⚡ silicon
create code screenshots
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ see for example [How to Store Dotfiles - A Bare Git Repository \| Atlassian Git
## PC log (cs)
Sekce obsahuje log změn v Tuxedo laptopu s KDE Neon.
- [Aloxaf/silicon: Create beautiful image of your source code.](https://github.com/Aloxaf/silicon) {DONE <2024-03-07> *utils* agenda}$
### KDE Neon 6.0 (22.04)
{NEXT <2024-03-20> *tilling* *hud* *html-wallpaper* *virtual-desktop* *klipper* agenda}$
@ -2,7 +2,36 @@
/* jshint esversion: 11,-W097, -W040, module: true, node: true, expr: true, undef: true *//* global echo, $, pipe, s, fetch, cyclicLoop */
.command("silicon [file]", [
"Generovat obrázek s kódem pro sdílení na sociálních sítích. (alternativa k Carbon)",
"Toto je jen drobný wrapper s mými defaultními parametry.",
"Další nápověda viz `silicon --help`.",
.option("--range", "Select lines from file in the form `start:end`")
.option("--font-size, --fs", "Font size", 25)
.action(function silicon(file, { range, fs, ["font-size"]: _fs, _, ...args }){
args= Object.assign({
theme: "OneHalfDark",
font: `Ubuntu Mono =${fs}`,
background: "#f06d78",
["shadow-blur-radius"]: 30,
["tab-width"]: 2
}, args);
args= Object.keys(args).flatMap(key=> [ "--"+key, args[key] ]);
let from= file;
const index_ext= file.lastIndexOf(".");
const output= !file ? "silicon.png" : file.slice(0, index_ext+1)+"png";
if(range && typeof range=== "string" && range.includes(":")){
from= $.xdg.temp`silicon-range${file.slice(index_ext)}`;
const content= s.$().cat(file).toString().split(/\r?\n/).slice(...range.split(":").map(n=> parseInt(n)+1));
s.run`silicon ${from} --output ${output} --window-title ${file} ${args}`;
echo(`Generated ${output}`);
if(from!== file) s.rm(from);
.command("textInImage [file]", "Generovat obrázek s textem pro sdílení na sociálních sítích.")
.option("--pointsize", "Text size", "62")
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