command ! - nargs = ?
\ GIThubIssue execute '!clear && gh issue view ' .expand ( '<cword>' ) .' ' .< q - args >
let g :git_messenger_no_default_mappings = v :true
let g :git_messenger_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d (%c)'
let g :git_messenger_always_into_popup = v :true
augroup git_messenger_help
autocmd !
autocmd FileType gitmessengerpopup setlocal keywordprg = git \ show
augroup END
"" #endregion GIT
2025-01-07 10:38:55 +01:00
"" #region AI
let g :codeium_disable_bindings = 1
imap < script > < silent > < nowait > < expr > < f3 > < f3 > codeium #Accept ( )
imap < script > < silent > < nowait > < expr > < f3 > < w > codeium #AcceptNextWord ( )
imap < script > < silent > < nowait > < expr > < f3 > < j > codeium #AcceptLine ( )
imap < f3 > n < Cmd > call codeium #CycleCompletions ( 1 ) < CR >
imap < f3 > N < Cmd > call codeium #CycleCompletions ( -1 ) < CR >
imap < f3 > d < Cmd > call codeium #Clear ( ) < CR >
imap < f3 > ! < Cmd > call codeium #Complete ( ) < CR >
"" #endregion AI
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
"" #region COC – COC and so on, compilers, code/commands completions
2024-06-18 16:54:59 +02:00
let g :coc_global_extensions = ['coc-css' , 'coc-docthis' , 'coc-emmet' , 'coc-emoji' , 'coc-pretty-ts-errors' , 'coc-eslint' , 'coc-gitmoji' , 'coc-html' , 'coc-json' , 'coc-marketplace' , 'coc-phpls' , 'coc-sh' , 'coc-snippets' , 'coc-styled-components' , 'coc-svg' , 'coc-tabnine' , 'coc-tsserver' ]
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
" https://github.com/antonk52/cssmodules-language-server
call coc #config ( 'languageserver.cssmodules' , {
\ "command" : "cssmodules-language-server" ,
\ "initializationOptions" : {"camelCase" : "dashes" },
\ "filetypes" : ["javascript" , "javascriptreact" , "typescript" , "typescriptreact" ],
\ "requireRootPattern" : 0 ,
\ "settings" : {}
\ })
autocmd FileType scss setl iskeyword + = @- @
function ! CustomKeyWord ( word )
if ( a :word = = "gulp_place" )
highlight link gulp_place ErrorMsg
syntax match gulp_place "gulp_place"
augroup gulp_place
autocmd !
autocmd BufEnter *.{js , html } syntax match gulp_place "gulp_place"
augroup END
return 0
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
set completeopt = menuone , longest , preview "longest vs ,noinsert,noselect
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
inoremap < silent > < expr > < F1 > coc #pum #visible ( ) ? coc #pum #confirm ( ) : coc #refresh ( )
set wildcharm = < f1 >
inoremap < silent > < expr > < tab > coc #pum #visible ( ) ? coc #pum #next ( 1 ) : < sid > check_back_space ( ) ? "\<tab>" : coc #refresh ( )
inoremap < silent > < expr > < s - tab > coc #pum #visible ( ) ? coc #pum #prev ( 1 ) : "\<c-h>"
function ! s :check_back_space ( ) abort
let col = col ( '.' ) - 1
return ! col | | getline ( '.' ) [col - 1 ] = ~ # '\s'
nmap < silent > gd < Plug > ( coc - definition )
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
command ! - nargs = * - complete = customlist , < sid > SCommandCocActionComplete CocAction call CocActionAsync ( < f - args > )
function s :SCommandCocActionComplete ( argLead , cmdLine , cursorPos )
return readfile ( expand ( '~/.vim/pack/coc/start/coc.nvim/doc/tags' ) , 'r' )
\- > filter ( 'v:val =~ ''^CocAction''' )
\- > map ( { k , v - > strpart ( v , 11 , stridx ( v , ')' ) -12 ) })
\- > filter ( { k , v - > v = ~ a :argLead && ! v - > empty ( ) })
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
" navigate diagnostics, use `:CocDiagnostics` to get all diagnostics of current buffer in location list.
nnoremap < silent > gh :call < sid > show_documentation ( expand ( "<cword>" ) ) < cr >
vnoremap < silent > gh :< c - u > call < sid > show_documentation ( mini_enhancement #selectedText ( ) ) < cr >
nnoremap < leader > gf :let g :ctrlp_default_input = expand ( "<cword>" ) < bar > execute 'CtrlP' < bar > unlet g :ctrlp_default_input < cr >
vnoremap < leader > gf :< c - u > let g :ctrlp_default_input = mini_enhancement #selectedText ( ) < bar > execute 'CtrlP' < bar > unlet g :ctrlp_default_input < cr >
""" #region COCP – Coc popups scroll (Remap <C-f> and <C-b> for scroll float windows/popups.)
if has ( 'nvim-0.4.0' ) | | has ( 'patch-8.2.0750' )
nnoremap < silent > < nowait > < expr > < C - f > coc #float #has_scroll ( ) ? coc #float #scroll ( 1 ) : "\<C-f>"
nnoremap < silent > < nowait > < expr > < C - b > coc #float #has_scroll ( ) ? coc #float #scroll ( 0 ) : "\<C-b>"
inoremap < silent > < nowait > < expr > < C - f > coc #float #has_scroll ( ) ? "\<c-r>=coc#float#scroll(1)\<cr>" : "\<Right>"
inoremap < silent > < nowait > < expr > < C - b > coc #float #has_scroll ( ) ? "\<c-r>=coc#float#scroll(0)\<cr>" : "\<Left>"
vnoremap < silent > < nowait > < expr > < C - f > coc #float #has_scroll ( ) ? coc #float #scroll ( 1 ) : "\<C-f>"
vnoremap < silent > < nowait > < expr > < C - b > coc #float #has_scroll ( ) ? coc #float #scroll ( 0 ) : "\<C-b>"
""" #endregion COCP
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
command ! - nargs = ? CLhelpMy if < q - args > ! = '' | exec 'map ' .< q - args > | else | call popup_notification ( [
\ 'Custom mappings starting: ' .mapleader .',§, ů, ;, U, ž' ,
\ 'Custom commands starting: CL, SET, ALT, CtrlP, Vifm, GIT, Coc' ,
\ 'Helpful commands: CocAction, CocCommand, CocList' ,
\], #{ line : &lines -3 , pos : 'botleft' , moved : 'any' , close : 'button' , time : 6000 }) | endif
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
nnoremap < c - g > :CLwhereami < cr >
command ! CLwhereami :call popup_notification ( [
\expand ( '%:t' ) .( coc #status ( ) ! = "" ? '/' .CocAction ( "getCurrentFunctionSymbol" ) ."\t…\t" .coc #status ( ) : '' ) ,
\"– – – " ,
\"Line:\t" .line ( '.' ) .' / ' .line ( '$' ) ,
\"Column:\t" .col ( '.' ) .' / ' .col ( '$' ) ,
\"Path:\t" .expand ( '%:p:h' )
2024-08-01 16:45:19 +02:00
\], #{ line : &lines -3 , pos : 'botleft' , moved : 'any' , close : 'button' , time : 6000 })
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
command ! CLhelpCocPlug call feedkeys ( ':<c-u>help <Plug>(coc ' , 'tn' )
command ! CLhelpCocAction call feedkeys ( ':<c-u>help CocAction('' ' , 'tn' )
command ! - nargs = ? - bang
\ CLreplace call feedkeys ( ':<c-u>' .( < q - args > = = '' ?'.' :< q - args > ) .'s/' .( "<bang>" = = '!' ?mini_enhancement #selectedText ( ) :expand ( '<cword>' ) ) .'//cg OD OD OD' , 'tn' )
command ! CLrepeatLastChange call feedkeys ( '/\V<C-r>"<CR>cgn<C-a><Esc>' , 'tn' )
command ! CLjshintGlobal normal yiwmm ?\/\* global < cr > < c - l > f *hi , p `m
function ! AIcodeFn ( range , ...) range abort
let l :instruction = 'Hi, can you help me with ' . &filetype . 'code? Thanks in advance. I would like to: '
if a :0
let l :instruction = l :instruction . a :1
if a :range
'<,' > call vim_ai #AIRun ( a :range , {}, l :instruction )
call vim_ai #AIRun ( a :range , {}, l :instruction )
command ! - range - nargs = ? AIcode < line1 > , < line2 > call AIcodeFn ( < range > , < f - args > )
vnoremap < f1 > :AI < f1 >
nnoremap < f1 > :AI < f1 >
command ! - nargs = ?
\ CLcheat call cheat_copilot #open ( < q - args > = = '' ?&filetype :< q - args > )
function ! s :show_documentation ( word )
if ( index ( ['vim' , 'help' ], &filetype ) > = 0 )
" inspired by https://github.com/tpope/vim-scriptease/blob/74bd5bf46a63b982b100466f9fd47d2d0597fcdd/autoload/scriptease.vim#L737
let syn = get ( reverse ( map ( synstack ( line ( '.' ) , col ( '.' ) ) , 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")' ) ) , 0 , '' )
if syn = = # 'vimFuncName' | return < sid > show_documentation_vim ( 'h ' .a :word .'()' )
elseif syn = = # 'vimOption' | return < sid > show_documentation_vim ( "h '" .a :word ."'" )
elseif syn = = # 'vimUserAttrbKey' | return < sid > show_documentation_vim ( 'h :command-' .a :word )
let col = col ( '.' ) - 1
while col && getline ( '.' ) [col ] = ~ # '\k' | let col - = 1 | endwhile
let pre = col = = 0 ? '' : getline ( '.' ) [0 : col ]
let col = col ( '.' ) - 1
while col && getline ( '.' ) [col ] = ~ # '\k' | let col + = 1 | endwhile
if pre = ~ # '^\s*:\=$' | return < sid > show_documentation_vim ( 'h :' .a :word )
elseif pre = ~ # '\<v:$' | return < sid > show_documentation_vim ( 'h v:' .a :word )
let post = getline ( '.' ) [col : -0 ]
if a :word = = # 'v' && post = ~ # ':\w\+' | return < sid > show_documentation_vim ( 'h v' .matchstr ( post , ':\w\+' ) ) | endif
return < sid > show_documentation_vim ( 'h ' .a :word )
if ( ! CocAction ( 'hasProvider' , 'hover' ) )
2025-01-07 10:38:55 +01:00
if &filetype = = 'man' | call dist #man #PreGetPage ( 0 ) | return 0 | endif
2024-02-19 16:07:53 +01:00
return feedkeys ( 'K' , 'in' )
if &filetype = = 'html' && coc #source #custom_elements #hover ( a :word ) ! = 0
return 0
return CocActionAsync ( 'doHover' )
function ! s :show_documentation_vim ( cmd )
call execute ( a :cmd ) | call histadd ( "cmd" , a :cmd )
"" #endregion COC
" vim: set textwidth=250 :
" vim>60: set foldmethod=marker foldmarker=#region,#endregion :